Part I. Essayful
For most of human history, the bibliography of a writing life was brutish and short, often curtailed by one (or more) of the Four Horsemen. Geography, too, played an obstructive role. Tragically often, vast swathes of space and time stood between the right book and right reader, the right writer. Who knows how many Shakespeares or Steinbecks never stumbled upon the Muse, deprived of greatness by a poorly-stocked bookshop or badly-stacked shelf.
With the rise of Internet, however, spacetime has conspired against the hungry writer from the opposite flank. As Newton fell before Einstein, the linear world of library aisles and bookshelves has collapsed into a flat circle—everything, everywhere, all at once.
The famine has become a feast, though one of Borgesian proportions. Thus, with a frustration reminiscent of Midas with the golden touch, or Tantalus torn between water and grapes, the hungry writer remains so.
Digitalized classics, Kindle bestsellers, style manuals, academic journals, literary magazines, writerly memoirs, obscure blogs, old interviews, Twitter threads, Reddit posts… No longer confined to a secondhand copy of Paris Review or the newest edition of Strunk and White, the student of writing now stands before a tyranny of choice: paralyzed, perplexed. Where to begin?
Enter, Essayful—a new home for writing, whose purpose is not to become the place to which all roads lead, but the place from which all roads can be travelled.
Not a manifesto, but a map.
II. The Origins
The forthcoming tower of books and articles (1,703 books, 2,667 articles, and counting) has been under construction for a little under a decade. It began during my time studying English at Trinity College Dublin, continued during my time researching New Media at the University of Amsterdam, and has devoured my time ever since. Its origins? Entirely private, entirely pragmatic: merely a means of becoming a better writer than everyone around me, everyone up ahead. So, rest assured: every book and article has been carefully read by me, calculatedly researched for me, or convincingly recommended to me. There are no partisan inclusions, no partisan exclusions: everything is on the table.
Most of the literature deals with writing directly, some does so obliquely—but such is life; modern life, particularly. Thus, the bibliography errs on the side of the polymath.
Interdisciplinary times call for interdisciplinary measures, after all.
The bibliography consists of twenty sections, whose contents are arranged alphabetically: at least, for now. The thought of ranking each book and article did cross my mind, but second thoughts—of hubris and humility, mostly—crossed soon thereafter.
Thus, for the time being, I have limited myself to removing the lowest rung of literature from the list (the pulp nonfiction, as it were), opening each section with “Five of the Greatest” books and papers, whilst making note of other particularly notable works with an emboldened lemniscate (∞).
To conclude, then, a note on the future of the bibliography, which will serve as the epistemic foundation for Essayful as a whole—a touchstone for every Substack essay and Twitter post to come.
For though construction nears completion, renovations will follow. Herein lies the beauty of Substack: a platform that allows for liquid, living documents. Today, as I write, a few hundred books and articles are marked with a checked box (☒), while a few thousand are marked with an empty one (☐). Over the coming months and years, however, as I read, the number of books neighboured by a triumphal ☒ will rise, stealthily as a tide. My prolificacy—or lack thereof—will be visible for all to see. Moreover, as long as new books are written, old papers rediscovered, the bibliography will grow and grow fitter, evolving with the times.
Evolution does not look fondly on closed systems, however. Thus, the bibliography will remain forever open to the wisdom of fellow readers and writers. Suggestions, questions, commentary, criticism: all forms of feedback are not only welcome, but wished for. If the comments below come to hold as much value as the bibliography above, hallelujah.
III. The Bibliography of a Writing Life
Feel free to scroll, but the superscripted numbers below may save you a little time; a keyword search for a given writer or concept may save you a little more. That is the purpose of Essayful, after all.
| I. Academia & Science | 1 | 47 books, 76 articles |
| II. Art & Aesthetics | 2 | 163 books, 190 articles |
| III. Comedy & Affect | 3 | 36 books, 124 articles |
| IV. Composition & Craft | 4 | 86 books, 143 articles |
| V. Creativity & Invention | 5 | 87 books, 306 articles |
| VI. Culture & Civilization | 6 | 37 books, 78 articles |
| VII. Language & Meaning | 7 | 80 books, 218 articles |
| VIII. Literature & Criticism | 8 | 263 books, 209 articles |
| IX. Nature & Mind | 9 | 69 books, 65 articles |
| X. New Media & Technology | 10 | 65 books, 252 articles |
| XI. Nonfiction & Text | 11 | 51 books, 53 articles |
| XII. Philosophy & Miscellanea | 12 | 186 books, 37 articles |
| XIII. Poetry & Lyric | 13 | 62 books, 123 articles |
| XIV. Publishing & Print | 14 | 19 books, 11 articles |
| XV. Reading & Design | 15 | 77 books, 142 articles |
| XVI. Rhetoric & Speech | 16 | 50 books, 91 articles |
| XVII. Screenwriting & Drama | 17 | 43 books, 92 articles |
| XVIII. Story & Fiction | 18 | 205 books, 397 articles |
| XIX. Style & Prose | 19 | 54 books, 31 articles |
| XX. Syntax & Grammar | 20 | 26 books, 28 articles |
I. Academia & Science |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb & Joseph M. Williams - The Craft of Research (1995) |
| No. 2 | Helen Sword - Stylish Academic Writing (2012) |
| No. 3 | Michael Harvey - The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing (2003) |
| No. 4 | Cathy Birkenstein & Gerald Graff - They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (2005) |
| No. 5 | Umberto Eco - How to Write a Thesis (1977) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Aliotta, Marialuisa - Mastering Academic Writing in the Sciences: A Step by Step Guide (2018) |
| ☐ | Alley, Michael - The Craft of Scientific Writing (1987) |
| ☐ | Altick, Richard D. - The Art of Literary Research (1963) |
| ☐ | Armstrong, J. Scott & Kesten C. Green - The Scientific Method: A Guide to Finding Useful Knowledge (2022) |
| ☒ | Barzun, Jacques & Henry F. Graff - The Modern Researcher (1957) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Becker, Howard S. - Tricks of the Trade: How to Think About Your Research While You’re Doing It (1998) |
| ☐ | Bedau, Hugo - Thinking and Writing about Philosophy (1996) |
| ☐ | Belcher, Wendy Laura - Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success (2009) |
| ☐ | Beveridge, W. I. B. - The Art of Scientific Investigation (1951) |
| ☐ | Billig, Michael - Learn to Write Badly: How to Succeed in the Social Sciences (2013) |
| ☒ | Birkenstein, Cathy & Gerald Graff - They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (2005) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bloch, Marc - The Historian’s Craft (1949) |
| ☒ | Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb & Joseph M. Williams - The Craft of Research (1995) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bredekamp, Horst, Vera Dünkel & Birgit Schneider eds. - The Technical Image: A History of Styles in Scientific Imagery (2015) |
| ☐ | Cowles, Henry M. - The Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey (2020) |
| ☐ | Crider, Scott F. - The Office of Assertion: An Art of Rhetoric for the Academic Essay (2005) |
| ☐ | Danto Arthur, C. - Narration and Knowledge (1985) |
| ☐ | Davis, Chandler, Marjorie Wikler Senechal & Jan Zwicky eds. - The Shape of Content: Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science (2008) |
| ☐ | Denscombe, Martyn - Research Proposals: A Practical Guide (2012) |
| ☒ | Eco, Umberto - How to Write a Thesis (1977) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Gillman, Leonard - Writing Mathematics Well: A Manual for Authors (1987) |
| ☐ | Gorrell, Nancy & Erin Colfax - Writing Poetry Through the Eyes of Science: A Teacher’s Guide to Scientific Literacy and Poetic Response (2012) |
| ☐ | Graff, Gerald & Cathy Birkenstein - They Say, I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (2005) |
| ☐ | Greene. Anne E. - Writing Science in Plain English (2013) |
| ☐ | Gustavii, Björn - How To Write and Illustrate A Scientific Paper (2000) |
| ☐ | Hancock, Elise Hancock & Robert Kanigel - Ideas into Words: Mastering the Craft of Scientific Writing (2003) |
| ☒ | Harvey, Michael - The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing (2003) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hayot, Eric - The Elements of Academic Style: Writing for the Humanities |
| ☐ | Heard, Stephen B. - The Scientist's Guide to Writing: How to Write More Easily and Effectively Throughout Your Scientific Career (2016) |
| ☐ | Lebrun, Jean-Luc & Lebrun, Justin - Scientific Writing 3.0: A Reader and Writer’s Guide (2021) |
| ☐ | Lillis, Theresa & Sue Parkin eds. - Why Writing Matters: Issues of Access and Identity in Writing Research and Pedagogy (2009) |
| ☐ | Medawar, Peter B. - Advice to a Young Scientist (1979) |
| ☐ | Miller, Arthur I. - Imagery in Scientific Thought: Creating 20th-Century Physics () |
| ☐ | O'Leary, Zina - Little Quick Fix: Research Question (2018) |
| ☐ | Olson, Randy - Don't Be Such a Scientist: Talking Substance in an Age of Style (2009) |
| ☐ | Perry, Carol Rosenblum - The Fine Art of Technical Writing: Key Points to Help You Think Your Way Through Writing Scientific or Technical Publications, Theses, Term Papers, and Business Reports (1991) |
| ☐ | Petre, Marian & Gordon Rugg - The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research (2004) | ☒
| ☐ | Porush, David - A Short Guide to Writing About Science (1995) |
| ☒ | Single, Peg Boyle - Demystifying Dissertation Writing (2009) |
| ☐ | Sleigh, Charlotte - Literature and Science (2010) |
| ☐ | Slingerland, Edward G. - What Science Offers the Humanities: Integrating Body and Culture (2008) |
| ☐ | Smyth, T. R. - The Principles of Writing in Psychology (2004) |
| ☒ | Sword, Helen - Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write (2017) |
| ☒ | Sword, Helen - Stylish Academic Writing (2012) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Turabian, Kate L. - A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and Dissertations (1937) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Edward O. - Letters to a Young Scientist (2013) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Eric Hayot - “Academic Writing, I Love You. Really I Do” (2014) |
| No. 2 | Steve Aaronson - “Style in Scientific Writing” (1977) |
| No. 3 | Robert Boice & Ferdinand Jones - “Why Academicians Don't Write” (1984) |
| No. 4 | C. S. Peirce - “Ideas, Stray or Stolen, About Scientific Writing. No. 1” (1904) |
| No. 5 | P. A. M. Dirac - “The Evolution of the Physicist’s Picture of Nature” (1963) |
◼ Articles
| ☒ | Aaronson, Steve - “Style in Scientific Writing” (1977) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Agassi, Joseph - “The Detective Novel and Scientific Method” (1982) |
| ☐ | Agassi, Joseph - “The Logic of Scientific Inquiry” (1974) |
| ☐ | Alexandrov, Andrei V. - “How to Write a Research Paper” (2004) |
| ☐ | Alexandrov, Andrei V. & Michael G. Hennerici - “Writing Good Abstracts” (2006) |
| ☐ | Al-Riyami, Asya - “How to Prepare a Research Proposal” (2008) |
| ☐ | Armstrong, John A. - “Rethinking the PhD” (1994) |
| ☐ | Baker, Michael J. - “Writing a Research Proposal” (2000) |
| ☐ | Barbieri, Robert L. & Kate Macy Ladd - “Ten Steps to Writing a Research Proposal” (1996) |
| ☐ | Barley, Stephen R. - “When I Write My Masterpiece: Thoughts on What Makes a Paper Interesting” (2006)
| ☐ | Bem, Daryl J. - “Writing a Review Article for Psychological Bulletin” (1995) |
| ☐ | Benner, Patricia - “From Novice to Expert” (1982) |
| ☒ | Boice, Robert & Ferdinand Jones - “Why Academicians Don't Write” (1984) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Boyer, Pascal - “Science, Erudition and Relevant Connections” (2003) |
| ☐ | Brinkmann, Svend - “Literature as Qualitative Inquiry: The Novelist as Researcher” (2009)
| ☐ | Bump, Jerome - “Metaphor, Creativity, and Technical Writing” (1985) |
| ☐ | Callebaut, Werner - 'Scientific Perspectivism: A Philosopher of Science’s Response to the Challenge of Big Data Biology” (2012) |
| ☐ | Copenhaver, Brian P. - “Did Science Have a Renaissance” (1992) |
| ☒ | Dirac, P. A. M. - “The Evolution of the Physicist’s Picture of Nature” (1963) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Dyson, Freeman J. - “Science as a Craft Industry” (1998) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - “Being a Writer vs. Being an Academic: A Conflict in Goals” (1995) |
| ☐ | Else, Holly - “‘Tortured Phrases’ Give Away Fabricated Research Papers” (2021) |
| ☐ | Ericsson, K. Anders, Michael J. Prietula & Edward T. Cokely - “The Making of an Expert” (2007) |
| ☐ | Feyerabend, Paul - “Linguistic Arguments and Scientific Method” (1969) |
| ☐ | Feyerabend, Paul - “Theoreticians, Artists and Artisans” (1996) |
| ☐ | Firestein, Stuart - “What Science Wants to Know” (2012)
| ☐ | Fortunato, Santo, Carl T. Bergstrom, Katy Börner, James A. Evans, Dirk Helbing, Staša Milojević, Alexander M. Petersen, Filippo Radicchi, Roberta Sinatra, Brian Uzzi, Alessandro Vespignani, Ludo Waltman, Dashun Wang & Albert-László Barabási - “Science of Science” (2018) |
| ☐ | Friedman, Michael - “Explanation and Scientific Understanding” (1974) |
| ☐ | Frith, Uta - “Fast Lane to Slow Science” (2019) |
| ☐ | Gava, Gabriele - “Peirce’s ‘Ideas, Stray or Stolen, About Scientific Writing’ and the Relationship Between Methodeutic, Speculative Rhetoric, and the Universal Art of Rhetoric” (2018) |
| ☐ | Gewin, Virginia - “How to Write a First-Class Paper” (2018) |
| ☐ | Gopen, George D. & Judith A. Swan - “The Science of Scientific Writing” (1990)
| ☐ | Gregory, Martin W. - “The Infectiousness of Pompous Prose” (1992) |
| ☒ | Hayot, Eric - “Academic Writing, I Love You. Really I Do” (2014) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Heath, M. Teresa Periera & Caroline Tynan - “Crafting a Research Proposal” (2010) |
| ☐ | Hengl, Tonislav & Michael Gould - “Rules of Thumb for Writing Research Articles” (2002) |
| ☐ | Honan, Eileen & David Bright - “Writing a Thesis Differently” (2016)
| ☐ | Irvin, L. Lennie - “What Is ‘Academic’ Writing” (2010) |
| ☐ | Kahan, Dan - “Fixing the Communications Failure” (2010) |
| ☐ | Kaplan, Robert B., Selena Cantor, Cynthia Hagstrom, Lia D. Kamhi-Stein, Yumiko Shiotani & Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman - “On Abstract Writing” (1994) |
| ☐ | Klopper, Hester - “The Qualitative Research Proposal” (2008) |
| ☐ | Kracauer, Siegfried - “The Challenge of Qualitative Content Analysis” (1952) |
| ☐ | Lakatos, Imre - “Science and Pseudoscience” (2012) |
| ☐ | Larson, Richard L. - “The ‘Research Paper’ in the Writing Course: A Non-Form of Writing” (1982) |
| ☐ | Laugksch, Rudiger C. - “Scientific Literacy: A Conceptual Overview” (1999) |
| ☐ | Lazabnik, Yuri - “Can a Biologist Fix a Radio?” (2002) |
| ☐ | Letchford, Adrian, Helen Susannah Moat & Tobias Preis - “The Advantage of Short Paper Titles” (2015) |
| ☐ | Lincoln, Yvonna S. & Egon G. Guba - “The Only Generalization Is: There Is No Generalization” (1979) |
| ☐ | Loscalzo, Joseph - “Can Scientific Quality Be Quantified” (2011) |
| ☐ | Lowney, Charles - “From Science to Morality: A Polanyian Perspective on the Letter and Spirit of the Law” (2009) |
| ☐ | Mensh, Brett & Konrad Kording - “Ten Simple Rules for Structuring Papers” (2017) |
| ☒ | Merton, Robert K. - “Singletons and Multiples in Scientific Discovery: A Chapter in the Sociology of Science” (1961) |
| ☐ | Mestres, Carlos A. & Arkalgud Sampathkumar - “The Art and Science of Scientific Writing” (2019) |
| ☐ | Miller, Carolyn R. - “A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing” (1979) |
| ☐ | Munk, Anders Kristian - “Four Styles of Quali-Quantitative Analysis” (2019) |
| ☐ | Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J. - “Writing a Research Proposal: The Role of Library Anxiety, Statistics Anxiety, and Composition Anxiety” (1997) |
| ☐ | Patterson, Eira Wyn - “Structuring the Composition Process in Scientific Writing” (2001) |
| ☐ | Paul, Justin & Alex Rialp Criado - “The Art of Writing Literature Review: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know” (2020) |
| ☒ | Peirce, C. S. - “Ideas, Stray or Stolen, About Scientific Writing. No. 1” (1904) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Peterson, Todd C., Sofie R. Kleppner & Crystal M. Botham - “Ten Simple Rules for Scientists: Improving Your Writing Productivity” (2018) |
| ☐ | Picket, Steward T. A. & Mark J. McDonnell - “The Art and Science of Writing a Publishable Article” (2017) |
| ☒ | Poincaré, Henri - “Mathematical Creation” (1910) |
| ☐ | Polanyi, Michael - 'Life’s Irreducible Structure: Live Mechanisms and Information in DNA Are Boundary Conditions with a Sequence of Boundaries Above Them” (1968) |
| ☐ | Rudner, Lawrence M. & William D. Schafer - “How to Write a Scholarly Research Report” (1998) |
| ☐ | Sætra, Henrik Skaug - “Science as a Vocation in the Era of Big Data: The Philosophy of Science Behind Big Data and Humanity's Continued Part in Science” (2018 ) |
| ☐ | Sandelowski, Margarete & Julie Barroso - “Writing the Proposal for a Qualitative Research Methodology Project” (2003) |
| ☐ | Sayer, Emma J. - “The Essentials of Effective Scientific Writing: A Revised Alternative Guide for Authors” (2019) |
| ☐ | Schulte, Bruce A. - “Scientific Writing & the Scientific Method: Parallel ‘Hourglass’ Structure in Form & Content” (2003) |
| ☐ | Short, Jeremy - “The Art of Writing a Review Article” (2009) |
| ☐ | Spellmeyer, Kurt - “A Common Ground: The Essay in the Academy” (1989) |
| ☒ | Steen, Lynn Arthur - “The Science of Patterns” (1988) |
| ☒ | Stigler, Stephen M. - “Darwin, Galto and the Statistical Enlightenment” (2010) |
| ☐ | Sword, Helen - “Writing Higher Education Differently: A Manifesto on Style” (2009)
| ☐ | Vivar, Cristina G., Anne McQueen, Dorothy A. Whyte & Navidad Canga Armayor - “Getting Started with Qualitative Research: Developing a Research Proposal” (2007) |
| ☐ | Weber, Max - “Science as a Vocation” (1958) |
| ☐ | Winchester, Catherine L. & Mark Salji - “Writing a Literature Review” (2016) |
| II. Art & Aesthetics |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Rudolf Arnheim - Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye (1954) |
| No. 2 | John Berger - Ways of Seeing (1972) |
| No. 3 | José Ortega y Gasset - The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature (1968) |
| No. 4 | Eric Kandel - The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain (2012) |
| No. 5 | Pallasmaa, Juhani - The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses (1996) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Albers, Josef - Interaction of Color (1963) |
| ☐ | Alberti, Leon Battista - On Painting (1435) |
| ☐ | Alexander, Christopher - A Pattern Language (1977) |
| ☐ | Alexander, Christopher - The Timeless Way of Building (1979) |
| ☐ | Alexander, Samuel - Beauty and Other Forms of Value (1933) |
| ☐ | Antal, Frederick - Classicism and Romanticism (1966) |
| ☒ | Arnheim, Rudolf - Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye (1954) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - Entropy and Art: An Essay on Order and Disorder (1971) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - The Power of the Center: The Power of Composition in the Visual Arts (1982) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - To the Rescue of Art: Twenty-Six Essays (1991) |
| ☐ | Ashton, Anthony - Harmonograph: A Visual Guide to the Mathematics of Music (1999) |
| ☐ | Bachelard, Gaston - The Poetics of Space (1957) |
| ☐ | Badiou, Alain - Black: The Brilliance of a Non-Color (2015) |
| ☐ | Ball, Philip - Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Color (2001) |
| ☐ | Barthes, Roland - Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (1980) |
| ☐ | Barthes, Roland - Image-Music-Text (1977) |
| ☐ | Barzun, Jacques - The Use and Abuse of Art (1974) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean - The Conspiracy of Art (2005) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean & Jean Nouvel - The Singular Objects of Architecture (2002) |
| ☐ | Beardsley, Monroe C. - Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism (1981) |
| ☐ | Bell, Clive - Art (1914) |
| ☐ | Berger, John - About Looking (1980) |
| ☒ | Berger, John - Ways of Seeing (1972) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Blake, Peter - Form Follows Fiasco: Why Modern Architecture Hasn’t Worked (1977) |
| ☐ | Breton, Andre - Manifesto of Surrealism (1924) |
| ☐ | Bruno, Giuliana - Atlas of Emotion: Journeys of Art, Architecture, and Film (2002) |
| ☐ | Budd, Malcolm - Aesthetic Essays (2008) |
| ☐ | Burke, Edmund - A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noël - Beyond Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays (1995) |
| ☐ | Cennini, Cennino d’Andrea - The Craftsman’s Handbook (1821) |
| ☐ | Chatterjee, Anjan & Eileen Cardilo eds. - Brain, Beauty, and Art: Essays Bringing Neuroaesthetics in Focus (2021) |
| ☐ | Collingwood, R. G. - The Principles of Art (1938) |
| ☐ | Critchlow, Keith ed. - Quadrivium: The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music, and Cosmology (2010) |
| ☐ | Croce, Benedetto - Aesthetic (1902) |
| ☐ | Danchev, Alex - 100 Artists’ Manifestos: From the Futurists to the Stuckists (2011) |
| ☐ | Danto, Arthur C. - After the End of Art (1997) |
| ☐ | Danto, Arthur C. - What Art Is (2013) |
| ☐ | Dissanayake, Ellen - Art and Intimacy: How the Arts Began (2000) |
| ☐ | Dissanayake, Ellen - Homo Aestheticus: Where Art Comes From and Why (1992) |
| ☐ | Dissanayake, Ellen - What Is Art For? (1988) |
| ☐ | Dutton, Denis - The Art Instinct (2009) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - On Beauty (2004) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - On Ugliness (2007) |
| ☐ | Edwards, Betty - The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (1979) |
| ☐ | Edwards, David - Artscience (2008) |
| ☐ | Ehrenzweig, Anton - The Hidden Order of Art (1967) |
| ☐ | Einstein, Carl - A Mythology of Forms: Selected Writings on Art (2019) |
| ☐ | Eisner, Elliot W. - The Arts and the Creation of Mind (2002) |
| ☐ | Elkins, James - What Painting Is (1999) |
| ☐ | Emmer, Michele ed. - The Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics (1993) |
| ☐ | Emmer, Michele ed. - The Visual Mind II (2005) |
| ☐ | Etcoff, Nancy - Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty (1999) |
| ☐ | Focillon, Henri - The Life of Forms in Art (1942) |
| ☐ | Forty, Adrian - Words and Buildings: A Vocabulary of Modern Architecture (2000) |
| ☐ | Foster, Hal, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh & David Joselit - Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism (2004) |
| ☐ | Frascina, Francis & Charles Harrison eds. - Modern Art And Modernism: A Critical Anthology (1982) |
| ☐ | Frederick, Matthew - 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School (2007) |
| ☐ | Gamwell, Lynn - Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual (2002) |
| ☐ | Gardner, Helen - Art Through the Ages (2013) |
| ☐ | Gell, Alfred - Art and Agency (1998) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation (1960) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - Gombrich on the Renaissance, Volume I: Norm and Form (1994) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - Gombrich on the Renaissance, Volume II: Symbolic Images (1994) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - Meditations on a Hobby Horse and Other Essays on the Theory of Art () |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - Shadows: The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art (1965) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - The Story of Art (1950) |
| ☐ | Gordon, James E. - Structures: or, Why Things Don’t Fall Down (1978) |
| ☒ | Greenberg, Clement - Art and Culture: Critical Essays (1961) |
| ☐ | Greenberg, Clement - Homemade Esthetics: Observations on Art and Taste (1999) |
| ☐ | Hale, Robert Beverly - Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters (1964) |
| ☐ | Hanslick, Eduard - The Beautiful in Music (1891) |
| ☐ | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics (1835) |
| ☐ | Hofstadter, Albert & Richard Kuhns eds. - Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Selected Readings in Aesthetics from Plato to Heidegger (1964) |
| ☐ | Hogarth, William - The Analysis of Beauty (1753) |
| ☐ | Hunter, Fil & Paul Fuqua - Light, Science & Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting (1990) |
| ☐ | Huxley, Aldous - The Art of Seeing (1942) |
| ☐ | Iser, Wolfgang - Walter Pater: The Aesthetic Moment (1987) |
| ☐ | Jones, Christopher P. - How to Read Paintings: Learn What Makes a Masterpiece (2021) |
| ☐ | Kandel, Eric - Reductionism in Art and Brain Science: Bridging the Two Cultures (2016) |
| ☒ | Kandel, Eric - The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain (2012) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Kandinsky, Wassily - Concerning the Spiritual in Art (1912) |
| ☐ | Kant, Immanuel - Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (1764) |
| ☐ | Kemp, Martin - The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat (1990) |
| ☐ | King, Ross - Brunelleschi’s Dome: How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture (2000)
| ☐ | Klee, Paul - On Modern Art (1966) |
| ☐ | Klibansky, Raymond, Erwin Panofsky & Fritz Saxl - Saturn and Melancholy: Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art (1964) |
| ☐ | Krauss, Rosalind E. - The Optical Unconscious (1993) |
| ☐ | Krauss, Rosalind E. - The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths (1985) |
| ☐ | Kubler, George - The Shape of Time: Remarks on the History of Times (1962) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - Feeling and Form: A Theory of Art (1953 |
| ☐ | Livingstone, Margaret - Vision and Art: The Biology of Seeing (2002) |
| ☒ | Longinus - On the Sublime (100 CE) |
| ☐ | MacLagan, David - Psychological Aesthetics: Painting, Feeling, and Making Sense (2001) |
| ☐ | Mars Roman - The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design (2020) |
| ☐ | Massey, Irving - The Neural Imagination: Aesthetic and Neuroaesthetic Approaches to the Arts (2009) |
| ☐ | Mehigan, Tim - Frameworks, Artworks, Place: The Space of Perception in the Modern World (2008) |
| ☐ | Miller, Arthur I. - Einstein, Picasso: Space, Time, and the Beauty that Causes Havoc (2001) |
| ☐ | Morley, Simon ed. - The Sublime (2010) |
| ☐ | Nehemas, Alexander - Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art (2007) |
| ☐ | Neumeyer, Fritz - The Artless Word: Miles van der Rohe on the Building Art (1991) |
| ☐ | Norberg-Schulz, Christian - Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture (1979) |
| ☒ | Ortega y Gasset, José - The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature (1968) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Pallasmaa, Juhani - The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses (1996) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Panofsky, Dora & Erwin Panofsky - Pandora’s Box (1956) |
| ☐ | Panofsky, Erwin - Idea: A Concept in Art Theory (1968) |
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| ☐ | Panofsky, Erwin - Studies in Iconology: Humanistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance (1939) |
| ☐ | Panofsky, Erwin - Three Essays on Style (1995) |
| ☐ | Patel, Aniruddh D. - Music, Language and the Brain (2007) |
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| ☐ | Rasmussen, Steen Eiler - Experiencing Architecture (1957) |
| ☐ | Rothko, Mark - The Artist’s Reality: Philosophies of Art (1940) |
| ☐ | Ruskin, John - Lectures on Art (1864) |
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| ☐ | Santayana, George - The Sense of Beauty: Being the Outline of Aesthetic Theory (1896) |
| ☐ | Schama, Simon - Power of Art (2006) |
| ☐ | Schapiro, Meyer - Words and Pictures (1973) |
| ☐ | Schiller, Friedrich - Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1794) |
| ☐ | Schoenberg, Arnold - Fundamentals of Musical Composition (1967) |
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| ☐ | Schoenberg, Arnold - Theory of Harmony (1911) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - Art and Imagination: A Study in the Philosophy of Mind (1982) |
| ☒ | Scruton, Roger - Beauty (2009) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - The Aesthetics of Architecture (1979) |
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| ☐ | Strosberg, Eliane - Art and Science (1999) |
| ☐ | Sudjic, Deyan - The Language of Things: Understanding the World of Desirable Objects (2008) |
| ☐ | Sullivan, Louis H. - Kindergarten Chats and Other Writings (1901) |
| ☐ | Tanizaki, Jun’ichirō - In Praise of Shadows (1933) |
| ☐ | Tatarkiewicz, Władysław - A History of Six Ideas: An Essay in Aesthetics (1980) |
| ☐ | Taylor, Brandon - The Life of Forms in Art: Modernism, Organism, Vitality (2020) |
| ☐ | Till, Jeremy - Architecture Depends (2009) |
| ☐ | Vasari, Giorgio - The Lives of the Artists (1550) |
| ☐ | Venturi, Robert - Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture (1966) |
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| ☐ | von Hildebrand, Dietrich - Aesthetics: Vol. I (2016) |
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◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | V. S. Ramachandran & William Hirstein - “Three Laws of Qualia” (1997) |
| No. 2 | Vincent van Gogh, Wassily Kandinsky, Juan Gris, Paul Klee, Fernand Léger, Piet Mondrian, Joan Miró, Jean Dubuffet, José Ortega y Gasset, Albert Camus, Pierre Soulages, Jean Hélion, Josef Albers, Theodore Roszak, Marcel Duchamp, Naum Gabo, Jean Arp, Stuart Davis, Oskar Kokoschka, Ben Shahn & Saul Steinberg - “Statements and Documents: Artists on Art and Reality, on Their Work, and on Values” (1990) |
| No. 3 | Ellen Dissanayake - “‘Aesthetic Primitives’: Fundamental Biological Elements of a Naturalistic Aesthetics” (2015) |
| No. 4 | Irvin Rock & Stephen Palmer - “The Legacy of Gestalt Psychology” (1990)
| No. 5 | José Ortega y Gasset- “Meditations on the Frame” (1990) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - “Art-as-Such: The Sociology of Modern Aesthetics” (1985) |
| ☐ | Adorno Theodor W. - “On Some Relationships Between Music and Painting” (1995) |
| ☐ | Alexander, Christopher & Howard Davis - “Beyond Humanism” (2014) |
| ☐ | Anderson, Stanford - “The Fiction of Function” (1987) |
| ☐ | Anonymous - “What Makes an Artist” (1884) |
| ☐ | Arcangeli, Margherita, Marco Sperduti, Amélie Jacquot, Pascale Piolino & Jérôme Dokic - “Awe and the Experience of the Sublime: A Complex Relationship” (2020) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “A Stricture on Space and Time” (1978) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “Accident and the Necessity of Art” (1957) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “From Function to Expression” (1964) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “Gestalt and Art” (1943) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “Perceiving, Thinking, Forming” (1983) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “Perceptual Dynamics in Musical Expression” (1984) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “The Gestalt Theory of Expression” (1949) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean - “Photography: or, The Writing of Light” (2000) |
| ☐ | Broadbent, Geoffrey - “A Plain Man’s Guide to the Theory of Signs in Architecture” (1977) |
| ☐ | Brown, Steven & Ellen Dissanayake - “The Synthesis of the Arts: From Ceremonial Ritual to ‘Total Work of Art’” (2018) |
| ☒ | Cardinal, Roger - “Outsider Art and the Autistic Creator” (2009) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “Historical Narratives and the Philosophy of Art” (1993) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “Interpretation, History and Narrative” (1990) |
| ☒ | Carroll, Noel - “The Ontology of Mass Art” (1997) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “The Specificity of Media in the Arts” (1985) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “The Wheel of Virtue: Art, Literature, and Moral Knowledge” (2002) |
| ☒ | Cassirer, Ernst - “Mythic, Aesthetic and Theoretical Space” (1969) |
| ☐ | Cavanagh, Patrick - “The Artist as Neuroscientist” (2005) |
| ☐ | Cavanaugh, Shane - “Science Sublime: The Philosophy of the Sublime, Dewey’s Aesthetics, and Science Education” (2014) |
| ☒ | Chang, Huang-Ming, Leonid Ivonin, Marta Diaz, Andreu Catala, Wei Chen & Matthias Rauterberg - “Experience the World with Archetypal Symbols: A New Form of Aesthetics” (2013) |
| ☐ | Clark, T. J. - “Clement Greenberg’s Theory of Art” (1982) |
| ☐ | Collier, Jane - “The Art of Moral Imagination: Ethics in the Practice of Architecture” (2006) |
| ☐ | Cooper, Tracy M. - “The Wabi Sabi Way: Antidote for a Dualistic Culture?” (2013) |
| ☐ | Daniels, Dieter - “Silence and Void: Aesthetics of Absence in Space and Time” (2016) |
| ☐ | Danto, Arthur C. - “The Artworld” (1964) |
| ☐ | Denisoff, R. Serge - “Massification and Popular Music: A Review” (1976) |
| ☒ | Dissanayake, Ellen - “A Hypothesis of the Evolution of Art from Play” (1974) |
| ☐ | Dissanayake, Ellen - “Aesthetic Incunabula” (2001) |
| ☒ | Dissanayake, Ellen - “‘Aesthetic Primitives’: Fundamental Biological Elements of a Naturalistic Aesthetics” (2015) |
| ☒ | Dissanayake, Ellen - “Art as a Human Behavior: Toward an Ethological View of Art” (1980) |
| ☒ | Dissanayake, Ellen - “Chimera, Spandrel, or Adaptation: Conceptualizing Art in Human Evolution” (1994) |
| ☐ | Dissanayake, Ellen - “Art in Global Context: An Evolutionary-Functionalist Perspective for the 21st Century” (2015) |
| ☐ | Dutton, Denis - “A Darwinian Theory of Beauty” (2014) |
| ☐ | Dutton, Denis - “A Naturalist Definition of Art” (2006) |
| ☐ | Dutton, Denis - “Kant and the Conditions of Artistic Beauty” (1994) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “A Componential Analysis of the Architectural Sign /Column/” (1972) |
| ☐ | Einstein, Carl - “Methodological Aphorisms” (2004) |
| ☐ | Eisenstein, Sergei - “Montage and Architecture” (1989) |
| ☒ | Elkins, James - “Renaissance Perspectives” (1992) |
| ☐ | Emmer, Michele - “Art and Mathematics: The Platonic Solids” (1982) |
| ☐ | Emmer, Michele - “Mathland: The Role of Mathematics in Virtual Architecture” (2005) |
| ☐ | Emmer, Michele - “Visual Art and Mathematics: The Moebius Band” (1980) |
| ☐ | Felski, Rita - “The Invention of Everyday Life” (2000) |
| ☐ | Fitch, James Marston - “The Aesthetics of Function” (1965) |
| ☐ | Flusser, Vilém - “The City as Wave-Trough in the Image-Flood” (2005) |
| ☐ | Gadamer, Hans-Georg - “The Relevance of the Beautiful: Art as Play, Symbol, and Festival” (1986) |
| ☒ | Galloway, Alexander - “Are Some Things Unrepresentable?” (2011) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - “Botticelli’s Mythologies: A Study in the Neoplatonic Symbolism of His Circle” (1945) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - “Moment and Movement in Art” (1964) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - “On Physiognomic Perception” (1960) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - “Renaissance and Golden Age” (1961) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - “Ritualized Gesture and Expression in Art” (1966) |
| ☐ | Gombrich, E. H. - “The Visual Image” (1972) |
| ☐ | Goodenough, Ursula - “Vertical and Horizontal Transcendence” (2001) |
| ☐ | Greenberg, Clement - “Towards a Newer Laocoon” (1940) |
| ☐ | Greenblatt, Stephen - “Resonance and Wonder” (1990) |
| ☐ | Greenblatt, Stephen - “Towards a Poetics of Culture” (1987) |
| ☐ | Guberman, Sheila - “On Gestalt Theory Principles” (2015) |
| ☐ | Guberman, Shelia, Vadim V. Maximov & Alex Pashintsev - “Gestalt and Image Understanding” (2012) |
| ☐ | Guyer, Paul - “Kant and the Philosophy of Architecture” (2011) |
| ☐ | Harries, Karsten - “Building and the Terror of Time” (1982) |
| ☐ | Hart, Joan - “Erwin Panofsky and Karl Mannheim: A Dialogue on Interpretation” (1993) |
| ☐ | Haskins, Casey - “Kant and the Autonomy of Art” (1989) |
| ☐ | Haxthausen, Charles W. - “Reproduction/Repetition: Walter Benjamin/Carl Einstein” (2004) |
| ☐ | Henderson, Linda Dalrymple - “Mysticism, Romanticism, and the Fourth Dimension” (1986) |
| ☐ | Henderson, Linda Dalrymple - “The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art: Conclusion” (1984) |
| ☐ | Henderson, Linda Dalrymple - 'X Rays and the Quest for Invisible Reality in the Art of Kupka, Duchamp, and the Cubists” (1988) |
| ☐ | Hevner, Kate - “The Aesthetic Experience: A Psychological Description” (1937) |
| ☐ | Hodgson, Derek - “Art, Perception and Information Processing: An Evolutionary Perspective” (2000) |
| ☐ | Hoogerwerf, Frank W. - “Cage Contra Stravinsky, or Delineating the Aleatory Aesthetic” (1976) |
| ☐ | Horgan, John & Denis Dutton - “Denis Dutton: Interview with John Horgan” (2014) |
| ☐ | Horvath, Gyongyver - “Visual Imagination and the Narrative Image: Parallelisms between Art History and Neuroscience” (2018) |
| ☐ | Hume, Angela - “Imagining Ecopoetics: An Interview with Robert Hass, Brenda Hillman, Evelyn Reilly, and Jonathan Skinner” (2013) |
| ☐ | Jakesch, Martina & Helmut Leder - “Finding Meaning in Art: Preferred Levels of Ambiguity in Art Appreciation” (2009) |
| ☐ | Jauss, Hans Robert - “Tradition, Innovation, and Aesthetic Experience” (1988) |
| ☐ | Jay, Martin - “The Disenchantment of the Eye: Surrealism and the Crisis of Ocularcentrism” (1991) |
| ☐ | Jirásek, Ivo - “Verticality as Non-Religious Spirituality” (2013) |
| ☐ | Johnson, James William - “What Was Neo-Classicism?” (1969) |
| ☐ | Joselit, David - “Notes on Surface: Toward a Genealogy of Flatness” (2000) |
| ☐ | Kahn, Douglas - “John Cage: Silence and Silencing” (1997) |
| ☐ | Kane, Carolyn L. - “Exhaustion Aesthetics” (2017) |
| ☐ | Karl, Gregory - “Structuralism and Musical Plot” (1997) |
| ☐ | Kokoras, Panayiotis A. - “Morphopoiesis: A General Procedure for Structuring Form” (2005) |
| ☐ | Konecni, Vladimir J. - “The Aesthetic Trinity: Awe, Being Moved, Thrills” (2005) |
| ☐ | Koolhaas, Rem - “Junkspace” (2002) |
| ☐ | Kracauer, Siegfried - “The Mass Ornament” (1975) |
| ☐ | Krauss, Rosalind - “Video: The Aesthetics of Narcissism” (1976) |
| ☐ | Kress, Gunther & Theo Van Leeuwen - “Colour as a Semiotic Mode: Notes for a Grammar of Colour” (2002) |
| ☐ | Küchler, Susanne - “Why Knot? Towards a Theory of Art and Mathematics” (2001) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - “Abstraction in Art” (1964) |
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| ☐ | Lee, Harry B. - “The Cultural Lag in Aesthetics” (1947) |
| ☐ | Lerdahl, Fred & Ray Jackendoff - “An Overview of Hierarchical Structure in Music” (1983) |
| ☐ | Levinson, Jerrold - “Music as Narrative and Music as Drama” (2004) |
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| ☐ | Lind, Richard - “A Microphenomenology of Aesthetic Qualities” (1985) |
| ☐ | Loh, Maria H. - “Renaissance Faciality” (2009) |
| ☐ | Lovejoy, Arthur O. - “‘Nature’ as Aesthetic Norm” (1927) |
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| ☐ | Lovejoy, Arthur O. - “Reflections on the History of Ideas” (1940) |
| ☐ | Lovejoy, Arthur O. - “The Thirteen Pragmatisms. I” (1908) |
| ☐ | Lovejoy, Arthur O. - “The Thirteen Pragmatisms. II” (1908) |
| ☐ | Luhmann, Niklas - “The Medium of Art” (1990) |
| ☐ | Lynch, Michael - “Discipline and the Material Form of Images: An Analysis of Scientific Visibility” (1985) |
| ☐ | Mandelbrot, Benoit B. - “Fractals and an Art for the Sake of Science” (1989) |
| ☐ | Margulis, Elizabeth Hellmuth - “Moved By Nothing: Listening to Musical Silence” (2009) |
| ☐ | Marlow-Stevens, Elliot - “‘What is music? Anything can be music’: Frank Zappa’s Theory of Art” (2022) |
| ☐ | Maus, Fred Everett - “Music as Drama” (1988) |
| ☐ | Maus, Fred Everett - “Music as Narrative” (1990) |
| ☐ | Minsky, Marvin - “Music, Mind, and Meaning” (1981) |
| ☒ | Minturn, Kent - “Debuffet, Lévi-Strauss, and the Idea of Art Brut” (2004) |
| ☐ | Mitchell, W. J. T. - “Showing Seeing: A Critique of Visual Culture” (2002) |
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| ☐ | Mortelmans, Dimitri - “Visualizing Emptiness” (2005) |
| ☐ | Nanay, Bence - “George Kubler and the Biological Metaphor of Art” (2018) |
| ☐ | Neill, Alex & Aaron Ridley - “Religious Music for Godless Ears” (2010) |
| ☐ | Neiman, Fraser D. - “Stylistic Variation in Evolutionary Perspective: Inferences from Decorative Diversity and Interassemblage Distance in Illinois Woodland Ceramic Assemblages” (1995) |
| ☒ | Ngai, Sianne - “Stuplimity” (2005) |
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| ☐ | Nguyen, C. Thi - “Games and the Art of Agency” (2019) |
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| ☐ | O'Brien, Brian - “Slow Architecture: Linger, Savour, Touch” (2004) |
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| ☒ | Ortega y Gasset, José - “Meditations on the Frame” (1990) |
| ☐ | Pallasmaa, Juhani - “An Architecture of the Seven Senses” (1994) |
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| ☐ | Palmer, A. Richard - “Waltzing with Asymmetry” (1996) |
| ☐ | Panofsky, Erwin - “Erasmus and the Visual Arts” (1969) |
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| ☐ | Parret, Herman - “Kant on Music and the Hierarchy of the Arts” (1998) |
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| ☐ | Schapiro, Meyer - “Leonardo and Freud: An Art-Historical Study” (1956) |
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| ☒ | Zajonc, Robert B. - “Feeling and Thinking: Preferences Need No Inferences” (1980) |
| ☒ | Zajonc, Robert B. - “The Concepts of Balance, Congruity, and Dissonance” (1960) |
| ☐ | Zeki, Semir - “Clive Bell’s ‘Significant Form’ and the Neurobiology of Aesthetics” (2013) |
| ☐ | Ziff, Paul - “The Task of Defining a Work of Art” (1953) |
| III. Comedy & Affect |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Matthew M. Hurley, Daniel C. Dennett & Reginald B. Adams, Jr. - Inside Jokes: Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind (2011) |
| No. 2 | Henri Bergson - Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (1900) |
| No. 3 | John Allen Paulos - I Think, Therefore I Laugh: The Flip Side of Philosophy (1985)
| No. 4 | Jenefer Robinson, - Deeper than Reason: Emotion and Its Role in Literature, Music, and Art (2005) |
| No. 5 | Jimmy Carr & Lucy Greeves - The Naked Jape: Uncovering The Hidden World Of Jokes (2006) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Asimov, Isaac - Treasury of Humor (1971) |
| ☒ | Beard, Mary - Laughter in Ancient Rome: On Joking, Tickling, and Cracking Up (2014) |
| ☐ | Berger, Peter L. - Redeeming Laughter: The Comic Dimension of Human Experience () |
| ☒ | Bergson, Henri - Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (1900) |
| ☒ | Bevis, Matthew - Comedy: A Very Short Introduction (2012) |
| ☐ | Billig, Michael - Laughter and Ridicule: Towards a Social Critique of Humour (2005) |
| ☐ | Brinkema, Eugenie - The Forms of the Affects (2014) |
| ☒ | Carr, Jimmy & Lucy Greeves - The Naked Jape: The Naked Jape: Uncovering The Hidden World Of Jokes (2006) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noël - Comedy Incarnate: Buster Keaton, Physical Humor, and Bodily Coping (2007) |
| ☐ | Cathcart, Thomas & Daniel Klein - Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes (2006) |
| ☐ | Cohen, Ted - Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters (1999) |
| ☐ | Eagleton, Terry - Humour (2021) |
| ☐ | Eastman, Max - Enjoyment of Laughter (1936) |
| ☐ | Eastman, Max - The Sense of Humor (1921) |
| ☐ | Freud, Sigmund - Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious (1905) |
| ☐ | Geary, James - Wit’s End: What Wit Is, How It Works, and Why We Need It (2018) |
| ☐ | Gordon, Mordechai - Humor, Laughter and Human Flourishing (2013) |
| ☐ | Hosle, Vittorio - Woody Allen: An Essay on the Nature of the Comical (2007) |
| ☐ | Houen, Alex ed. - Affect and Literature (2020) |
| ☐ | Hurley, Matthew M., Daniel C. Dennett & Reginald B. Adams, Jr. - Inside Jokes: Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind (2011) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - Feeling and Form (1953) |
| ☐ | Laver, Sue & Mette Hjort eds. - Emotion and the Arts (1997) |
| ☐ | Martin, Rod A. & Thomas E. Ford - The Psychology of Humor (2007) |
| ☐ | McDonald, Paul - The Philosophy of Humour (2013) |
| ☐ | McGowan, Todd - Only a Joke Can Save Us: A Theory of Comedy (2017) |
| ☒ | McGraw, Peter & Joel Warner - The Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny (2014) |
| ☐ | Nachman, Gerald - Seriously Funny: The Rebel Comedians of 1950s and 1960s (2003) |
| ☐ | Ngai, Sianne - Ugly Feelings (2005) |
| ☐ | Nikulin, Dmitri - Comedy, Seriously: A Philosophical Study (2014) |
| ☐ | Paulos, John Allen - I Think, Therefore I Laugh: The Flip Side of Philosophy (1985) |
| ☐ | Paulos, John Allen - Mathematics and Humor (1980) |
| ☐ | Propp, Vladimir - On the Comic and Laughter (1992) |
| ☒ | Robinson, Jenefer - Deeper than Reason: Emotion and Its Role in Literature, Music, and Art (2005) |
| ☒ | Ross, Alison - The Language of Humour (1998) |
| ☒ | Silvertown, Jonathan - The Comedy of Error: Why Evolution Made Us Laugh (2020) |
| ☒ | Wright, John - Why Is That So Funny? A Practical Exploration of Physical Comedy (2015) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Arthur Koestler - “Humour and Wit” (1976) |
| No. 2 | Umberto Eco - “The Frames of Comic ‘Freedom’” (1984) |
| No. 3 | Luigi Pirandello - “On Humor” (1966) |
| No. 4 | Mary Douglas - “Jokes” (1975)
| No. 5 | Roger Scruton & Peter Jones - “Laughter” (1982) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Aharoni, Ron - “Shifting from Meaning to Its Carrier: A Common Denominator for Three Strains of Humour” (2018) |
| ☒ | Attardo, Salvatore & Jean-Charles Chabanne - “Jokes as a Text Type” (1992) |
| ☐ | Attardo, Salvatore & Victor Raskin - “Script Theory Revis(it)ed: Joke Similarity and Joke Representation Model” (1991) |
| ☒ | Attardo, Salvatore, Donalee Hughes Attardo, Paul Baltes & Marnie Jo Petray - “The Linear Organization of Jokes: Analysis of Two Thousand Texts” (1994) |
| ☐ | Bercovitch, Sacvan - “Deadpan Huck: or, What’s Funny About Interpretation?” (2002) |
| ☐ | Bergen, Benjamin & Kim Binsted - “Embodied Grammar and Humor” (2015) |
| ☒ | Berger, Arthur - “Anatomy of the Joke” (1976) |
| ☒ | Berger, Arthur - “Humor: An Introduction” (1987) |
| ☒ | Berlant, Lauren - “Humorlessness (Three Monologues and a Hairpiece)” (2017) |
| ☒ | Berlant, Lauren & Sianne Ngai - “Comedy Has Issues” (2017) |
| ☐ | Berlyne, Daniel E. - “Humor and Its Kin” (1972) |
| ☒ | Bingham, Shawn Chandler & Alexander A. Hernandez - “‘Laughing Matters’: The Comedian as Social Observer, Teacher, and Conduit of the Sociological Perspective” (2009) |
| ☒ | Bishop, Ellen - “Bakhtin, Carnival and Comedy: The New Grotesque in Monty Python and the Holy Grail” (1990) |
| ☐ | Bontea, Adriana - “A Project in Its Context: Walter Benjamin on Comedy” (2006) |
| ☒ | Boyd, Brian - “Laughter and Literature: A Play Theory of Humor” (2004) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Brodie, Ian - “Stand-Up Comedy as a Genre of Intimacy” (2008) |
| ☐ | Bryant, Gregory A. & C. Athena Aktipis - “The Animal Nature of Spontaneous Human Laughter” (2014) |
| ☐ | Buijzen, Moniek & Patti M. Valkenburg - “Developing a Typology of Humor in Audiovisual Media” (2004) |
| ☐ | Calhoun, Alison - “Montaigne and the Comic: Exposing Private Life” (2011) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “Horror and Humor” (1999) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “On Jokes” (1991) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “On Ted Cohen: Intimate Laughter” (2000) |
| ☒ | Chattoo, Caty Borum - “A Funny Matter: Toward a Framework for Understanding the Function of Comedy in Social Change” (2018) |
| ☐ | Cheng, David & Lu Wang - “Examining the Energizing Effects of Humor: The Influence of Humor on Persistence Behavior” () |
| ☒ | Cheng, William - “Taking Back the Laugh: Comedic Alibis, Funny Fails” (2017) |
| ☐ | Clark, Michael - “Humour and Incongruity” (1970) |
| ☒ | Clayton, Alex - “Play-Acting: A Theory of Comedic Performance” (2012) |
| ☐ | Cortabitarte, Isabel de Sena - “‘It’s not a joke!’ Bio-Art and the Aesthetics of Humour” (2015) |
| ☒ | Coulson, Seana - “Frame-Shifting and Frame Semantics: Joke Comprehension on the Space Structuring Model” (2015) |
| ☒ | Dadlez, Eva - “Truly Funny: Humor, Irony, and Satire as Moral Criticism” (2011) |
| ☐ | Dadlez, Eva & Daniel Lüthi - “Comedy and Tragedy as Two Sides of the Same Coin: Reversal and Incongruity as Sources of Insight” (2018) |
| ☐ | Davies, Christie - “Humour and Protest: Jokes Under Communism” (2007) |
| ☐ | Davies, Christie - “The Comparative Study of Jokes” (2009) |
| ☐ | Davies, Stephen - “Responding Emotionally to Fictions” (2009) |
| ☐ | Dazkier, Sibel S. & Marilyn A. Read - “Furniture Forms and Their Influence on Our Emotional Responses Toward Interior Environments” (2012) |
| ☒ | Deaner, Stephanie L. & Jasmin T. McConatha - “The Relation of Humor to Depression and Personality” (1993) |
| ☒ | Dezecache, Guillaume & Robin Dunbar - “Sharing the Joke: The Size of Natural Laughter Groups” (2012) |
| ☐ | Dore, Margherita - “Metaphor, Humour and Characterisation in the TV Comedy Programme Friends” (2015) |
| ☒ | Double, Oliver - “The Origin of the Term ‘Stand-Up Comedy’” (2017) |
| ☒ | Double, Oliver - “Tragedy Plus Time: Transforming Life Experience into Stand-Up Comedy” (2017) |
| ☒ | Douglas, Mary - “Jokes” (1975) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Dunbar, Robin, Jacques Launay & Oliver Curry - “The Complexity of Jokes Is Limited by Cognitive Constraints on Mentalizing” (2016) |
| ☐ | Duncan, Seth & Lisa Feldman Barrett - “Affect Is a Form of Cognition: A Neurobiological Analysis” (2007) |
| ☐ | Dynel, Marta - “Beyond a Joke: Types of Conversational Humour” (2009) |
| ☒ | Eco, Umberto - “The Frames of Comic ‘Freedom’” (1984) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Edge, Braínne - “Comedy Improvisation on Television: Does It Work?” (2010) |
| ☐ | Eisend, Martin - “A Meta-analysis of Humor in Advertising” (2009) |
| ☐ | Eitzen, Dirk - 'The Nature of Film Comedy, or Why Is Shaun of the Dead Funny?” (2012) |
| ☐ | Emerson, Joan P. - “Negotiating the Serious Import of Humor” (1969) |
| ☐ | Feyaerts, Kurt, Geert Brône & Robin De Ceukelaire - “The Art of Teasing: A Corpus Study of Teasing Sequences in American Sitcoms between 1990 and 1999” (2015) |
| ☐ | Fink, Edward J. - “Writing The Simpsons: A Case Study of Comic Theory” (2013) |
| ☐ | Frijda, Nico H. - “The Laws of Emotion” (1988) |
| ☐ | Garner, R. L. - 'Humor in Pedagogy: How Ha-Ha Can Lead to Aha!” (2006) |
| ☐ | Gervais, Matthew & David Sloan Wilson - “The Evolution and Functions of Laughter and Humor: A Synthetic Approach” (2005) |
| ☐ | Gillon, Josh - 'Why 30 Rock Is Not Funny (It’s Metafunny)” (2011) |
| ☐ | Girard, René - “Perilous Balance: A Comic Hypothesis” (1972) |
| ☐ | Goldstein, Jeffrey H. - “Theoretical Notes on Humor” (1976) |
| ☐ | Gordon, Mordechai - “Camus, Nietzche, and the Absurd: Rebellion and Scorn versus Humor and Laughter” (2015) |
| ☐ | Graban, Tarez Samra - “Beyond ‘Wit and Persuasion’: Rhetoric, Composition, and Humor Studies” (2008) |
| ☐ | Gunning, Tom - “Crazy Machines in the Garden of Forking Paths: Mischief Gags and The Origins of American Film Comedy” (1995) |
| ☐ | Hall, Edith - “The Birth of Comedy” (2015) |
| ☐ | Hartley, David - “Of Wit and Humour” (1749) |
| ☐ | Hatab, Lawrence J. - “Laughter in Nietzsche’s Thought: A Philosophical Tragicomedy” (1988) |
| ☐ | Higgins, Kathleen Marie - “An Alchemy of Emotion: Rasa and Aesthetic Breakthroughs” (2007) |
| ☐ | Hofstadter, Douglas & Liane Gabora - “Synopsis of the Workshop on Humor and Cognition” (1989) |
| ☐ | Hogan, Patrick Colm - “Laughing Brains: On the Cognitive Mechanisms and Reproductive Functions of Mirth” (2007) |
| ☐ | Holm, Nicholas - “Deadpan Humour, the Comic Disposition and the Interpretation of Ironic Ambiguity Online” (2021) |
| ☐ | Hutcheson, Francis - “Reflections Upon Laughter” (1750) |
| ☐ | Jay, Timothy - “The Utility and Ubiquity of Taboo Words” (2009) |
| ☐ | Jolley, Rachael - “Laughter Tracked” (2017) |
| ☐ | Keith-Spiegel, Patricia - “Early Conceptions of Humor: Varieties and Issues” (1972) |
| ☒ | Koestler, Arthur - “Humour and Wit” (1976) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Kohn, Alexander - “Humour: The Interdisciplinary Denominator in Science” (1982) |
| ☐ | Krefting, Rebecca & Rebecca Baruc - “A New Economy of Jokes: #Socialmedia #Comedy” (2015) |
| ☐ | Krikmann, Arvo - “Contemporary Linguistic Theories of Humour” (2006) |
| ☐ | La Farge, Benjamin - “Comic Anxiety and Kafka’s Black Comedy” (2011) |
| ☐ | Leavens, David A. - “Animal Communication: Laughter Is the Shortest Distance between Two Apes” (2009) |
| ☐ | Levin, Harry - “From Plays to Plays: The Folklore of Comedy” (1982) |
| ☐ | Lieberman, Matthew D., Naomi I. Eisenberger, Molly J. Crockett, Sabrina M. Tom, Jennifer H. Pfeifer & Baldwin M. Way - “Putting Feelings into Words: Affect Labeling Disrupts Amygdala Activity in Response to Affective Stimuli” (2007) |
| ☐ | McGurl, Mark - “The Posthuman Comedy” (2012) |
| ☐ | Meikle, Kyle - “A Book and a Movie Walk into a Bar” (2015) |
| ☐ | Menninghaus, Winfried, Isabel C. Böhm, Ulrike Altmann, Oliver Lubdch, Arthur M. Jacobs - “Sounds Funny: Humor Effects of Phonological and Prosodic Figures of Speech” (2014) |
| ☐ | Meyer, John C. - “Humor as a Double-Edged Sword: Four Functions of Humour in Communication” (2000) |
| ☐ | Morreall, John - “Philosophy of Humour” (2020) |
| ☐ | Nilsen, Alleen Pace - “In Defense of Humor” (1994) |
| ☐ | Oring, Elliott - “Between Jokes and Tales: On the Nature of Punch Lines” (1989) |
| ☐ | Oring, Elliott - “Parsing the Joke: The General Theory of Verbal Humor and Appropriate Incongruity” (2011) |
| ☐ | Panksepp, Jaak - “Beyond a Joke: From Animal Laughter to Human Joy” (2005) |
| ☐ | Panksepp, Jaak - 'Neuroevolutionary Sources of Laughter and Social Joy: Modeling Primal Human Laughter in Laboratory Rats” (2007) |
| ☐ | Perlmutter, Daniel D. - “Tracing the Origin of Humor” (2000) |
| ☒ | Pirandello, Luigi - “On Humor” (1966) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Pirandello, Luigi - “The Art of Humor” (1966) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Plant, Bob - “Absurdity, Incongruity and Laughter” (2009) |
| ☐ | Polimeni, Joseph & Jeffrey P. Reiss - “The First Joke: Exploring the Evolutionary Origins of Humor” (2006) |
| ☐ | Resuccia, Frances L. - “Homo Homini Lupus: Milan Kundera’s The Joke” (1990) |
| ☐ | Rossing, Jonathan P. - “No Joke: Silent Jesters and Comedic Refusals” (2017) |
| ☐ | Routledge, Clay, Tim Wildschut, Constantine Sedikides & Jamie Arndt - 'Nostalgia: Content, Triggers, Functions” (2006) |
| ☐ | Routledge, Clay, Tim Wildschut, Constantine Sedikides, Claire M. Hart, Jamie Arndt, Jacob Juhl, Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets & Wolff Schlotz - “The Past Makes the Present Meaningful: Nostalgia as an Existential Resource” (2011 |
| ☐ | Ruch, Willibald & Paul Ekman - “The Expressive Pattern of Laughter” (2001) |
| ☐ | Ruch, Willibald, Salvatore Attardo & Victor Raskin - “Toward an Empirical Verification of the General Theory of Verbal Humor” (1993) |
| ☐ | Schopenhauer, Arthur - “On the Theory of the Ludicrous” (1818) |
| ☒ | Scruton, Roger and Peter Jones - “Laughter” (1982) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Sehmby, Dalbir S. - “‘Jerome at the BBC’: Subversion, Caricature, and Humanity in Three Men in a Boat” (2014) |
| ☐ | Seigworth, Gregory J. & Melissa Gregg - “An Inventory of Shimmers” (2010) |
| ☐ | Sengers, Phoebe, Kirsten Boehner, Michael Mateas & Geri Gay - “The Disenchantment of Affect” (2007) |
| ☐ | Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper - “Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour” (1744) |
| ☐ | Sills, Liz - “The Phenomenology of The Funny : A Diagrammatic Proposal” (2017) |
| ☐ | Smith, Eve - “Aristophanes’ Cloudcuckooland to Terry Pratchett’s Discworld: Comedy as Social Conscience” (2013) |
| ☐ | Sypher, Wylie - “The Meaning of Comedy” (1956) |
| ☐ | Teis, Anthony & Ian Wilkie - “The Science of Getting It... Wrong: Comic Principles in Induced-Error Learning” (2014) |
| ☐ | Trahair, Lisa - “Short-Circuiting the Dialectic: Narrative and Slapstick in the Cinema of Buster Keaton” () |
| ☐ | Triezenberg, Katrina - “Humour Enhancers in the Study of Humour Literature” (2004) |
| ☐ | Vandaele, Jeroen - “Humor Mechanisms in Film Comedy: Incongruity and Superiority” (2002) |
| ☐ | Veale, Tony - “Humorous Similes” (2013) |
| ☐ | Veale, Tony - “Incongruity in Humor: Root Cause or Epiphenomenon” (2004) |
| ☐ | Veale, Tony et al. - “Humour as the Killer-App of Language: A View from Cognitive Linguistics” (2015) |
| ☐ | Veale, Tony, Kurt Feyaerts & Geert Brône - “Introduction: Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Humor” (2006) |
| ☐ | Veale, Tony, Kurt Feyaerts & Geert Brône - “The Cognitive Mechanisms of Adversarial Humor” (2006) |
| ☐ | Viana, Amadeu - “Humour and Laughter as Vestiges of Evolution” (2017) |
| ☐ | Watson, Cate - 'A Sociologist Walks into a Bar (and Other Academic Challenges): Towards a Methodology of Humour” (2015) |
| ☐ | Weeks, Mark - 'Beyond a Joke: Nietzsche and the Birth of ‘Super-Laughter’” (2004) |
| ☐ | Weinberger, Marc G. & Charles S. Gulas - “The Impact of Humor in Advertising: A Review” (1992) |
| ☐ | Zillman, Dolf - “Humor and Comedy” (2000) |
| ☐ | Zunshine, Lisa - “Groucho, Harpo, and Narrative Theory” (2018) |
| IV. Composition & Craft |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Jorge Luis Borges - This Craft of Verse (1992) |
| No. 2 | John McPhee - Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process (2017) |
| No. 3 | Gabriele Rico - Writing the Natural Way: Using Right-Brain Techniques to Release Your Expressive Powers (1983) |
| No. 4 | Ernest Hemingway - On Writing (1984) |
| No. 5 | Richard A. Lanham - Revising Prose (1979) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Algren, Nelson - Nonconformity: Writing on Writing (1996) |
| ☐ | Allen, Walter ed. - Writers on Writing (1948) |
| ☒ | Asimov, Isaac & Janet Asimov - How to Enjoy Writing: A Book of Aid and Comfort (1987) |
| ☐ | Atwood, Margaret - On Writers and Writing (2014)
| ☐ | Barthes, Roland - Writing Degree Zero (1953) |
| ☐ | Barzun, Jacques - On Writing, Editing, and Publishing (1971) |
| ☐ | Bell, James Scott - Revision And Self-Editing (2008) |
| ☐ | Bell, James Scott - The Art of War for Writers (2009) |
| ☐ | Blakesley, David & Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen - Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age (2011) |
| ☒ | Borges, Jorge Luis - This Craft of Verse (1992) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Brande, Dorothea - Becoming a Writer (1934) |
| ☒ | Brennan, Thomas H. ed. - Writings on Writing: A Compendium of 1209 Quotations from Authors on Their Craft (1994) |
| ☐ | Brooks, Van Wyck ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol II (1963) |
| ☐ | Brooks, Terry - Sometimes the Magic Works: Lessons from a Writing Life (2003) |
| ☒ | Browne, Renni & Dave King - Self-Editing for Fiction Writers: How to Edit Yourself into Print (1993) |
| ☐ | Bukowski, Charles - On Writing (2015) |
| ☐ | Burkett, Eva M. & Joyce S. Steward eds. - Thoreau on Writing (1989) |
| ☐ | Burroway, Janet - Imaginative Writing: The Elements of Craft (2002) |
| ☐ | Cain, Anima - A Horse at Night: On Writing (2022) |
| ☐ | Cane, William - Write Like the Masters: Emulating the Best of Hemingway, Faulkner, Salinger, and Others (2009)
| ☐ | Catteau, Jacques - Dostoyevsky and the Process of Literary Creation (1989) |
| ☐ | Celan, Paul - The Meridian (1960) |
| ☐ | Chimero, Frank - The Shape of Design (2012) |
| ☐ | Corner-Bryant, Helen & Kathryn Price - On Editing: How to Edit Your Novel the Professional Way (2018) |
| ☐ | Cowley, Malcolm ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol. I (1958) |
| ☒ | Coyle, Daniel - The Little Book of Talent (2012) |
| ☐ | Crawford, Matthew B. - Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work (2009) |
| ☐ | Currey, Mason - Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (2003) |
| ☐ | Darnton, John ed. - Writers on Writing (2001) |
| ☐ | Davies, Peter Ho - The Art of Revision: The Last Word (2021)
| ☐ | DeSalvo, Louise - The Art of Slow Writing: Reflections on Time, Craft, and Creativity (2014) |
| ☐ | Dillard, Annie - The Writing Life (1989)
| ☐ | Dostoevsky, Fyodor - The Diary of a Writer (1873) |
| ☐ | Draugsvold, Ottar G. eds. - Nobel Writers on Writing (2011) |
| ☐ | Duras, Marguerite - Writing (2011) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - Writing with Power: Techniques for Mastering the Writing Process (1981) |
| ☐ | Ferrante, Elena - In the Margins: On the Pleasures of Reading and Writing (2022) |
| ☒ | Frost, Robert - On Writing (1974) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Germano, William - On Revision: The Only Writing that Counts (2021) |
| ☐ | Goldberg, Natalie - Living Color: Painting, Writing, and the Bones of Seeing (2014) |
| ☐ | Goldberg, Natalie - The True Secret of Writing: Connecting Life with Language (2013) |
| ☐ | Goldberg, Natalie - Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (1986) |
| ☒ | Greene, Robert - Mastery (2012) |
| ☒ | Harris, Joseph - Rewriting: How To Do Things With Texts (2006) |
| ☒ | Hemingway, Ernest - On Writing (1984) |
| ☒ | Howard, V. A. & J. H. Barton - Thinking on Paper (1986) |
| ☐ | Kadavy, David - Digital Zettelkasten: Principles, Methods, and Examples (2021) |
| ☒ | Kaufman, Scott Barry & James C. Kaufman - The Psychology of Creative Writing (2009) |
| ☒ | Kellogg, Ronald T. - The Psychology of Writing (1994) |
| ☒ | King, Stephen - On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (2000) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Lanham, Richard A. - Revising Prose (1979) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Latta, Corey - C. S. Lewis and the Art of Writing: What the Essayist, Poet, Novelist, Literary Critic, Apologist, Memoirist, Theologian Teaches Us about the Life and Craft of Writing (2016) |
| ☒ | Leonard, George - Mastery: The Keys to Success and Longterm Fulfilment (1991) |
| ☐ | Maclagan, David - Line Let Loose: Scribbling, Doodling and Automatic Drawing (2013) |
| ☐ | Masello, Robert - Robert’s Rules of Writing: 101 Unconventional Lessons Every Writer Needs to Know (2005) |
| ☐ | McCann, Colum - Letters to a Young Writer (2017) |
| ☒ | McPhee, John - Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process (2017) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Miller, Henry - On Writing (1964) |
| ☐ | Narayan, Kirin - Alive in the Writing: Crafting Ethnography in the Company of Chekhov (2012) |
| ☐ | Noordzij, Gerrit - The Stroke: Theory of Writing (2005) |
| ☐ | Noterie, Abrams - The Truth About Writing (2008) |
| ☐ | Oates, Joyce Carol - The Faith of a Writer: Life, Craft, Art (2004)
| ☐ | Pallasmaa, Juhani - The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture (2009) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol III (1967) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol IV (1977) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol V (1981) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol VI (1985) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol VII (1986) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol VIII (1988) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews: Vol IX (1992) |
| ☐ | Pressfield, Steven - The Authentic Swing: Notes from the Writing of a First Novel (2013) |
| ☐ | Pye, David - The Nature and Art of Workmanship (1968) |
| ☒ | Rico, Gabriele - Writing the Natural Way: Using Right-Brain Techniques to Release Your Expressive Powers (1983) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Scholes, Robert & Nancy R. Comley - The Practice of Writing (1981) |
| ☐ | See, Carolyn - Making a Literary Life: Advice for Writers and Other Dreamers (2002) |
| ☐ | Shapiro, Dani - Still Writing: The Pleasures and Perils of a Creative Life (2013) |
| ☐ | Sharples, Mike - How We Write: Writing as Creative Design (1998) |
| ☒ | Sloane, William - The Craft of Writing (1979) |
| ☐ | Stein, Gertrude - How to Write (1931) |
| ☐ | Steinbeck, John - Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters (1969) |
| ☐ | Steinman, Michael - Frank O’Connor at Work (1990) |
| ☐ | Stevenson, Robert Louis - Learning to Write (1920) |
| ☐ | Stodola, Sarah - Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors (2015) |
| ☐ | Tucker, Sean - The Meaning in the Making: The Why and How Behind the Human Need to Create (2021) |
| ☐ | Turchi, Peter - A Muse and a Maze: Writing as Puzzle, Mystery, and Magic (2014) |
| ☒ | Waitzkin, Josh - The Art of Learning: A Journey in the Pursuit of Excellence (2007) |
| ☐ | Welty, Eudora - One Writer’s Beginnings (1984) |
| ☐ | Winokur, Jon ed. - Writers on Writing (1986) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | John Steinbeck & Nathaniel Benchley - “John Steinbeck, The Art of Fiction No. 45” (1969) |
| No. 2 | Joan Didion - “Why I Write” (1976)
| No. 3 | Gabriel García Márquez - “Gabriel García Márquez Meets Ernest Hemingway” (1981) |
| No. 4 | Anne Mangen & Jean-Luc Velay - “Digitizing Literacy: Reflections on the Haptics of Writing” (2010)
| No. 5 | William Faulkner & Jean Stein - “William Faulkner, The Art of Fiction No. 12” (1956) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Applebee, Arthur N. - “Writing and Reasoning” (1984) |
| ☐ | Arapoff, Nancy - “Writing: A Thinking Process” (1967) |
| ☐ | Austin, J. L. - “Three Ways of Spilling Ink” (1966) |
| ☐ | Banfield, Janet & Mark Burgess - “A Phenomenology of Artistic Doing: Flow as Embodied Knowing in 2D and 3D Professional Artists” (2013) |
| ☐ | Barnett, Marva A. - “Writing as a Process” (1989) |
| ☐ | Bartholomae, David - “The Study of Error” (1980) |
| ☐ | Barton, David & Uta Papen - “What Is the Anthropology of Writing?” (2010) |
| ☐ | Bauerlein, Mark - “Bad Writing’s Back” (2004) |
| ☒ | Barzun, Jacques - “What Makes Writing Right?” (1984) |
| ☐ | Bauman, Zygmunt - “Afterthought: On Writing; On Writing Sociology” (2002) |
| ☐ | Bergler, Edmun - “Does ‘Writer’s Block’ Exist” (1950) |
| ☐ | Bezemer, Jeff & Gunther Kress - “Writing in Multimodal Texts: A Social Semiotic Account of Designs for Learning” (2008) |
| ☐ | Boice, Bob - “Which Is More Productive, Writing in Binge Patterns of Creative Illness or in Moderation?” (1997) |
| ☐ | Brand, Alice G. - “Hot Cognition: Emotions and Writing Behaviour” () |
| ☐ | Brand, Alice G. - “The Why of Cognition: Emotion and the Writing Process” (1987) |
| ☐ | Brand, Alice G. & Jack L. Powell - “Emotions and the Writing Process: A Description of Apprentice Writers” (1986) |
| ☐ | Brent, Rebecca & Richard M. Felder - “Writing Assignments: Pathways to Connections, Clarity, Creativity” (1992) |
| ☐ | Brinkmann, Svend & Lene Tanggaard - “Toward an Epistemology of the Hand” (2009) |
| ☐ | Brooke, Robert - “Underlife and Writing Instruction” (1987) |
| ☐ | Bruce, Bertram, Allan Collins, Ann D. Rubin & Dedre Gentner - “A Cognitive Science Approach to Writing” (1978) |
| ☐ | Burt, Richard - “Putting Your Papers in Order: The Matter of Kierkegaard’s Writing Desk, Goethe’s Files, and Derrida’s Paper Machine, Or, the Philology and Philosophy of Publishing After Death” (2010) |
| ☐ | Callon, Michel - “Writing and (Re)writing Devices as Tools for Managing Complexity” (2002) |
| ☐ | Carey, L. J. & Linda Flower - “Foundations for Creativity in the Writing Process: Rhetorical Representations of Ill-Defined Problems” (1989) |
| ☐ | Carter, Michael - “Ways of Knowing, Doing, and Writing in the Disciplines” (2007) |
| ☐ | Carver, Raymond - “On Writing” (1985) |
| ☐ | Castillo, Mauricio - “Writer’s Block” (2014) |
| ☐ | Chandler, Daniel - “The Phenomenology of Writing By Hand” (1992) |
| ☐ | Chandler, Daniel - “Writing Strategies and Writers’ Tools” (1993) |
| ☐ | Chenoweth, N. Ann & John R. Hayes - “The Inner Voice in Writing” (2003) |
| ☐ | Colyar, Julia - “Becoming Writing, Becoming Writers” (2009) |
| ☐ | Cooper, Charles R. - 'Holistic Evaluation of Writing” () |
| ☐ | Cooper, Marilyn M. - “The Ecology of Writing” (1986) |
| ☐ | Crowley, Sharon - “Components of the Composing Process” (1977) |
| ☐ | Cumming, Alister - “Theoretical Perspectives on Writing” (1998) |
| ☐ | Cunningham, Malcolm T. - “Writer’s Block: Failures of the Neurological Network and Comparisons with Business Networks” (2007) |
| ☐ | Daiute, Colette A. - “Psycholinguistic Foundations of the Writing Process” (1981) |
| ☐ | Daly, John A. - “Writing Apprehension and Writing Competency” (1978) |
| ☐ | Dardess, George - “The Logic of Spontaneity: A Reconsideration of Kerouac’s 'Spontaneous Prose Method’” (1975) |
| ☐ | Derrida, Jacques - “Scribble (Writing-Power)” (1979) |
| ☒ | Didion, Joan - “Why I Write” (1976) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Djikic, Maja & Keith Oatley - “Writing as Thinking” (2008) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - “Closing My Eyes as I Speak: An Argument for Ignoring Audience” (1987) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - “The Music of Form: Rethinking Organization in Writing” (2006) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - “The Shifting Relationships Between Speech and Writing” (1985) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - “The War Between Reading and Writing: And How to End It” (1993) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - “Toward a Phenomenology of Freewriting” (1989) |
| ☐ | Elnadi, Bahgat, Adel Rifaat & Miguel Labarca - “Gabriel García Márquez: The Writer’s Craft” (1996) |
| ☐ | Emig, Janet - “Writing as a Mode of Learning” (1977) |
| ☐ | Everett, Nick - “Creative Writing and English” (2005) |
| ☐ | Faigley, Lester - “Analysing Revision” (1981) |
| ☐ | Farrell, William J. - “The Power of Writing” (1991) |
| ☒ | Faulkner, William & Jean Stein - “William Faulkner, The Art of Fiction No. 12” (1956) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Feldman, Molly Q. & Brian James McInnis - “How We Write with Crowds” (2020) |
| ☐ | Fitzgerald, Jill - “Enhancing Two Related Thought Processes: Revision in Writing and Critical Reading” (1989) |
| ☐ | Fitzgerald, Jill - “Research on Revision in Writing” (1987) |
| ☐ | Flower, Linda - 'Writer-Based Prose: A Cognitive Basis for Problems in Writing” (1979) |
| ☐ | Flower, Linda & John R. Hayes - “A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing” (1981) |
| ☐ | Flower, Linda & John R. Hayes - “Images, Plans, and Prose” (1984) |
| ☐ | Flower, Linda & John R. Hayes - “Problem-Solving Strategies and the Writing Process” (1977) |
| ☐ | Flower, Linda & John R. Hayes - “The Cognition of Discovery: Defining a Rhetorical Problem” (1980) |
| ☐ | Flower, Linda & John R. Hayes - “The Pregnant Pause: An Inquiry into the Nature of Planning” (1981) |
| ☐ | Fort, Keith - “Form, Authority, and the Critical Essay” (1971) |
| ☐ | Freiman, Marcelle - “The Art of Drafting and Revision: Extended Mind in Creative Writing” (2015) |
| ☐ | Freud, Sigmund - “Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming” (1907) |
| ☐ | Galbraith, David - “Conditions for Discovery through Writing” (1992) |
| ☐ | Galbraith, David - 'Writing as a Knowledge-Constituting Process” (1999) |
| ☐ | Gammil, Deidra M. - “Learning the Write Way” (2006) |
| ☐ | Grey, Christopher & Amanda Sinclair - “Writing Differently” (2006) |
| ☐ | Haas, Christina - “How the Writing Medium Shapes the Writing Process: Effects of Word Processing on Planning” (1989) |
| ☐ | Hacker, Douglas, John Dunlosky & Arthur C. Graesser - “Writing Is Applied Metacognition” (2009) |
| ☐ | Hairston, Maxine - “The Winds of Change: Thomas Kuhn and the Revolution in the Teaching of Writing” (1982) |
| ☐ | Harris, Martha Jane - “Three Steps to Teaching Abstract and Critique Writing” (2006) |
| ☐ | Harris, Roy - “How Does Writing Restructure Thought” (1989) |
| ☐ | Hayes, John R. - “A New Framework for Understanding Cognition and Affect in Writing” (2000) |
| ☐ | Hayes, John R. - “New Directions in Writing Theory” (2006) |
| ☐ | Hayes, John R. & Linda S. Flower - “On the Structure of the Writing Process” (1987) |
| ☐ | Hayes, John R. & Linda S. Flower - “Writing Research and the Writer” (1986) |
| ☐ | Helin, Jenny - “Writing Process After Reading Bakhtin: From Theorized Plots to Unfinalizable ‘Living’ Events” (2014) |
| ☐ | Heller, Peter - “Thomas Mann’s Conception of the Creative Writer” (1954) |
| ☐ | Horne, Philip - “Writing and Rewriting in Henry James” (1989) |
| ☐ | Howard, Rebecca Moore, Tricia Serviss & Tanya K. Rodrigue - “Writing from Sources, Writing from Sentences” (2010) |
| ☐ | Huston, Patricia - “Resolving Writer’s Block” (1998) |
| ☐ | Ingold, Tim - “The Textility of Making” (2010) |
| ☐ | Juzwik, Mary M., Svjetlana Curcic, Kimberly Wolbers, Kathleen D. Moxley, Lisa M. Dimling & Rebecca K. Shankland - “Writing Into the 21st Century: An Overview of Research on Writing, 1999 to 2004” (2006) |
| ☐ | Kalfaoğlu, Çığır & Tom Stafford - “Performance Breakdown Effects Dissociate from Error Detection Effects in Typing” (2013) |
| ☐ | Karst, Roman - “Franz Kafka: Word-Space-Time” (1970) |
| ☐ | Kaufer, David S., John R. Hayes & Linda Flower - “Composing Written Sentences” (1986) |
| ☐ | Kaufman, James C. & Claudia A. Gentile - 'The Will, the Wit, the Judgement: The Importance of an Early Start in Productive and Successful Creative Writing” (2002) |
| ☐ | Kerouac, Jack - “Belief & Technique for Modern Prose” (1959) |
| ☐ | Kerouac, Jack - “Essentials of Spontaneous Prose” (1958) |
| ☒ | Lanham, Richard A. - “The Electronic Word: Literary Study and the Digital Revolution” (1989) |
| ☒ | Latour, Bruno - “Visualization and Cognition: Thinking with Eyes and Hands” (1986) |
| ☐ | Levy, C. Michael & Sarah Ransdell - “Is Writing as Difficult as It Seems?” (1995) |
| ☐ | London, Jack - “Getting Into Print” (1903) |
| ☒ | Mangen, Anne & Jean-Luc Velay - “Digitizing Literacy: Reflections on the Haptics of Writing” (2010) |
| ☒ | Márquez, Gabriel García - “Gabriel García Márquez Meets Ernest Hemingway” (1981) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Márquez, Gabriel García & Marlise Simons - “Love and Age: A Talk with García Márquez” (1985) | ∞ |
| ☐ | McCutchen, Deborah - “A Capacity Theory of Writing: Working Memory in Composition” (1996) |
| ☐ | McLeod, Susan - “Some Thoughts About Feelings: The Affective Domain and the Writing Process” (1987) |
| ☐ | McVey, David - “Why All Writing Is Creative Writing” (2008) |
| ☐ | Menary, Richard - “Writing as Thinking” (2007) |
| ☐ | Meyers, Jeffrey - “George Orwell and the Art of Writing” (2005) |
| ☐ | Miller, J. Hillis - “Nietzsche in Basel: Writing Reading” () |
| ☐ | Moore, Robert H. - “The Writing Clinic and the Writing Laboratory” (1950) |
| ☐ | Morris, William - “The Revival of Handicraft” (1888) |
| ☐ | Morrison, Toni - “Memory, Creation, and Writing” (1984) |
| ☐ | Murray, Douglas M. - “Teach Writing as a Process not Product” (1972) |
| ☐ | Murray, Douglas M. - “Write Before Writing” (1978) |
| ☐ | Myers, David Guy - “The Rise of Creative Writing” (1993) |
| ☒ | Ong, Walter J. - “Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought” (1986) |
| ☐ | Oyama, Yoshinori et al. - “The Hemingway Effect: How Failing to Finish a Task Can Have a Positive Effect on Motivation” (2018) |
| ☐ | Percy, Walker & John Carr - “An Interview with Walker Percy” (1971) |
| ☐ | Perl, Sondra - “The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers” (1979) |
| ☐ | Pollock, Della - “Performing Writing” (1998) |
| ☐ | Rahman, D. Gordon - “Pre-Writing the Stage of Discovery in the Writing Process” (1965) |
| ☐ | Reither, James A. - “Writing and Knowing: Toward Redefining the Writing Process” (1985) |
| ☐ | Rich, Adrienne - “When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision” (1972) |
| ☐ | Richardson, Laurel - “Writing: A Method of Inquiry” (2003) |
| ☐ | Romine, Dannye - “Walker Percy Tells How to Write a Good Sentence” (1980) |
| ☐ | Rose, Mike - “Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of Language: A Cognitivist Analysis of Writer’s Block” (1980) |
| ☐ | Ruefle, Mary - “On Erasure” (2010) |
| ☐ | Schwartz, Mimi - “Two Journeys Through the Writing Process” (1983) |
| ☐ | Seow, Anthony - “The Writing Process and Process Writing” (2002) |
| ☐ | Shaughnessy, Mina P. - “Diving In: An Introduction to Basic Writing” (1976) |
| ☐ | Shniedman, Edwin S. - “Risk Writing: A Special Note About Cesare Pavese and Joseph Conrad” (1979) |
| ☒ | Singleton, Benedict - “Subtle Empires: On Craft and Being Crafty” (2011) |
| ☐ | Singleton, William Thomas - “Theoretical Approaches to Human Error” (1973) |
| ☐ | Smith, Frank - “Myths of Writing” (1981) |
| ☐ | Stahl, Ola - “Kafka and Deleuze-Guattari: Towards a Creative Critical Writing Practice” (2016) |
| ☒ | Steinbeck, John & Nathaniel Benchley - “John Steinbeck, The Art of Fiction No. 45” (1969) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Sword, Helen - “‘Write Every Day’: A Mantra Dismantled” (2016) |
| ☐ | Trimbur, John - “Composition and the Circulation of Writing” (2000) |
| ☐ | Ulmer, Jasmine B. - “Writing Slow Ontology” (2017) |
| ☐ | Upton, Albert - “Logic, Semantics, and Composition” (1965) |
| ☐ | van Manen, Max - “Writing Qualitatively, or the Demands of Writing” (2006) |
| ☐ | van Manen, Max & Catherine Adams - “The Phenomenology of Space in Writing Online” (2009) |
| ☐ | Walton, Kendall - “Thoughtwriting—in Poetry and Music” (2011) |
| ☒ | Waters, Lindsay - “A Call for Slow Writing” (2008) |
☐ | Weigelt, Oliver & Christine J. Syrek - “Ovsiankina's Great Relief: How Supplemental Work During the Weekend May Contribute to Recovery in the Face of Unfinished Tasks” (2017) |
| ☐ | Williams, Joseph M. - “The Phenomenology of Error” (1981) |
| ☐ | Williams, Raymond Leslie - “The Visual Arts, the Poetization of Space and Writing: An Interview with Gabriel García Márquez” (1989) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Robert - “...I Thought I Was Hallucinating” (1977) |
| ☐ | Winsor, Dorothy A. - “Engineering Writing/Writing Engineering” (1990) |
| ☐ | Yancey, Kathleen Blake - “Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key” (2004) |
| ☐ | Zamel, Vivian - “Writing: The Process of Discovering Meaning” (1982) |
| V. Creativity & Invention |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Arthur Koestler - The Act of Creation (1964) |
| No. 2 | Douglas R. Hofstadter & Emmanuel Sander - Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking (2013) |
| No. 3 | Mark Turner ed. - The Artful Mind: Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity (2006) |
| No. 4 | Robert Henri - The Art Spirit (1923) |
| No. 5 | Scott Newstock - How to Think Like Shakespeare: Lessons from a Renaissance Education (2020) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Ackoff, Russell L. - The Art of Problem Solving (1978) |
| ☐ | Bachelard, Gaston - The Poetics of Reverie (1991) |
| ☐ | Bailey, Derek - Improvisation: Its Nature and Practice in Music (1980) |
| ☐ | Beardsley, Monroe C. - Thinking Straight: Principles of Reasoning for Readers and Writers (1956) |
| ☐ | Bergson, Henri - Creative Evolution (1907) |
| ☐ | Bergson, Henri - The Creative Mind (1934) |
| ☒ | Boden, Margaret A. - The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms (1980) |
| ☐ | Brown, Stuart & Christopher Vaughan - Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul (2009) |
| ☐ | Bruner, Jerome Bruner - On Knowing: Essays for the Left Hand (1965) |
| ☒ | Cameron, Julia - The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity (1992) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Cameron, Julia - The Sound of Paper: Starting from Scratch (2004) |
| ☐ | Cameron, Julia - The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart (1996) |
| ☐ | Cameron, Julia - Walking in This World: The Practical Art of Creativity (2002) |
| ☐ | Catmull, Ed - Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration (2014) |
| ☐ | Chodorow, Joan ed. - Jung on Active Imagination (1997) |
| ☐ | Crawford, Matthew B. - The World Beyond Your Head (2014) |
| ☐ | Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly - Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention (1996) |
| ☒ | Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly - Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1990) |
| ☐ | Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi eds. - Optimal Experience: Psychological Studies of Flow in Consciousness (1988) |
| ☒ | Davenport, Guy - The Geography of the Imagination (1981) |
| ☐ | De Bono, Edward - Lateral Thinking (1967) |
| ☐ | De Bono, Edward - Six Thinking Hats (1985) |
| ☐ | Dennett, Daniel C. - Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking (2013) |
| ☐ | Durant, Will - The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time (2002) |
| ☐ | Dutton, Denis & Michael Krausz eds. - The Concept of Creativity in Science and Art (1981) |
| ☐ | Edwards, David - The Lab: Creativity and Culture (2010) |
| ☐ | Eysenck, H. J. - Genius: The Natural History of Creativity (1995) |
| ☐ | Flesch, Rudolf - The Art of Clear Thinking (1951) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus - Creative Thinking: A Field Guide to Building Your Strategic Core (2021) |
| ☐ | Fuentes, Agustín - The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made Humans Exceptional (2017) |
| ☐ | Gardner, Howard - Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi (1993) |
| ☐ | Gelb, Michael J. - Discover Your Genius: How to Think Like History’s Ten Most Revolutionary Minds (2002) |
| ☐ | Gelb, Michael J. - How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day (1998) |
| ☐ | Goins, Jeff - Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age (2017) |
| ☐ | Golberg, Elkhonon - Creativity: The Human Brain in the Age of Innovation (2018) |
| ☐ | Hadamard, Jacques - The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field (1945) |
| ☐ | Heath, Chip & Dan Heath - Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die (2007) |
| ☒ | Henri, Robert - The Art Spirit (1923) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hofstadter, Douglas - Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought (1995) |
| ☒ | Hofstadter, Douglas R. & Emmanuel Sander - Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking (2013) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Honoré, Carl - In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed (2004) |
| ☐ | Johnson, Steven - Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (2010) |
| ☐ | John-Steiner, Vera - Notebooks of the Mind: Explorations of Thinking (1985) |
| ☐ | Judkins, Rod - The Art of Creative Thinking (2015) |
| ☐ | Kaufman, James C. & John Baer eds. - Creativity Across Domains: Faces of the Muse (2014) |
| ☐ | Kleon, Austin - Show Your Work! 10 Ways to Share Your Work and Get Discovered (2014) |
| ☒ | Kleon, Austin - Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative (2012) |
| ☒ | Koestler, Arthur - The Act of Creation (1964) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Kotler, Steven & Jamie Wheal - Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work (2017) |
| ☐ | Krysa, Danielle - Creative Block: Advice and Projects from 50 Successful Artists (2014) |
| ☐ | Lachman, Gary - Lost Knowledge of the Imagination (2017) |
| ☐ | Louden, Sharon - Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists (2013) |
| ☐ | Lynch, David - Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity (2006) |
| ☐ | Maritain, Jacques - Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry (1953) |
| ☐ | May, Rollo - The Courage to Create (1975) |
| ☐ | Merton, Robert K. & Elinor Barber - The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity (2004) |
| ☐ | Miller, Arthur I. - Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and Art (1996) |
| ☐ | Mithen, Steven ed. - Creativity in Human Evolution and Prehistory (1998) |
| ☒ | Newstock, Scott - How to Think Like Shakespeare: Lessons from a Renaissance Education (2020) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Orland, Ted & David Bayles- Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking (1985) |
| ☐ | Parish, Shane & Rhiannon Beaubien - The Great Mental Models: Volume I: General Thinking Concepts (2019) |
| ☐ | Petrosky, Henry - Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing (1996) |
| ☒ | Pressfield, Steven - The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle (2002) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Read, Herbert - The Forms of Things Unknown: Essays towards an Aesthetic Philosophy (1960) |
| ☐ | Robinson, Ken - Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative (2001) |
| ☐ | Root-Bernstein, Robert & Michele Root-Bernstein - Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World’s Most Creative People (1999) |
| ☐ | Ruefle, Mary - On Imagination (2017) |
| ☐ | Sartre, Jean-Paul - The Psychology of Imagination (1940) |
| ☐ | Sayers, Dorothy L. - The Lost Tools of Learning (1947) |
| ☐ | Scarry, Elaine - Dreaming by the Book (1999) |
| ☐ | Scientific American - Triumph of Discovery: A Chronicle of Discoveries in Science (1995) |
| ☐ | Shlain, Leonard - Leonardo’s Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Genius (2014) |
| ☐ | Simonton, Dean Keith - Origins of Genius: Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity (1999) |
| ☐ | Starobinski, Jean - The Living Eye (1961) |
| ☐ | Storr, Anthony - Solitude: A Return to the Self (1988) |
| ☐ | Storr, Anthony - The Dynamics of Creation (1972) |
| ☐ | Svendsen, Lars - A Philosophy of Boredom (1999) |
| ☐ | Thouless, Robert H. - Straight and Crooked Thinking (1930) |
| ☐ | Tomasello, Michael - A Natural History of Human Thinking (2014) |
| ☒ | Turner, Mark - The Origin of Ideas: Blending, Creativity, and the Human Spark (2014) |
| ☒ | Turner, Mark ed. - The Artful Mind: Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity (2006) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Wallas, Graham - The Art of Thought (1926) |
| ☐ | Watson, Peter - Ideas: A History of Thought and Invention, from Fire to Freud (2005) |
| ☐ | Weinberg, Gabriel & Lauren McCann - Super Thinking: A Big Book of Mental Models (2019) |
| ☐ | Whitehead, Alfred North - Adventures of Ideas (1933) |
| ☒ | Wilson, Edward O. - The Origins of Creativity (2017) |
| ☒ | Young, James Webb - A Technique for Producing Ideas (1944) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Jerome S. Bruner - “The Act of Discovery” (1961) |
| No. 2 | George Loewenstein - “The Psychology of Curiosity: A Review and Reinterpretation” (1994) |
| No. 3 | C. S. Peirce - “How to Make Our Ideas Clear” (1878) |
| No. 4 | Ernst Mach - “On the Part Played by Accident in Invention and Discovery” (1896) |
| No. 5 | Jacob L. Moreno - “Theory of Spontaneity-Creativity” (1955) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Agamben, Giorgio - “Genius” (2004) |
| ☐ | Agassi, Joseph - “Genius in Science” (1975) |
| ☐ | Aldworth, Susan - “The Art of Imagination” (2018) |
| ☐ | Amabile, Teresa M. - “How to Kill Creativity” (1998) |
| ☐ | Amabile, Teresa M. - “The Social Psychology of Creativity: A Componential Conceptualization” (1983) |
| ☐ | Anderson, Ben - “Time-Stilled Space-Slowed: How Boredom Matters” (2004) |
| ☐ | Anderson, Douglas R. & Carl R. Hausman - “The Role of Aesthetic Emotion in R. G. Collingwood’s Conception of Creative Activity” (1992) |
| ☒ | André, Paul, Jaime Teevan & Susan T. Dumais - “Discovery Is Never by Chance: Designing for (Un)Serendipity” (2009) |
| ☐ | Arendt, Hannah - “Thinking and Moral Considerations: A Lecture” (1971) |
| ☐ | Arthur, W. Brian - “The Structure of Invention” (2007) |
| ☐ | Asberg, Cecilia, Redi Koobak & Ericka Johnson - “Beyond the Humanist Imagination” (2011) |
| ☐ | Asimov, Isaac - “Enzymes and Metaphor” (1959) |
| ☒ | Atkin, J. Myron & Robert Karplus - “Discovery or Invention?” (1962) |
| ☐ | Baddeley, Alan - “Working Memory” (1992) |
| ☐ | Baddeley, Alan - “Working Memory: Looking Back and Looking Forward” (2003) |
| ☐ | Baghdadchi, Amir - “On Academic Boredom” (2005) |
| ☐ | Baird, Benjamin, Jonathan Smallwood & Jonathan W. Schooler- “Back to the Future: Autobiographical Planning and the Functionality of Mind-Wandering” (2011) |
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| ☐ | Sneath, David et al. - “Technologies of the Imagination: An Introduction” (2009) |
| ☐ | Sowden, Paul T., Andrew Pringle & Liane Gabora - “The Shifting Sands of Creative Thinking: Connections to Dual-Process Theory” (2015) |
| ☐ | Steel, Piers - “The Nature of Procrastination: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review of Quintessential Self-Regulatory Failure” (2007) |
| ☐ | Stein, Sherman K. - “The Mathematician as an Explorer” (1961) |
| ☐ | Steinberger, Peter J. - “Hannah Arendt on Judgment” (1990) |
| ☒ | Stoskopf, M. K. - “Observation and Cogitation: How Serendipity Provides the Building Blocks of Scientific Discovery” (2005) |
| ☒ | Stroud, John M. - “The Fine Structure of Psychological Time” (1956) |
| ☐ | Tateo, Luca - “Beyond the Self and the Environment: The Psychological Horizon” (2014) |
| ☐ | Tateo, Luca - “Generalization as Creative and Reflective Act: Revisiting Lewin's Conflict Between Aristotelian and Galileian Modes of Thought in Psychology” (2013) |
| ☐ | Tateo, Luca - “Giambattista Vico and the Psychological Imagination” (2015) |
| ☐ | Tateo, Luca - “Just an Illusion: Imagination as Higher Mental Function” (2015) |
| ☐ | Tateo, Luca - “Seeing Imagination as Resistance and Resistance as Imagination” (2017) |
| ☐ | Tateo, Luca - “What Imagination Can Teach Us About Higher Mental Functions” (2016) |
| ☐ | Thagard, Paul & David Croft - “Scientific Discovery and Technological Innovation - Ulcers, Dinosaur Extinction, and the Programming Language Java” (1999) |
| ☐ | Thiboutot, Christian et al. - “Gaston Bachelard and Phenomenology: Outline of a Theory of the Imagination” (1999) |
| ☐ | Tomkins, Silvan S. - “The Quest for Primary Motives: Biography and Autobiography of an Idea” (1981) |
| ☐ | Toohey, Peter - “Some Ancient Notions of Boredom” (1988) |
| ☐ | Turner, Victor - “Liminal to Liminoid, in Play, Flow, and Ritual: An Essay in Comparative Symbology” (1974) |
| ☒ | van Andel, Pek - “Anatomy of the Unsought Finding. Serendipity: Origin, History, Domains, Traditions, Appearances, Patterns and Programmability” (1994) |
| ☐ | van der Linden, Dimitri, Mattie Tops & Arnold B. Bakker - “Go with the Flow: A Neuroscientific View on Being Fully Engaged” (2020) |
| ☐ | Vandervert, Larry R. et al. - “How Working Memory and the Cerebellum Collaborate to Produce Creativity and Innovation” (2007) |
| ☐ | Vantomme, Ghislaine & Jeanne Crassous - “Pasteur and Chirality: A Story of How Serendipity Favors the Prepared Minds” (2021) |
| ☐ | Vervaeke, John Leo Ferraro & Arianne Herrera-Bennett - “Flow as Spontaneous Thought: Insight and Implicit Learning” (2018) |
| ☐ | Vervaeke, John, Timothy P. Lillicrap & Blake A. Richards - 'Relevance Realization and the Emerging Framework in Cognitive Science” (2009) |
| ☐ | Veale, Tony - “Game of Tropes: Exploring the Placebo Effect in Computational Creativity” () |
| ☒ | Virno, Paolo - “Wit and Innovation” (2011) |
| ☐ | Vyshedskiy, Andrey - “Neuroscience of Imagination and Implications for Human Evolution” (2019) |
| ☐ | Vyshedskiy, Andrey - “Voluntary and Involuntary Imagination: Neurological Mechanisms, Developmental Path, Clinical Implications, and Evolutionary Trajectory” (2020) |
| ☐ | Wagner, Ullrich, Steffen Gais, Hilde Haider,, Rolf Verleger & Jan Born - “Sleep Inspires Insight” (2004) |
| ☐ | Ward, Thomas B. - “Structured Imagination: The Role of Category Structure in Exemplar Generation” (1994) |
| ☐ | Waterworth, John A. & Mark H. Chignell - “A Model for Information Exploration” (1994) |
| ☐ | Wehane, Patricia H. - “Moral Imagination and Systems Thinking” (2002) |
| ☐ | Weick, Karl E. - “Theory Construction as Disciplined Imagination” (1989) |
| ☐ | Weigelt, Oliver & Christine J. Syrek - “Ovsiankina’s Great Relief: How Supplemental Work During the Weekend May Contribute to Recovery in the Face of Unfinished Tasks” () |
| ☐ | Welch, Kristen Dayle - “Poetry, Visual Design, and the How-To Manual: Creativity in the Teaching of Technical Writing” (2010) |
| ☐ | Wenner, Melinda - “The Serious Need for Play” (2009) |
| ☐ | Werhane, Patricia H. - “Mental Models, Moral Imagination and Systems Thinking in the Age of Globalization” (2008)
| ☐ | White, Gordon E. - “Creativity: The X Factor in Advertising Theory” (1972) |
| ☐ | Wigod, Jacob D. - “Negative Capability and Wise Passiveness” (1952) |
| ☐ | Williams, Emma - “‘Ahead of All Beaten Tracks’: Ryle, Heidegger and the Ways of Thinking” (2013) |
| ☐ | Wright, John K. - “Terrae Incognitae: The Place of the Imagination in Geography” (1947) |
| ☐ | Wynn, Thomas & Frederick L. Coolidge - “Technical Cognition, Working Memory and Creativity” (2014) |
| ☐ | Yaqub, Ohid - “Serendipity: Towards a Taxonomy and a Theory” (2018) |
| ☐ | Zagacki, Kenneth S., Renee Edwards & James M. Honeycutt - “Imagined Interaction as an Element of Social Cognition” (1988) |
| ☐ | Zagacki, Kenneth S., Renee Edwards & James M. Honeycutt - “The Role of Mental Imagery and Emotion in Imagined Interaction” (1992) |
| ☐ | Liao, Shen-yi & Tamar Gendler - “Imagination” (2020) |
| ☐ | Zwicky, Jan - “Imagination and the Good Life” (2013) |
| VI. Culture & Civilization |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Jacques Barzun - From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life (2000) |
| No. 2 | Neil Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (1985) |
| No. 3 | Will Durant & Ariel Durant - The Lessons of History (1968) |
| No. 4 | Jonathan Rauch - The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth (2021) |
| No. 5 | Frances Amelia Yates - The Art of Memory (1966) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Arnold, Matthew - Culture and Anarchy (1869) |
| ☐ | Barfield, Owen - Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry (1957) |
| ☒ | Barzun, Jacques - From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life (2000) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Barzun, Jacques - The Culture We Deserve (1989) |
| ☐ | Barzun, Jacques - The House of Intellect (1959) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean - Seduction (1990) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean - The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures (1970) |
| ☐ | Beck, John & Ryan Bishop - Technocrats of the Imagination (2020) |
| ☐ | Berlin, Isaiah - Against the Current (1979) |
| ☐ | Berlin, Isaiah - The Power of Ideas (2000) |
| ☐ | Berlin, Isaiah - The Proper Study of Mankind (1997) |
| ☒ | Durant, Will & Ariel Durant - The Lessons of History (1968) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Eliot, T. S. - Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (1949) |
| ☐ | Ellis, John M. - Literature Lost: Social Agendas and the Corruption of the Humanities (1997) |
| ☒ | Gasset, Jose Ortega y - The Revolt of the Masses (1929) |
| ☒ | Gatto, John Taylor - Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1991) |
| ☐ | Greenblatt, Stephen - Renaissance Self-Fashioning (1980) |
| ☒ | Guénon, René - The Crisis of the Modern World (1927) |
| ☐ | Guillory, John - Professing Criticism (2022)
| ☐ | Guillory, John - Cultural Capital (1993)
| ☐ | Hoggart, Richard - The Uses of Literacy (1957) |
| ☐ | Huxley, Aldous - Literature and Science (1963) |
| ☒ | Mesoudi, Alex - Cultural Evolution (2011) |
| ☒ | Postman, Neil - Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (1985) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Postman, Neil - The Disappearance of Childhood (1982) |
| ☐ | Postman, Neil - The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School (1995) |
| ☒ | Rauch, Jonathan - The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth (2021) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Read, Herbert - To Hell with Culture (1941) |
| ☐ | Scholes, Robert - The Rise and Fall of English: Reconstructing English As a Discipline (1998) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - Modern Culture (2005) |
| ☐ | Snow, C. P. - The Two Cultures (1959) |
| ☐ | Todorov, Tzvetan - The Limits of Art (2010) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - Beyond Culture (1965) |
| ☐ | Trow, George W. S. - Within the Context of No Context (1981) |
| ☐ | Williams, Raymond - Writing in Society (1983) |
| ☐ | Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Culture and Value (1970) |
| ☐ | Yates, Frances Amelia - Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition (1964) |
| ☒ | Yates, Frances Amelia - The Art of Memory (1966) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Yates, Frances Amelia - The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (1972) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Robert M. Hutchins - “The Great Conversation” (1952) |
| No. 2 | Northrop Frye - “Towards Defining an Age of Sensibility” (1956) |
| No. 3 | Isaiah Berlin - “The Divorce Between the Sciences and the Humanities” (1974) |
| No. 4 | Mary Louise Pratt - “Arts of the Contact Zone” (1991) |
| No. 5 | Albert Einstein - “Science and Religion” (1940) |
◼ Articles
| ☒ | Adorno, Theodor W. & Max Horkheimer - “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” (1944) |
| ☐ | Albrecht, Milton C. - “The Relationship of Literature and Society” (1954) |
| ☒ | Atkinson, Dennis - “Pedagogy Against the State” (2008) |
| ☐ | Bastiat, Frederic - “Things Seen & Not Seen” (1879) |
| ☐ | Bauerlein, Mark - “The New Bibliophobes” (2010) |
| ☐ | Bauerlein, Mark - “Too Dumb for Complex Texts” (2011) |
| ☐ | Beniger, James R. - “Personalization of Mass Media and the Growth of Pseudo-Community” () |
| ☐ | Beniger, James R. - “Toward an Old New Paradigm: The Half-Century Flirtation with Mass Society” (1987) |
| ☐ | Beniger, James R. & Susan Herbst - “Mass Media and Public Opinion” (1990) |
| ☐ | Benton, Peter - “Unweaving the Rainbow: Poetry Teaching in the Secondary School I” (1999) |
| ☐ | Benton, Peter - “The Conveyor Belt Curriculum: Poetry Teaching in the Secondary School II” (2000) |
| ☐ | Benzon, William - “Crisis Among Humanities Disciplines” (2021) |
| ☒ | Benzon, William - “Culture as an Evolutionary Arena” (1996) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Berlin, Isaiah - “The Divorce Between the Sciences and the Humanities” (1974) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Bingham, Charles - “Montaigne, Nietzsche, and the Mnemotechnics of Student Agency” (2007) |
| ☐ | Bloomfield, Leonard - “Why a Linguistic Society?” (1925) |
| ☒ | Bourdieu, Pierre - “The Field of Cultural Production, or: The Economic World Reversed” (1983) |
| ☐ | Brantlinger, Patrick - “Who Killed Shakespeare? An Apologia for English Departments” (1999) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “E-learning: The McDonaldization of Education” (2013) |
| ☐ | Cohn, Robert Greer, Robert Conquest, Rend Girard, Czeslaw Milosz, RicardoJ. Quinones, George Steiner, Richard Wilbur, and James Q. Wilson - “The Humanities, In Memoriam” (1995) |
| ☐ | Crowley, Sharon - “The Perilous Life and Times of Freshman English” (1986) |
| ☐ | D'Ambrosio, Ubiratan - “Literacy, Matheracy, and Technocracy: A Trivium for Today” (1999)
| ☐ | DiMaggio, Paul - “Culture and Cognition” (1997) |
| ☐ | DiMaggio, Paul - “Market Structure, the Creative Process, and Popular Culture: Toward an Organization Reinterpretation of Mass-Culture Theory” (1977) |
| ☐ | Dixon, Thomas - “Educating the Emotions from Gradgrind to Goleman” (2012) |
| ☒ | Einstein, Albert - “Science and Religion” (1940) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Felski, Rita - “Resonance and Education” (2020) |
| ☐ | Fleishman, Avrom - “The Condition of English: Taking Stock in a Time of Culture Wars” (1995) |
| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - “Towards Defining an Age of Sensibility” (1956) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar & Elizabeth A. Povinelli - “Technologies of Public Forms: Circulation, Transfiguration, Recognition” (2003) |
| ☐ | Geertz, Clifford - “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture” (1973) |
| ☐ | Gray, Richard - “Open Doors, Closed Minds: American Prose Writing at a Time of Crisis” (2009) |
| ☐ | Hall, Donald E. - “How to Destroy an English Department” (2011) |
| ☐ | Heller-Roazen, Daniel - “Tradition’s Destruction: On the Library of Alexandria” (2002) |
| ☐ | Henrich, Joseph & Richard McElreath - “The Evolution of Cultural Evolution” (2003) |
| ☐ | Hoggart, Richard - “Humanistic Studies and Mass Culture” (1970) |
| ☐ | Hoggart, Richard - “Literature and Society” (1966) |
| ☐ | Hoggart, Richard - “The Abuses of Literacy” (1994) |
| ☒ | Howe, Irving - “Why You Absolutely Should Read the Canon in College” (1991) |
| ☐ | Huizinga, Johan - “History Changing Form” (1943) |
| ☒ | Hutchins, Robert M. - “The Great Conversation” (1952) | ∞ |
| ☐ | James, Frank A. J. L. - “Some Significances of the Two Cultures Debate” (2016) |
| ☒ | Jameson, Fredric - “Cognitive Mapping” (1990) |
| ☐ | Kitcher, Philip - “1953 and All That. A Tale of Two Sciences” (1984) |
| ☐ | Lake, David A. - “Why ‘Isms’ Are Evil: Theory, Epistemology, and Academic Sects as Impediments to Understanding and Progress” (2011) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - “Make Your Own World” (1945) |
| ☐ | Latour, Bruno - “The Enlightenment Without the Critique: A Word on Michel Serres’ Philosophy” (1987) |
| ☐ | Leavis, Frank R. - “Two Cultures: The Significance of C. P. Snow” (1962) |
| ☐ | Moretti, Franco - “The Comfort of Civilization” (1985) |
| ☐ | Mukerji, Chandra & Michael Schudson - “Popular Culture” (1986) |
| ☐ | Norris, Trevor - “Hannah Arendt & Jean Baudrillard: Pedagogy in the Consumer Society” (2006) |
| ☐ | Oakeshott, Michael - “The Idea of a University” (2003) |
| ☐ | Oldenburg, Ray - 'Our Vanishing ‘Third Places’” (1996-1997) |
| ☐ | Oldenburg, Ray - “The Café as a Third Place” (2013) |
| ☐ | Ortega y Gasset, José - “The Mission of the Librarian” (1961) |
| ☐ | Ottino, Julio M. & Gary Saul Morson - “Building a Bridge Between Engineering and the Humanities” (2016) |
| ☐ | Paglia, Camille - “The Mighty River of Classics: Tradition and Innovation in Modern Education” (2001) |
| ☐ | Park, Denise C. & Chih-Mao Huang - “Culture Wires the Brain: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective” (2010) |
| ☐ | Polanyi, Michael - “The Growth of Science in Society” (1967) |
| ☐ | Polanyi, Michael - “The Growth of Thought in Society” (1941) |
| ☐ | Posner, Richard A. - “Orwell Versus Huxley: Economics, Technology, Privacy, and Satire” (2000) |
| ☐ | Postman, Neil - “The Blurring of Childhood and the Media” (1987) |
| ☐ | Postman, Neil - “Will Our Children Only Inherit the Wind?” (2000) |
| ☒ | Pratt, Mary Louise - “Arts of the Contact Zone” (1991) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Scholes, Robert - “Exploring the Great Divide: High and Low, Left and Right” (2003) |
| ☐ | Scholes, Robert - “The Humanities in a Posthumanist World” (2005) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - “The End of the University” (2015) |
| ☐ | Searle, Leroy - “Literature Departments and the Practice of Theory” (2006) |
| ☐ | Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth - “Science and the Classics” (1929) |
| ☐ | Toscano, Alberto - “The Culture of Abstraction” (2008) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - “English Literature and American Education” (1958) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - “Literature and Power” (1989) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - “The Uncertain Future of the Humanistic Educational Ideal” (1974-1975) |
| ☐ | Trimbuer, John - “Linguistic Memory and the Politics of U. S. English” (2006) |
| ☐ | Turner, Frederick - “In Praise of the Real: Reforming the Humanities” (2001) |
| ☐ | Wesseling, Henk - “History: Science or Art?” (1998) |
| ☐ | Williams, Raymond - “Literature and Sociology: In Memory of Lucien Goldmann” (1971) |
| ☐ | Wynne, Brian - “May the Sheep Safely Graze: A Reflexive View of the Expert-Law Knowledge Divide” (1996) |
| VII. Language & Meaning |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | George Lakoff & Mark Johnson - Metaphors We Live By (1980) |
| No. 2 | Frederick Bodmer - The Loom of Language (1943) |
| No. 3 | C. K. Ogden & I. A. Richards - The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language Upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism (1923) |
| No. 4 | Umberto Eco - Serendipities: Language and Lunacy (1998) |
| No. 5 | Ward Farnsworth - Farnsworth’s Classical English Metaphor (2016) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Aitchison, Jean - The Articulate Mammal: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics (1987) |
| ☐ | Aitchison, Jean - Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon (1987) |
| ☐ | Amis, Kingsley - The King’s English: A Guide to Modern Usage (1997) |
| ☐ | Austin, J. L. - Sense and Sensibilia (1962) |
| ☐ | Ayers, Donald M. - English Words from Latin and Greek Elements (1965) |
| ☐ | Bakhtin, Mikhail - Speech Genres and Other Late Essays (1979) |
| ☐ | Barfield, Owen - Speaker’s Meaning (1967) |
| ☐ | Barzun, Jacques - A Word or Two Before You Go: Brief Essays on Language (1986) |
| ☐ | Bellos, David - Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything (2011) |
| ☐ | Bergen, Benjamin K. - Louder Than Words: The New Science of How the Mind Makes Meaning (2012) |
| ☐ | Bierce, Ambrose - The Unabridged Devil’s Dictionary (1906) |
| ☒ | Bodmer, Frederick - The Loom of Language (1943) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bourdieu, Pierre - Language and Symbolic Power (1982) |
| ☐ | Bradford, Richard - Stylistics: The New Critical Idiom (1997) |
| ☐ | Bragg, Melvyn - The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language (2003) |
| ☐ | Bruner, Jerome - Acts of Meaning (1990) |
| ☐ | Bruner, Jerome - Actual Minds, Possible Worlds (1986) |
| ☐ | Burke, Kenneth - A Grammar of Motives (1945) |
| ☐ | Burke, Kenneth - Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method (1966) |
| ☐ | Burke, Kenneth - On Symbols and Society (1989) |
| ☐ | Burke, Kenneth - Permanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose (1984) |
| ☐ | Carruthers, Peter & Jill Boucher eds. - Language and Thought: Interdisciplinary Themes (1998) |
| ☐ | Chase, Stuart - Tyranny Of Words (1938) |
| ☐ | Chomsky, Noam - Language and Mind (1968) |
| ☐ | Chomsky, Noam - Syntactic Structures (1957) |
| ☐ | de Saussure, Ferdinand - Course in General Linguistics (1916) |
| ☐ | de Shazer, Steve - Words Were Originally Magic (1994) |
| ☒ | Deutscher, Guy - Through the Language Glass (2010) |
| ☐ | Drucker, Johanna - Inventing the Alphabet: The Origins of Letters from Antiquity to the Present (2022) |
| ☐ | Drucker, Johanna - The Alphabetic Labyrinth: The Letters in History and Imagination (1995) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - A Theory of Semiotics (1975) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - From the Tree to the Labyrinth: Historical Studies on the Sign and Interpretation (2007) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition (1997) |
| ☒ | Eco, Umberto - Serendipities: Language and Lunacy (1998) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - The Infinity of Lists (2009) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - The Search for the Perfect Language (1994) |
| ☐ | Ellul, Jacques - The Humiliation of the Word (1985) |
| ☐ | Farb, Peter - Word Play: What Happens when People Talk (1973) |
| ☒ | Farnsworth, Ward - Farnsworth’s Classical English Metaphor (2016) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Fernández, Eva M. & Helen Smith Cairns eds. - The Handbook of Psycholinguistics (2017) |
| ☐ | Fisher, Walter R. - Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value, and Action (1987) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus - Time, Space, and Motion in the Age of Shakespeare (2007) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus John Stewart - Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode (1964) |
| ☐ | Forsyth, Mark - The Etymologican: A Circular Stroll Through the Hidden Connections of the English Language (2011) |
| ☐ | Forsyth, Mark - The Horologicon: A Day’s Jaunt Through the Lost Words of the English Language (2012) |
| ☐ | Geary, James - I Is an Other: The Secret Life of Metaphor and How It Shapes the Way We See the World (2011) |
| ☐ | Gibbs, Jr., Raymond W. - The Poetics of Mind: Figurate Thought, Language, and Understanding (1994) |
| ☐ | Hayakawa, S. I. - Language in Thought and Action (1939) |
| ☐ | Heidegger, Martin - On the Way to Language (1959) |
| ☐ | Hendrickson, Robert - Word and Phrase Origins (1987) |
| ☐ | Hoopes, James ed. - Peirce on Signs: Writings on Semiotic by Charles Sanders Peirce (2014)
| ☐ | Innis, Robert E. ed. - Semiotics: An Introductory Anthology (1985) |
| ☐ | Jakobson, Roman - Language in Literature (1969) |
| ☐ | Jakobson, Roman - Six Lectures on Sound and Meaning (1978) |
| ☐ | Jakobson, Roman - The Framework of Language (1980) |
| ☐ | Jeffries, Lesley - Critical Stylistics: The Power of English (2010) |
| ☐ | Jespersen, Otto - Selected Writings (1933) |
| ☐ | Kripke, Saul A. - Naming and Necessity (1980) |
| ☒ | Lakoff, George & Mark Johnson - Metaphors We Live By (1980) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Lederer, Richard - Anguished English: An Anthology of Accidental Assaults Upon Our Language (1987) |
| ☐ | Lederer, Richard - Crazy English: The Ultimate Joy Ride Through Our Language (1989) |
| ☐ | Leong, Che Kan & Bikkar S. Randhawa eds. - Understanding Literacy and Cognition: Theory, Research, and Application (1989) |
| ☐ | Mencken, H. L. - The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States (1919) |
| ☐ | Merleau-Ponty, Maurice - The Prose of the World (1973) |
| ☐ | Moi, Toril - Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell (2017) |
| ☒ | Ogden, C. K. & I. A. Richards - The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language Upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism (1923) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Ong, Walter J. - Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word (1982) |
| ☐ | Ostler, Nicholas - Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World (2005)
| ☐ | Percy, Walker - The Message in the Bottle: How Queer Man Is, How Queer Language Is, and What One Has to Do with the Other (1975) |
| ☐ | Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (1994) |
| ☐ | Pulvermüller, Friedemann - The Neuroscience of Language: On Brain Circuits of Words and Serial Order (2002) |
| ☐ | Ricoeur, Paul - The Rule of Metaphor (1975) |
| ☐ | Safire, William - On Language (1980) |
| ☐ | Säljö, Roger ed. - The Written World: Studies in Literate Thought and Action (1988) |
| ☐ | Shlain, Leonard - The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image (1998) |
| ☐ | Singh, Simon - The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography (1999) |
| ☐ | Taylor, John R. & Jeanette Littlemore eds. - The Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics (2014) |
| ☐ | Vygotsky, L. S. - Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes (1978) |
| ☐ | Whitehead, Alfred North - Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect (1927) |
| ☐ | Whorf, Benjamin Lee - Language, Thought, and Reality (1956) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Jack Goody & Ian Watt - “The Consequences of Literacy” (1963) |
| No. 2 | Kenneth Burke - “Four Master Tropes” (1941) |
| No. 3 | Roman Jakobson - “Quest for the Essence of Language” (1965) |
| No. 4 | George Lakoff - “The Neural Theory of Metaphor” (2008) |
| No. 5 | Leslie A. White - “The Symbol: The Origin and Basis of Human Behavior” (1940) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Albert, Georgia - “Understanding Irony: Three Essais on Friedrich Schlegel” (1993) |
| ☐ | Austin, J. L. & A. G. Howson - “Language and Mathematical Education” (1979) |
| ☐ |Baddeley, Alan, Susan Gathercole & Costanza Papagno - “The Phonological Loop as a Language Learning Device” (1998) |
| ☐ | Baddeley, Alan, Neil Thomson & Mary Buchanan - “Word Length and the Structure of Short-Term Memory” (1975) |
| ☐ | Bateson, Gregory - “Cybernetic Explanation” (1967) |
| ☒ | Barsalou, Lawrence W. - “Abstraction in Perceptual Symbol Systems” (2003) |
| ☒ | Barsalou, Lawrence W. - 'Simulation, Situated Conceptualization, and Prediction” (2009) |
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| VIII. Literature & Criticism |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Vladimir Nabokov - Lectures on Literature (1980) |
| No. 2 | Northrop Frye - Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (1957) |
| No. 3 | Erich Auerbach - Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature (1946) |
| No. 4 | Leo Tolstoy - What Is Art? (1897) |
| No. 5 | Camille Paglia - Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (1990) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - A Glossary of Literary Terms (1957) |
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - Doing Things with Texts (1989) |
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature (1971) |
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - The Correspondent Breeze: A Romantic Metaphor (1984) |
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition (1953) |
| ☐ | Adler, Mortimer J. - How to Think about the Great Ideas: From the Great Books of Western Civilization (1969) |
| ☐ | Adorno, Theodor W. - Notes to Literature: Vol. I (1958)
| ☐ | Adorno, Theodor W. - Notes to Literature: Vol. II (1958)
| ☐ | Agamben, Giorgio - Idea of Prose (1987) |
| ☐ | Agamben, Giorgio - The Fire and the Tale (2014) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - Reckoning with the Imagination (2015) |
| ☐ | Amis, Martin - The War Against Cliché: Essays and Reviews (2001) |
| ☐ | Auden, W. H. - The Dyers Hand and Other Essays (1962) |
| ☐ | Auden, W. H. - The Enchafèd Flood: or, The Romantic Iconography of the Sea (1950) |
| ☐ | Auerbach, Erich - Figura (1938)
| ☐ | Auerbach, Erich - Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature (1946) |
| ☐ | Babbit, Irving - The New Laokoon: An Essay on the Confusion of the Arts (1910) |
| ☒ | Baker, Carlos ed. - Hemingway and His Critics (1961) |
| ☐ | Bakhtin, Mikhail - Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics (1929) |
| ☐ | Bakhtin, Mikhail - Rabelais and His World (1965) |
| ☐ | Barthes, Roland - Mythologies (1957) |
| ☐ | Barthes, Roland - S/Z (1970) |
| ☐ | Barthes, Roland - The Rustle of Language (1984)
| ☐ | Bataille, Georges - Literature and Evil (1957) |
| ☐ | Bate, Jonathan - How the Classics Made Shakespeare (2019)
| ☐ | Baxter, Katherine Isobel & Robert Hampson eds. - Conrad and Language (2016) |
| ☐ | Beckett, Samuel - Proust (1931) |
| ☐ | Benhaim, Andre ed. - The Strange M. Proust (2009) |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations: Essays and Reflections (1968) |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings (1986) |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - Selected Writings: Vol. 1 (1996) |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - Selected Writings: Vol. 2 (1999) |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - Selected Writings: Vol. 3 (2002)
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - Selected Writings: Vol. 4 (2003) |
| ☐ | Bennett, Jane - Influx and Efflux: Writing Up with Walt Whitman (2020) |
| ☐ | Berger, John - Landscapes: John Berger on Art (2016) |
| ☐ | Berlin, Isaiah - The Hedgehog and the Fox (1953) |
| ☐ | Blackwell, Stephen H. - The Quill and the Scalpel: Nabokov's Art and the Worlds of Science (2009) |
| ☐ | Blanchot, Maurice - The Space of Literature (1955) |
| ☐ | Blanchot, Maurice - The Work of Fire (1949) |
| ☐ | Blau DuPlessis, Rachel & Peter Quartermain eds. - The Objectivist Nexus (1999) |
| ☒ | Bloom, Harold - The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages (1994) |
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| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - The Aesthetics of Chaosmos: The Middle Ages of James Joyce (1966) |
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| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays (1957) | ∞ |
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| ☐ | Gardner, Helen - The Art of T. S. Eliot (1949) |
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| ☐ | Gavin, Alexander ed. - Sidney's ‘The Defence of Poesy’ and Selected Renaissance Literary Criticism (2004) |
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| ☐ | Goodman, Nelson - Languages of Art: An Approach to a Theory of Symbols (1968) |
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| ☐ | Harrison, Gilbert A. ed. - The Critic as Artist: Essays on Books (1971) |
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| ☐ | Hughes, Robert - Nothing If Not Critical: Selected Essays On Art And Artists (1990) |
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| ☐ | James, Clive - Cultural Cohesion: Essential Essays (2013) |
| ☐ | Jarrell, Randall - No Other Book: Selected Essays (1999) |
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| ☐ | Johnson, David E. & William Egginton eds. - Thinking with Borges (2009) |
| ☐ | Johnson, Samuel - Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets (1779) |
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| ☐ | Kaufmann, Walter - From Shakespeare to Existentialism (1959) |
| ☐ | Kazin, Alfred - On Native Grounds: An Interpretation Of Modern American Prose Literature (1942) |
| ☐ | Kazin, Alfred - The Inmost Leaf: A Selection of Essays (1955) |
| ☐ | Kenner, Hugh - Gnomon: Essays on Contemporary Literature (1958) |
| ☐ | Kenner, Hugh - Mazes: Essays (1983) |
| ☐ | Kenner, Hugh - The Pound Era (1971) |
| ☐ | Kenner, Hugh - The Stoic Comedians: Flaubert, Joyce and Beckett (1962) |
| ☐ | Kermode, Frank - Forms of Attention: Botticelli and Hamlet (1985) |
| ☐ | Krystal, Arthur - Agitations: Essays on Life and Literature (2002) |
| ☐ | Krystal, Arthur - Except When I Write: Reflections of a Recovering Critic (2011) |
| ☐ | Kundera, Milan - Testaments Betrayed: An Essay in Nine Parts (1993) |
| ☐ | Kundera, Milan - The Curtain: An Essay in Seven Parts (2005) |
| ☐ | Lawrence, D. H. - Selected Literary Criticism (1919) |
| ☐ | Lawrence, D. H. - Studies in Classic American Literature (1923)
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| ☐ | Lewis, C. S. - Experiment in Criticism (1961) |
| ☐ | Lewis, C. S. - Of Other Worlds (1982)
| ☐ | Lewis, C. S. - On Stories and Other Essays on Literature (1966) |
| ☐ | Lewis, C. S. - Preface to Paradise Lost (1942) |
| ☐ | Lewis, C. S. - The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature (1964)
| ☐ | Lovecraft, H. P. - Writings in the United Amateur (1915)
| ☐ | Lovejoy, Arthur O. - Essays in the History of Ideas (1948) |
| ☐ | Malcolm, Janet - Forty-One False Starts: Essays on Artists and Writers (2013)
| ☐ | Mann, Thomas - Essays of Three Decades (1947) |
| ☐ | Matthiessen, F. O. - American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman (1941) |
| ☐ | McCaffery, Larry ed. - Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction (1991)
| ☐ | McLuhan, Marshall - Culture Is Our Business (1970) |
| ☐ | McLuhan, Marshall - From Cliche To Archetype (1970) |
| ☐ | Mendelsohn, Daniel - How Beautiful It Is And How Easily It Can Be Broken: Essays (2008) |
| ☐ | Mendelsohn, Daniel - Waiting for the Barbarians (2012) |
| ☐ | Milosz, Czeslaw - The Captive Mind (1953) |
| ☐ | Mitchell, W. J. T. - Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology (1986) |
| ☐ | Moretti, Franco - Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (1997) |
| ☐ | Moretti, Franco - The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture (1987) |
| ☐ | Murdoch, Iris - Existentialists And Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature (1997)
| ☐ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Nikolai Gogol (1944)
| ☐ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Lectures on Don Quixote (1983) |
| ☒ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Lectures on Literature (1980) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Lectures on Russian Literature (1982) |
| ☐ | Nicol, Bran ed. - Postmodernism and the Contemporary Novel: A Reader (2002) |
| ☐ | Nussbaum, Martha C. - Love’s Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature (1990 |
| ☐ | Oates, Joyce Carol - New Heaven, New Earth: The Visionary Experience in Literature (1974) |
| ☐ | Oates, Joyce Carol - The Edge of Impossibility: Tragic Forms in Literature (1972) |
| ☐ | O'Connor, Frank - Shakespeare’s Progress (1960) |
| ☐ | O'Connor, Joseph - Towards an Appreciation of Literature (1945) |
| ☐ | Olson, Charles - Collected Prose (1997)
| ☐ | Orwell, George - Some Thoughts on the Common Toad (2010) |
| ☐ | Pageau, Matthieu - The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis (2018)
| ☐ | Paglia, Camille -Glittering Images: A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars (2012) |
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| ☐ | Parry, Milman - The Making of Homeric Verse: The Collected Papers of Milman Parry (1971) |
| ☐ | Pater, Walter - Appreciations with an Essay on Style (1889) |
| ☐ | Paustovsky, Konstantin - The Golden Rose (1955) |
| ☐ | Paz, Octavio - Bow and the Lyre: The Poem. The Poetic Revelation. Poetry and History (1956)
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| ☐ | Paz, Octavio - In Search of the Present (1990) |
| ☐ | Perloff, Marjorie - The Futurist Moment (1986) |
| ☐ | Pfeiffer, K. Ludwig - The Protoliterary: Steps Toward an Anthropology of Culture (2002) |
| ☐ | Phillips, Adam - In Writing (2016) |
| ☐ | Pope, Alexander - An Essay on Criticism (1711) |
| ☐ | Pound, Ezra - Instigations (1920) |
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| ☐ | Praz, Mario - The Romantic Agony (1933) |
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| ☐ | Read, Herbert - A Coat of Many Colours: Occasional Essays (1945) |
| ☐ | Richards, I. A. - Practical Criticism, The Meaning of Meaning and The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1929) |
| ☐ | Rodgers, Michael - Nabokov and Nietzsche: Problems and Perspectives (2018) |
| ☐ | Rorty, Richard - Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity (1989) |
| ☐ | Rosen, Charles - Freedom and the Arts: Essays on Music and Literature (2012) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - Literature as Exploration (1933) |
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| ☐ | Schjeldahl, Peter - The Hydrogen Jukebox: Selected Writings (1991)
| ☐ | Schopenhauer, Arthur - The Art of Literature: A Series of Essays (1891)
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| ☐ | Scott, A. O. - Better Living Through Criticism (2016) |
| ☐ | Scott, Geoffrey - The Architecture of Humanism: A Study in the History of Taste (1914) |
| ☐ | Sigal, Clancy - Hemingway Lives! Why Reading Ernest Hemingway Matters Today (2013) |
| ☐ | Sontag, Susan - Against Interpretation and Other Essays (1966) |
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| ☐ | Stein, Gertrude - What Are Masterpieces? (1940) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation (1975) |
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| ☐ | Steiner, George - Extraterritorial: Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution (1972) |
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| ☐ | Steiner, George - In Bluebeard’s Castle: Some Notes Towards the Redefinition of Culture (1971) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - Language and Silence: Essays (1967) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - Lessons of the Masters (2003) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - Nostalgia for the Absolute (2004) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - On Difficulty and Other Essays (1978) |
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| ☐ | Stevens, Wallace - The Necessary Angel: Essays on Reality and the Imagination (1951) |
| ☐ | Strauss, Leo - Persecution and the Art of Writing (1952) |
| ☐ | Symons, Arthur - The Symbolist Movement in Literature (1899) |
| ☒ | Tolstoy, Leo - What Is Art? (1897) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - Sincerity and Authenticity (1972) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - The Experience of Literature (1967) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent (2000) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - The Opposing Self (1955) |
| ☐ | Updike, John - Always Looking: Essays on Art (2012) |
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| ☐ | Updike, John - Just Looking: Essays on Art (1989) |
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| ☐ | Walder, Dennis ed. - Literature In The Modern World: Critical Essays and Document (1990) |
| ☐ | Warren, Robert Penn - New and Selected Essays (1989) |
| ☒ | Wilson, Colin - The Outsider (1956) | ∞ |
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| ☐ | Wilson, Edmund - Axel’s Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870–1930 (1931) |
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| ☐ | Wood, James - The Broken Estate: Essays on Literature and Belief (1999) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Walter Benjamin - “Experience and Poverty” (1933) |
| No. 2 | David Foster Wallace - “E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction” (1993) |
| No. 3 | G. K. Chesterton - “A Defence of Nonsense” (1902) |
| No. 4 | W. K. Wimsatt, Jr. & Monroe C. Beardsley - “The Intentional Fallacy” (1946) |
| No. 5 | Ernest Hemingway - “Nobel Acceptance Speech” (1954) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - “Anatomy of Criticism” (1959) |
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - “Archetypal Analogies in the Language of Criticism” (1949) |
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - “Belief and Disbelief” (1958) |
| ☒ | Abrams, M. H. - “The Transformation of English Studies: 1930-1995” (1997) |
| ☐ | Adams, Robert M. - “Masks and Delays: Edmund Wilson as Critic” (1948) |
| ☐ | Agassi, Joseph - “Philosophy as Literature: The Case of Borges” (1970) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “An Idea and Ideal of a Literary Canon” (1983) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “Ecce Homo: Narcissism, Power, Pathos, and the Status of Autobiographical Representations” (1981) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “Ovid and the New Mythologists” (1973) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “The Concept of Force as a Frame for Modernist Art and Literature” (1998) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “The Hermeneutics of Literary Indeterminacy: A Dissent from the New Orthodoxy” (1978) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “The Qualities of Action: A Theory of Middles in Literature” (1977) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “The Sensuous Dimension of Literary Experience: An Alternative to Materialist Theory” (2007) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “What Theory Can Learn from New Directions in Contemporary American Poetry” (2012) |
| ☐ | Angel, Maria & Anna Gibbs - “On Moving and Being Moved: The Corporeality of Writing in Literary Fiction and New Media Art” (2009) |
| ☐ | Auden, W. H. - “Valéry: L’Homme d’espirit” (1969) |
| ☐ | Barrett, William, Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Robert Gorham Davis, Allen Tate & Hiram Haydn - “The New Criticism” (1951) |
| ☐ | Bauerlein, Mark - “Whitman’s Language of the Self” (1987) |
| ☐ | Beckett, Samuel - “Dante... Bruno. Vico.. Joyce” (1929) |
| ☒ | Benjamin, Walter - “Experience and Poverty” (1933) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - “On Some Motifs in Baudelaire” (1939) |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - “The Author as Producer” (1934) |
| ☐ | Benson, Jackson J. - “John Steinbeck: Novelist as Scientist” (1977) |
| ☐ | Benzon, William - “Cognitive Networks and Literary Semantics” (1976) |
| ☐ | Benzon, William - “Toward a Theory of the Corpus” (2018) |
| ☒ | Berlant, Lauren - “Genre Flailing” (2018) |
| ☐ | Birkerts, Sven - “A Critic for Our Time” (1985) |
| ☐ | Birkerts, Sven - “On Becoming an Editor” (2003) |
| ☐ | Birkerts, Sven - “Signal in a Sea of Noise” (2003) |
| ☐ | Birkerts, Sven - “The Drowning Signal: Self in the Information Age” (2007) |
| ☐ | Blackmur, R. P. - “A Burden for Critics” (1948) |
| ☐ | Blackmur, R. P. - “In the Hope of Straightening Things Out” (1951) |
| ☐ | Blackmur, R. P. - “The Sacred Fount” (1942) |
| ☐ | Booth, Wayne C. - “Distance and Point-of-View: An Essay in Classification” (1961) |
| ☒ | Bourdieu, Pierre - “Intellectual Field and Creative Project” (1969) |
| ☒ | Bowron, Bernard, Leo Marx & Arnold Rose - “Literature and Covert Culture” (1957) |
| ☐ | Breslin, Paul - “Two Cheers for the New Formalism” (1991) |
| ☐ | Brodsky, Joseph - “Nobel Lecture, 8 December 1987” (1995) |
| ☐ | Brombert, Victor - “Camus and the Novel of the ‘Absurd’” (1948) |
| ☐ | Brooks, Peter - “Aesthetics and Ideology: What Happened to Poetics?” (1994) |
| ☐ | Brown, Calvin S. - “The Relations Between Music and Literature as a Field of Study” (1970) |
| ☐ | Calvin, William H. - “The Lovable Cat: Mimicry Strikes Again” (1983) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “Danto’s Comic Vision: Philosophical Method and Literary Style” (2015) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “Hume’s Standard of Taste” (1984) |
| ☐ | Cawelti, John G. - “Notes toward an Aesthetic of Popular Culture” (1971) |
| ☐ | Cawelti, John G. - “The Concept of Formula in the Study of Popular Literature” (1972) |
| ☐ | Chaffee, Diane - “Visual Art in Literature: The Role of Time and Space in Ekphrastic Creation” (1984) |
| ☒ | Chesterton, G. K. - “A Defence of Nonsense” (1902) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Clasen, Mathias - “Hauntings of Human Nature: An Evolutionary Critique of King’s The Shining” (2017) |
| ☐ | Connolly, Cyril - “‘Introduction’ to Great English Short Novels” (1953) |
| ☐ | Corngold, Stanley - “Kafka and the Ministry of Writing” (2020) |
| ☐ | Cowley, Malcolm - “Hawthorne in the Looking-Glass” (1948) |
| ☐ | Cowley, Malcolm - 'Hemingway’s Wound: And Its Consequences for American Literature” (1984) |
| ☐ | Cowley, Malcolm - 'John Cheever: The Novelist’s Life as a Drama” (1983) |
| ☐ | Cowley, Malcolm - “‘Not Men’: A Natural History of American Naturalism” (1947) |
| ☐ | Cox, Carole & Joyce E. Many - “Toward an Understanding of the Aesthetic Response to Literature” (1992) |
| ☐ | Crane, Ronald S. - “Interpretation of Texts and the History of Ideas” (1941) |
| ☐ | Crane, Ronald S. - “Literature, Philosophy, and the History of Ideas” (1954) |
| ☐ | Crane, Ronald S. - “Suggestions Toward a Genealogy of the ‘Man of Feeling’” (1934) |
| ☐ | Currie, Gregory - “Narrative and the Psychology of Character” (2009) |
| ☐ | Currie, Gregory - “Work and Text” (1991) |
| ☐ | de Man, Paul - “The Resistance to Theory” (1982) |
| ☐ | Deleuze, Gilles & Felix Guattari - “Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature: The Components of Expression” (1985) |
| ☐ | Deleuze, Gilles, Daniel W. Smith & Michael A. Greco - “Literature and Life” (1997) |
| ☐ | Deleuze, Gilles, Félix Guattari & Robert Brinkle - “What Is a Minor Literature?” (1983) |
| ☐ | Deppman, Jed - “History with Style: The Impassible Writing of Flaubert” (1996) |
| ☐ | Diment, Galya - “English as Sanctuary: Nabokov’s and Brodsky’s Autobiographical Writings” (1993) |
| ☐ | Dimock, Wai Chee - “A Theory of Resonance” (1997) |
| ☐ | Dimock, Wai Chee - “Literature for the Planet” (2001) |
| ☒ | Djikic, Maja & Keith Oatley - “Love and Personal Relationships: Navigating on the Border Between the Ideal and the Real” (2004) |
| ☐ | Djikic, Maja, Keith Oatley & Mihnea C. Moldoveanu - “Opening the Closed Mind: The Effect of Exposure to Literature on the Need for Closure” (2013) |
| ☐ | Doctorow, E. L. - “Braver Than We Thought” (1986) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Between La Mancha and Babel” (1997) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Innovation and Repetition: Between Modern and Post-Modern Aesthetics” (1985) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Intensional Man Vs Extensional Man: A Difficult Dialogue” (1984) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Postmodernism, Irony, the Enjoyable” (1992) |
| ☐ | Elgrably, Jordan - “Conversations with Milan Kundera” (1987) |
| ☐ | Emery, Jacob - “Art Is Inoculation: The Infectious Imagination of Leo Tolstoy” (2011) |
| ☐ | Empson, William - “Emotion in Words Again” (1948) |
| ☐ | Empson, William - “The Verbal Analysis” (1950) |
| ☐ | Even-Zohar, Itamar - “Literature as Goods, Literature as Tools” (2002) |
| ☐ | Felski, Rita - “Context Stinks” (2011) |
| ☐ | Fiedler, Leslie A. - “Toward an Amateur Criticism” (1950) |
| ☐ | Fielding, Kenneth J. - “Mill and Gradgrind” (1956) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus - “Poetic Wisdom and the Barbarism of Reflection” (2012) |
| ☐ | Fludernick, Monika - “Linguistics and Literature: Prospects and Horizons in the Study of Prose” (1996) |
| ☐ | Frow, John - “The Literary Frame” (1982) |
| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - “A Literate Person Is First and Foremost an Articulate Person...” (1976) |
| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - “Levels of Meaning in Literature” (1950) |
| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - “Myth as the Matrix of Literature” (1984) |
| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - “The Archetypes of Literature” (1951) |
| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - “The Expanding World of Metaphor” (1985) |
| ☒ | Frye, Northrop - “The Four Forms of Prose Fiction” (1950) |
| ☐ | Furst, Lilian R. - “Kafka and the Romantic Imagination” (1970) |
| ☐ | Gadamer, Hans-Georg - “Philosophy and Literature” (1985) |
| ☐ | Gandelman, Claude - “Kafka as an Expressionist Draftsman” (1974) |
| ☐ | Gass, William - “The Habituations of the Word” (1984) |
| ☐ | Gass, William - “The Literary Miracle” (2008) |
| ☐ | Gass, William - “The Soul Inside the Sentence” (1982) |
| ☐ | Gass, William - “The Story of the State of Nature” (1992) |
| ☐ | Genette, Gérard - “Introduction to the Paratext” (1991) |
| ☐ | Genette, Gérard - “Paul Valéry: Literature as Such” (1999) |
| ☐ | Gibson, John - “Between Truth and Triviality” (2003) |
| ☒ | Gibson, John - “Interpreting Words, Interpreting Worlds” (2006) |
| ☐ | Girard, René - 'Innovation and Repetition” (1990) |
| ☐ | Girard, René - “Lévi-Strauss, Frye, Derrida and Shakespearean Criticism” (1973) |
| ☐ | Girard, René - “Superman in the Underground: Strategies of Madness—Nietzsche, Wagner, and Dostoevsky” (1976) |
| ☐ | Girard, René - “The Plague in Literature and Myth” (1974) |
| ☐ | Godhf, Lydia - “Being True to the Work” (1989) |
| ☐ | Gomel, Elana - “Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the (Un)Death of the Author” (2004) |
| ☒ | Gottschall, Jonathan - “The Tree of Knowledge and Darwinian Literary Study” (2003) |
| ☐ | Gottschall, Jonathan & Marcus Nordlund - “Romantic Love: A Literary Universal” (2008) |
| ☐ | Green, Daniel - “Literature Itself: The New Criticism and Aesthetic Experience” (2003) |
| ☐ | Gubar, Marah - “On Not Defining Children’s Literature” (201) |
| ☐ | Gussow, Adam - “Bohemia Revisited: Malcolm Cowley, Jack Kerouac, and On the Road“ (1984) |
| ☐ | Hallie, Philip - “Camus and the Literature of Revolt” (1954) |
| ☐ | Hartman, Geoffrey H. - “Maurice Blanchot: Philosopher-Novelist” (1961) |
| ☐ | Hatzfeld, Helmut - “A Clarification of the Baroque Problem in the Romance Literature” (1949) |
| ☐ | Hay, Eloise Knapp - “Joseph Conrad and Impressionism” (1975) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - “Turbulence in Literature and Science: Questions of Influence” (1992) |
| ☒ | Hemingway, Ernest - “Nobel Acceptance Speech” (1954) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hernadi, Paul - 'Why Is Literature? A Coevolutionary Perspective on Imaginative Worldmaking” (2004) |
| ☐ | Hönnighausen, Lothar - “The Impact of the Arts on Faulkner’s Writing” (1997) |
| ☐ | Housman, A. E. - “The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism” (1921) |
| ☐ | Howe, Irving - “Dostoevsky: The Politics of Salvation” (1955) |
| ☐ | Howe, Irving - “Orwell: History as Nightmare” (1956) |
| ☐ | Howell, Robert - “Ontology and the Nature of the Literary Work” (2002) |
| ☐ | Huneker, James - “The Genius of Joseph Conrad” (1914) |
| ☐ | Hutcheon, Linda - “Modern Parody and Bakhtin” (1989) |
| ☐ | Huxley, Aldous - “The Author Speaks” (1965) |
| ☐ | Irwin, William - 'Against Intertextuality” (2004) |
| ☐ | Jauss, Hans Robert - “Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory” (1970) |
| ☐ | Jauss, Hans Robert - “Modernity and Literary Tradition” (2005) |
| ☐ | Jensen, Mikkel - “A Note on a Title: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” (2014) |
| ☐ | Kent, Stephen A. - “Weber, Goethe, and the Nietzschean Allusion: Capturing the Source of the ‘Iron Cage’ Metaphor” (1983) |
| ☐ | Kermode, Frank - “A Modern Way with the Classic” (1974) |
| ☐ | Kermode, Frank - “Institutional Control of Interpretation” (1979) |
| ☐ | Kermode, Frank - “Novels: Recognition and Deception” (1974) |
| ☐ | Kinzie, Mary - “The Rhapsodic Fallacy” (1984) |
| ☐ | Klein, Richard - “The Future of Literary Criticism” (2010) |
| ☐ | Kroeber, Karl - “The Reaper and the Sparrow: A Study in Romantic Style” (1958) |
| ☐ | Lachmann, Renate - “Mnemonic and Intertextual Aspects of Literature” (2008) |
| ☐ | Latour, Bruno - “Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam?” From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern” (2004) |
| ☐ | Le Brun, Philip - “T. S. Eliot and Henri Bergson” (1967) |
| ☐ | Levinson, Marjorie - “What Is New Formalism?” (2007) |
| ☐ | Lewis, C. S. - “Bluspels and Flalansferes: A Semantic Nightmare” (1939) |
| ☐ | Leypoldt, Günter - “Uses of Metaphor: Richard Rorty’s Literary Criticism and the Poetics of World-Making” (2008) |
| ☐ | Lutz, William D. - “Language, Appearance, and Reality: Doublespeak in 1984” (1987) |
| ☐ | Lutz, William D. - “Notes Toward a Definition of Doublespeak” (1989) |
| ☒ | Maclean, Marie - “Pretexts and Paratexts: The Art of the Peripheral” (1991) |
| ☐ | Marcus, Sharon - “How to Talk about Books You Have Read” (2015) |
| ☐ | Matthiessen, F. O. - “James and the Plastic Arts” (1943) |
| ☐ | Matthiessen, F. O. - “Poe” (1946) |
| ☐ | Matthiessen, F. O. - “Primarily Language” (1948) |
| ☐ | Matthiessen, F. O. - “‘The Great Tradition’: A Counter-Statement” (1934) |
| ☐ | McGann, Jerome - “Keats and the Historical Method in Literary Criticism” (1979) |
| ☐ | McGurl, Mark - “Gigantic Realism: The Rise of the Novel and the Comedy of Scale” (2017) |
| ☐ | McGurl, Mark - “The Novel's Forking Path” (2015) |
| ☐ | Menand, Louis - “Practical Cat: How T. S. Eliot Became T. S. Eliot” (2011) |
| ☐ | Millhauser, Milton - “Walter Pater and the Flux” (1953) |
| ☐ | Moretti, Franco - “Conjectures on World Literature” () |
| ☐ | Morson, Gary Saul - “At Last: Bakhtin and the Teaching of Literature” (2007) |
| ☐ | Nussbaum, Martha C. - “‘Finely Aware and Richly Responsible’: Moral Attention and the Moral Task of Literature” (1985) |
| ☐ | Nussbaum, Martha C. - “Narrative Emotions: Beckett’s Genealogy of Love” (1988) |
| ☐ | Nussbaum, Martha C. - “The Literary Imagination in Public Life” (1991) |
| ☐ | Ogden, Thomas H. - “Borges and the Art of Mourning” (2000) |
| ☐ | Ogden, Thomas H. - “Kafka, Borges, and the Creation of Consciousness, Part I: Kafka—Dark Ironies of the ‘Gift’ of Consciousness” (2009) |
| ☐ | Ogden, Thomas H. - “Kafka, Borges, and the Creation of Consciousness, Part II: Borges—A Life of Letters Encompassing Everything and Nothing” (2009) |
| ☐ | Paz, Octavio - “Water Writes Always in Plural” (1978) |
| ☒ | Peck, Russell A. - “Public Dreams and Private Myths: Perspective in Middle English Literature” (1975) |
| ☒ | Pinker, Steven - “Toward a Consilient Study of Literature” (2007) |
| ☐ | Pinter, Harold - “Art, Truth & Politics” (2005) |
| ☐ | Posner, Richard A. - “Kafka: The Writer as Lawyer” (2010) |
| ☐ | Posner, Richard A. - “The Decline of Literary Criticism” (2008) |
| ☐ | Poulet, Georges - “Maurice Blanchot as Novelist” (1951) |
| ☐ | Poulet, Georges, Mark Cirino & William J. Hemminger - “Bergson: The Theme of the Panoramic Vision of the Dying and Juxtaposition” (2011) |
| ☐ | Prince, Gerald - “Gérard Genette and the Pleasures of Poetics” (2010) |
| ☐ | Pugh, Jonathan - “Wittgenstein, Shakespeare, and Metaphysical Wit” (2012) |
| ☐ | Rahv, Philip - “Franz Kafka: The Hero as Lonely Man” (1939) |
| ☐ | Ransom, John Crowe - “Criticism, Inc.” (1937) |
| ☐ | Ransom, John Crowe - “Wanted: An Ontological Critic” (1970) |
| ☐ | Reader, Simon - “Social Notes: Oscar Wilde, Francis Bacon, and the Medium of Aphorism” (2013) |
| ☐ | Rieff, Philip - “George Orwell and the Post-Liberal Imagination” (1954) |
| ☐ | Robbins, Hollis - “The Emperor’s New Critique” (2003) |
| ☐ | Rorty, Richard - “Texts and Lumps” (1985) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “Pattern and Process: A Polemic” (1969) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “The Genesis of Pater's Marius the Epicurean” (1962) |
| ☐ | Rushworth, Jennifer - “Derrida, Proust, and the Promise of Writing” (2015) |
| ☐ | Schorer, Mark - “Fiction and the ‘Matrix of Analogy’” (949) |
| ☐ | Searle, Leroy - “Technology and the Perils of Poetry; or, Why Criticism Never Catches Up” (2003) |
| ☐ | Sell, Roger D. - “Gadamer, Habermas and a Re-Humanized Literary Scholarship” (2006) |
| ☐ | Spatt, Hartley S. - “Kurt Vonnegut: Ludic Luddite” (2001) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - “Our Homeland, the Text” (1985) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - “The Genius of Robert Graves” (1960) |
| ☐ | Tanner, Michael - “Sentimentality” (1976) |
| ☐ | Tatsumi, Takayuki - “Comparative Metafiction: Somewhere Between Ideology and Rhetoric” (1997) |
| ☐ | Thorpe, James - “The Aesthetics of Textual Criticism” (1965) |
| ☐ | Todorov, Tzvetan, Lynn Moss & Bruno Braunrot - “The Notion of Literature” (1973) |
| ☐ | Trilling, Lionel - “Freud and Literature” (1959) |
| ☐ | Valéry, Paul - “The Existence of Symbolism” (1957) |
| ☐ | Valéry, Paul - “Things Left Unsaid” (1948) |
| ☐ | Villa, Dana R. - “Beyond Good and Evil: Arendt, Nietzsche, and the Aestheticization of Political Action” (1992) |
| ☒ | Wallace, David Foster - “E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction” (1993) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Warren, Robert Penn - “Knowledge and the Image of Man” (1955) |
| ☐ | Williams, Raymond - “Structures of Feeling” (1961) |
| ☐ | Wimsatt Jr., W. K. & Monroe C. Beardsley - “The Affective Fallacy” (1949) |
| ☒ | Wimsatt Jr., W. K. & Monroe C. Beardsley - “The Intentional Fallacy” (1946) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Wood, Brent - “William S. Burroughs and the Language of Cyberpunk” (1996) |
| ☐ | Wood, Michael - “A World without Literature?” (2009) |
| IX. Nature & Mind |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Iain McGilchrist - The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (2009) |
| No. 2 | Edward O. Wilson - Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (1998) |
| No. 3 | Jaak Panksepp - The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions (2012) |
| No. 4 | Maurice Merleau-Ponty - The Phenomenology of Perception (1945) |
| No. 5 | Donald E. Brown - Human Universals (1991) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Abram, David - The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World (1996) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Ackerman, Diane - An Alchemy of Mind: The Marvel and Mystery of the Brain (2004) |
| ☒ | Ackerman, Diane - The Natural History of the Senses (1990) |
| ☒ | Bak, Per - How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality (1996) |
| ☐ | Ball, Philip - Branches: Nature’s Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts (2009) |
| ☐ | Ball, Philip - Flow: Nature’s Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts (2009) |
| ☐ | Ball, Philip - Shapes: Nature’s Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts (2009) |
| ☐ | Bateson, Gregory - A Sacred Unity: Further Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1991) |
| ☐ | Bateson, Gregory - Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity (1979) |
| ☐ | Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory (1896) |
| ☐ | Bergson, Henri - Mind-Energy (1919) |
| ☒ | Brown, Donald E. - Human Universals (1991) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Carter, Rita - Mapping the Mind (1998) |
| ☐ | Clark, Andy - Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind (2015) |
| ☐ | d’Aquili, Eugene & Andrew B. Newberg - The Mystical Mind: Probing the Biology of Religious Experience (1999) |
| ☐ | Daston, Lorraine & Katherine Park - Wonders and the Orders of Nature 1150-1750 (1998) |
| ☐ | Deacon, Terrence W. - The Symbolic Species (1997) |
| ☐ | Dehaene, Stanislas - The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics (1996) |
| ☐ | Dennett, Daniel C. - From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds (2017) |
| ☐ | Donald, Merlin - Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition (1991)
| ☐ | Ellenberger, Henri F. - The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History And Evolution Of Dynamic Psychiatry (1981) |
| ☐ | Fauconnier, Gilles & Mark Turner - The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending And The Mind’s Hidden Complexities (2002) |
| ☐ | Frucht, William ed. - Imaginary Numbers: An Anthology of Marvelous Mathematical Stories, Diversions, Poems, and Musings (1999) |
| ☐ | Gleick, James - Chaos: Making a New Science (1987) |
| ☐ | Goel, Vinod - Sketches of Thought (1995) |
| ☒ | Hofstadter, Douglas - I Am a Strange Loop (2007) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hofstadter, Douglas R. & Daniel C. Dennett eds. - The Mind’s I: Fantasies And Reflections On Self & Soul (1981) |
| ☒ | Ingold, Tim - Lines: A Brief History (2007) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Jackendoff, Ray - Patterns in the Mind (1993) |
| ☐ | Jaynes, Julian - The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind (1976) |
| ☐ | Johnson, Mark - The Meaning of the Body: Aesthetics of Human Understanding (2007) |
| ☐ | Koffka, Kurt - Principles of Gestalt Psychology (1935) |
| ☐ | Lakoff, George & Mark Johnson - Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought (1999) |
| ☐ | Lakoff, George & Mark Turner - More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor (1989) |
| ☐ | Lakoff, George & Rafael E. Nuñez - Where Mathematics Come From (2000) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling: Vol. I (1967) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling: Vol. II (1972)
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling: Vol. III (1982) |
| ☐ | Laughlin, Charles D. & Eugene d'Aquili - Biogenetic Structuralism (1974) |
| ☐ | Marr, David - Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information (1982) |
| ☒ | McGilchrist, Ian - The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (2009) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Merleau-Ponty, Maurice - Sense and Non-sense (1964) |
| ☒ | Merleau-Ponty, Maurice - The Phenomenology of Perception (1945) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Merleau-Ponty, Maurice - The Primacy of Perception: And Other Essays on Phenomenological Psychology, the Philosophy of Art, History, and Politics (1964)
| ☐ | Mlodinow, Leonard - The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives (2008) |
| ☐ | Palmer, Stephen E. - Vision Science: Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology (1999)
| ☐ | Panksepp, Jaak - Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions (1998) |
| ☒ | Panksepp, Jaak - The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions (2012) |
| ☐ | Paulos, John Allen - Once Upon a Number: The Hidden Mathematical Logic Of Stories (1998) |
| ☒ | Pinker, Steven - How the Mind Works (1997) |
| ☒ | Polanyi, Michael - Knowing and Being (1969) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Polanyi, Michael - Meaning (1975) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Ramachandran, V. S. & Sandra Blakeslee - Phantoms in the Brain: Human Nature and the Architecture of the Mind (1998) |
| ☒ | Sacks, Oliver - The River of Consciousness (2017) |
| ☐ | Sahlins, Marshall - The New Science of the Enchanted Universe (2022) |
| ☒ | Sapolsky, Robert M. - Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst (2017) |
| ☒ | Scruton, Roger - On Human Nature (2017) |
| ☐ | Sewall, Laura - Sight and Sensibility: The Ecopsychology of Perception (1999) |
| ☐ | Solnit, Rebecca - Wanderlust: A History of Walking (2000) |
| ☐ | Stevens, Peter S. - Patterns in Nature (1974) |
| ☒ | Stewart, Ian - Why Beauty Is Truth: The History of Symmetry (2007) |
| ☐ | Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth - On Growth and Form (1917) |
| ☐ | Varela, Francisco J. & Humberto R. Maturana - The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding (1992) |
| ☐ | Varela, Francisco J., Eleanor Rosch & Evan Thompson - The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience (1991) |
| ☐ | von Foerster, Heinz - The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name (1997) |
| ☐ | Wade, S. Denham - As Far as the Eye Can See: A History of Seeing (2019) |
| ☐ | Williams, Christopher - Origins of Form: The Shape of Natural and Man-made Things—Why They Came to Be the Way They Are and How They Change (2013) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Edward O. - Biophilia (1984) |
| ☒ | Wilson, Edward O. - Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (1998) | ∞ |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Donald E. Brown - “Human Universals, Human Nature & Human Culture” (2004) |
| No. 2 | Douglas R. Hofstadter - “Finding Who We Are in the Mental Loop” (2007) |
| No. 3 | Jakob von Uexküll - “A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men: A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds” (1934) |
| No. 4 | Victor Turner - “Body, Brain, and Culture” (1983) |
| No. 5 | Merlin Donald - “The Neurobiology of Human Consciousness: An Evolutionary Approach” (1995) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Abram, David - “Becoming Animal” (2010) |
| ☐ | Abram, David - “Merleau-Ponty and the Voice of the Earth” (1988) |
| ☐ | Abram, David - “The Mechanical and the Organic” (1991) |
| ☐ | Arias, M. - “Neurology of Ecstatic Religious and Similar Experiences: Ecstatic, Orgasmic, and Musicogenic Seizures. Stendhal Syndrome and Autoscopic Phenomena” (2019) |
| ☐ | Boroditsky, Lera & Michael Ramscar - “The Roles of Body and Mind in Abstract Thought” (2002) |
| ☒ | Brown, Donald E. - “Human Universals, Human Nature & Human Culture” (2004) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Carter, Rita - “Fractured Minds” (2003) |
| ☐ | Clark, Andy - “An Embodied Cognitive Science” (1999) |
| ☐ | Cohen, Michael A., Daniel C. Dennett & Nancy Kanwisher - “What Is the Bandwidth of Perceptual Experience” (2016) |
| ☒ | Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly - “Imagining the Self: An Evolutionary Excursion” (1992) |
| ☐ | Csikszentmihalyi, Mikhaly - “The Mythic Potential of Evolution” (2000) |
| ☐ | Csikszentmihalyi, Mikhaly & Fausto Massimini - “On the Psychological Selection of Bio-Cultural Information” (1985) |
| ☒ | d’Aquili, Eugene G. & Andrew B. Newberg - “Consciousness and the Machine” (1996) |
| ☐ | d'Aquili, Eugene G. & Andrew B. Newberg - “Liminality, Trance, and Unitary States in Ritual and Meditation” (1993) |
| ☐ | d’Aquili, Eugene G. & Andrew B. Newberg - “Religious and Mystical States: A Neuropsychological Model” (1993) |
| ☐ | d’Aquili, Eugene G. & Andrew B. Newberg - “The Myth-Ritual Complex: A Biogenetic Structural Analysis” (1983) |
| ☒ | d’Aquili, Eugene G. & Andrew B. Newberg - “The Neuropsychological Basis of Religions, or Why God Won't Go Away” (1998) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Deacon, Terrence W. - “Emergence: The Hole at the Wheel’s Hub” (2006) |
| ☒ | Donald, Merlin - “The Neurobiology of Human Consciousness: An Evolutionary Approach” (1995) |
| ☐ | Emery, N. J. - “The Eyes Have It: The Neuroethology, Function and Evolution of Social Gaze” (2000) |
| ☐ | Emmeche, Claus et al. - “Explaining Emergence: Towards an Ontology of Levels” (1997) |
| ☐ | Emmons, Robert A. & Raymond F. Paloutzian - “The Psychology of Religion” (2003) |
| ☐ | Fantz, Robert L. - “The Origin of Form Perception” (1961) |
| ☐ | Frankl, Victor E. - “Logos and Existence in Psychotherapy” (1953) |
| ☐ | Garbutt, Michael, Scott East, Branka Spehar, Vicente Estrada-Gonzalez, Brooke Carson-Ewart & Josephine Touma - “The Embodied Gaze: Exploring Applications for Mobile Eye Tracking in the Art Museum” (2020) |
| ☐ | Gere, Cathy & Bronwyn Parry - “The Flesh Made Word: Banking the Body in the Age of Information” (2006) |
| ☒ | Gray, Peter - “Play as a Foundation for Hunter-Gatherer Social Existence” (2009) |
| ☐ | Hauser, Marc D. & Jeffrey Watumull - “The Universal Generative Faculty: The Source of Our Expressive Power in Language, Mathematics, Morality, and Music” (2017) |
| ☒ | Hofstadter, Douglas R. - “Finding Who We Are in the Mental Loop” (2007) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Ingold, Tim - “Footprints Through the Weather-World: Walking, Breathing, Knowing” (2010) |
| ☐ | Kotseruba, Iuliia & John K. Tsotsos - “40 Years of Cognitive Architectures: Core Cognitive Abilities and Practical Applications” (2020) |
| ☐ | Lakoff, George & Vittorio Gallese - “The Brain's Concepts: The Role of the Sensory-Motor System in Conceptual Knowledge” (2005) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - “The Great Shift: Instinct to Intuition” (1971) |
| ☐ | Laughlin, Charles D. - “Archetypes, Neurognosis and the Quantum Sea” (1968) |
| ☐ | Laughlin, Charles D. - “Consciousness in Biogenetic Structural Theory” (1992) |
| ☐ | Laughlin, Charles D. - “Ritual and the Symbolic Function: A Summary of Biogenetic Structural Theory” (1990) |
| ☐ | Laughlin, Charles D. et al. - “Mirrors, Portals, and Multiple Realities” (1989) |
| ☐ | Lucas, J. R. - “Minds, Machines and Gödel” (1961) |
| ☐ | Macknik, Stephen L., Mac King, James Randi, Apollo Robbins, John Thompson & Susana Martinez-Conde - “Attention and Awareness in Stage Magic: Turning Tricks into Research” (2008) |
| ☐ | Manes, Christopher - “Nature and Silence” (1992) |
| ☐ | Meyerhoff, Hans - “The Return to the Concrete” (1959) |
| ☐ | Meyrowitz, Joshua - “The Generalized Elsewhere” (1989) |
| ☐ | Mukerji, Chandra - “Reading and Writing with Nature” (1990) |
| ☐ | Percy, Walker - “The Fateful Rift: The San Andreas Fault in the Modern Mind” (1990) |
| ☐ | Rowe, Bill - “Retrospective: Julian Jaynes and The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” (2012) |
| ☐ | Seitz, Jay A. - “The Bodily Basis of Thought” (2000) |
| ☐ | Sessions, George & Bill Devall - “Deep Ecology” (1985) |
| ☐ | Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine - “Descriptive Foundations” (2002) |
| ☐ | Smith, Linda B. - “Cognition as a Dynamic System: Principles from Embodiment” (2005) |
| ☐ | Stevens, Nikki & Jacqueline Wernimont - “Seeing 21st Century Data Bleed Through 15th Century Wound Man” (2018) |
| ☒ | Turner, Victor - “Body, Brain, and Culture” (1983) |
| ☐ | Turner, Frederick - “Chaos and Social Science” (1997) |
| ☐ | Turner, Frederick - “The Invented Landscape” (1994) |
| ☐ | Turner, Monica Goigel - “Landscape Ecology: The Effect of Pattern on Process” (1989) |
| ☐ | Vervaeke, John & Leonardo Ferraro - “Relevance Realization and the Neurodynamics and Neuroconnectivity of General Intelligence” (2016) |
| ☐ | Vervaeke, John & Leonardo Ferraro - “Relevance, Meaning and the Cognitive Science of Wisdom” (2013) |
| ☒ | von Uexküll, Jakob - “A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men: A Picture Book of Invisible Worlds” (1934) |
| ☐ | von Uexküll, Jakob - “The New Concept of Umwelt: A Link Between Science and the Humanities” (1934) |
| ☐ | von Uexküll, Jakob - “The Theory of Meaning” (1940) |
| ☐ | Vygotsky, L. S. - “The Development of Higher Psychological Functions” (1977) |
| ☐ | Wagemans, Johan, James H. Elder, Michael Kubovy, Stephen E. Palmer, Mary A. Peterson, Manish Singh & Rüdiger von der Heydt - “A Century of Gestalt Psychology in Visual Perception: I. Perceptual Grouping and Figure-Ground Organization” (2012) |”
| ☐ | Wagemans, Johan, Jacob Feldman, Sergei Gepshtein, Ruth Kimchi, James R. Pomerantz, Peter A. Van der Helm & Cees Van Leeuwen - “A Century of Gestalt Psychology in Visual Perception: II. Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations” (2012) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Edward O. - “Animal Communication” (1972) |
| ☐ | Winchester, Daniel & Michal Pagis - “Sensing the Sacred: Religious Experience, Somatic Inversions, and the Religious Education of Attention” (2021) |
| ☐ | Yong, Ed - “Master of Illusion” (2011) |
| X. New Media & Technology |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | James Gleick - The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood (2011) |
| No. 2 | Marshall McLuhan - The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) |
| No. 3 | Janet H. Murray - Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace (1997) |
| No. 4 | Erik Davis - TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information (1998) |
| No. 5 | Lev Manovich - AI Aesthetics (2018) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Aarseth, Espen J. - Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature (1997) |
| ☐ | Almond, Richard - Fading Mnemonics and Digital Decay: An Exploration of ‘Memory’ and ‘Decay’ as Metaphors Enforced upon our Virtual Realm (2009) |
| ☐ | Audry, Sofian - Art in the Age of Machine Learning (2021)
| ☐ | Barabási, Albert-László - Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life (2002) |
| ☒ | Baudrillard, Jean - Simulacra and Simulation (1981) |
| ☒ | Beer, David - Metric Power (2016) |
| ☐ | Berting, Natasha ed. - How Bias Spreads: From the Canon to the Web (2003) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David & Richard Grusin - Remediation: Understanding New Media (1999) |
| ☒ | Bostrom, Nick - Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies (2014) |
| ☒ | Carr, Nicholas - The Glass Cage: How Computers Are Changing Us (2014) |
| ☐ | Carr, Nicholas - The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (2010) |
| ☒ | Christian, Brian - The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values (2020) |
| ☒ | Christian, Brian & Tom Griffiths - Algorithms to Live by: The Computer Science of Human Decisions (2016) |
| ☐ | Clark, Andy - Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science (2001) |
| ☐ | Clark, Andy - Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence (2003) |
| ☐ | Clark, Andy - Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension (2008) |
| ☐ | Croll, Angus - If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript (2014) |
| ☒ | Davis, Erik - TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information (1998) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Dijkstra, Edsger W. - Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective (1982) |
| ☐ | du Sautoy, Marcus & Rich Keeble - The Creativity Code: How AI Is Learning to Write, Paint and Think (2019) |
| ☐ | Fischer, Philipp, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Christoph Hoffmann, Hans Hofmann, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Hannes Rickli - Natures of Data: A Discussion between Biologists, Artists and Science Scholars (2020) |
| ☐ | Gelernter, David - The Muse in the Machine: Computerizing the Poetry of Human Thought (1994) |
| ☒ | Gleick, James - The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood (2011) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hammond, Adam - Literature in the Digital Age: An Introduction (2016) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary (2008) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - Writing Machines (2002) |
| ☐ | Hepp, Andreas - Deep Mediatization: Key Ideas in Media & Cultural Studies (2019) |
| ☐ | Hui, Yuk - Art and Cosmotechnics (2021) |
| ☐ | Johnston, John - The Allure of Machinic Life: Cybernetics, Artificial Life, and the New AI (2008) |
| ☐ | Jones, Caroline A. ed. - Sensorium: Embodied Experience, Technology, and Contemporary Art (2006) |
| ☐ | Kenner, Hugh - The Mechanic Muse (1987) |
| ☐ | Kidder, Tracy - The Soul of a New Machine (1981) |
| ☐ | Kittler, Friedrich - Gramophone, Film, Typewriter (1999) |
| ☐ | Kress, Gunther - Literacy in the New Media Age (2003) |
| ☐ | Kress, Gunther - Multimodality: A Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary Communication (2009) |
| ☐ | Larson, Erik J. - The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do (2021) |
| ☒ | Manovich, Lev - AI Aesthetics (2018) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Manovich, Lev - Cultural Analytics (2020)
| ☐ | Manovich, Lev - The Language of New Media (2001) |
| ☐ | Mattern, Shannon - A City Is Not a Computer: Other Urban Intelligences (2021) |
| ☒ | McLuhan, Marshall - The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) | ∞ |
| ☐ | McLuhan, Marshall - The Interior Landscape: The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan (1969) |
| ☒ | McLuhan, Marshall - The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man (1951) |
| ☐ | McLuhan, Marshall - Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (1964) |
| ☐ | McShane, Marjorie & Sergei Nirenburg - Linguistics for the Age of AI (2021) |
| ☒ | Menkman, Rosa - The Glitch Moment(um) (2011) |
| ☐ | Miller, Arthur I. - The Artist in the Machine: The World of AI-Powered Creativity (2019) |
| ☐ | Morris, Adalaide & Thomas Swiss eds. - New Media Poetics: Contexts, Technotexts, and Theories (2006) |
| ☐ | Murray, Janet H. - Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace (1997) |
| ☐ | Pallister, Kathryn ed. - Netflix Nostalgia: Screening the Past on Demand (2019) |
| ☐ | Parikka, Jussi - A Geology of Media (2019) |
| ☐ | Perloff, Marjorie - Radical Artifice: Writing Poetry in the Age of Media (1991) |
| ☐ | Peters, John Durham - Speaking Into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication (1999) |
| ☐ | Peters, John Durham - The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media (2015) |
| ☒ | Pias, Claus ed. - Cybernetics: The Macy Conferences 1946-1953 (2004) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Pickering, Andrew - The Cybernetic Brain: Sketches of Another Future (2010) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Porush, David - The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction (1985) |
| ☐ | Reichardt, Jasia ed. - Cybernetic Serendipity: The Computer and the Arts (1968) |
| ☐ | Rhee, Jennifer - The Robotic Imaginary: The Human and the Price of Dehumanized Labor (2018) |
| ☐ | Snyder, Ilana ed. - Page to Screen: Taking Literacy into the Electronic Era (1998) |
| ☐ | Tabbi, Joseph - Postmodern Sublime: Technology and American Writing from Mailer to Cyberpunk (1995) |
| ☐ | Vear, Craig & Fabrizio Poltronieri eds. - The Language of Creative AI: Practices, Aesthetics and Structures (2022) |
| ☐ | Weizenbaum, Joseph - Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgement to Calculation (1976) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Stephen - Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology (2002) |
| ☐ | Zylinska, Joanna - AI Art: Machine Visions and Warped Dreams (2020) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Vannevar Bush - “As We May Think” (1945) |
| No. 2 | Margaret A. Boden - “Creativity and Artificial Intelligence” (1998) |
| No. 3 | Nicholas Carr - “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (2008) |
| No. 4 | Marshall McLuhan - “McLuhan’s Laws of the Media” (1975)|
| No. 5 | Marian Mazzone & Ahmed Elgammal - “Art, Creativity, and the Potential of Artificial Intelligence” (2020) |
◼ Articles
| ☒ | Aguera y Arcas, Blaise - “Art in the Age of Machine Intelligence” (2017) |
| ☐ | Ajder, Henry, Giorgio Patrini, Francesco Cavalli & Laurence Cullen - “The State of Deepfakes: Landscape, Threats, and Impact” (2019) |
| ☒ | Albrechtslund, Anne-Mette Bech - “Amazon, Kindle, and Goodreads: Implications for Literary Consumption in the Digital Age” (2020) |
| ☐ | Ames, Morgan F. - “Deconstructing the Algorithmic Sublime” (2018) |
| ☒ | Anderson, Janna et al. - “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans” (2018) |
| ☐ | Anderson, Susan Leigh - “Asimov’s ‘Three Laws of Robotics’ and Machine Metaethics” (2016) |
| ☐ | Arielli, Emanuele & Lev Manovich - “AI-Aesthetics and the Anthropocentric Myth of Creativity” (2022) |
| ☒ | Arnold, Michael - “On the Phenomenology of Technology: The ‘Janus-faces’ of Mobile Phones” (2003) |
| ☐ | Arvan, Marcus - “Mental Time-Travel, Semantic Flexibility, and A.I. Ethics” (2018) |
| ☒ | Ashby, W. Ross - “What Is an Intelligent Machine?” (1961) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Babaian, Tamara, Barbara J. Grosz & Stuart M. Shieber - “A Writer's Collaborative Assistant” (2002) |
| ☒ | Barnet, Belinda - “Storming the Interface: Hypertext, Desire and Technonarcissism” (1999) |
| ☒ | Bateson, Gregory - “Cybernetic Explanation” (1967) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean - “The Vanishing Point of Communication” (2008) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean - “The Virtual Illusion: Or the Automatic Writing of the World” (1995) |
| ☐ | Bawden, David & Lyn Robinson - “The Dark Side of Information: Overload, Anxiety and Other Paradoxes and Pathologies” (2009) |
| ☐ | Bayne, Sian - “Smoothness and Striation in Digital Learning Spaces” (2004) |
| ☐ | Beaton, Brian - “How to Respond to Data Science: Early Data Criticism by Lionel Trilling” (2016) |
| ☒ | Beer, David - “Power Through the Algorithm: Participatory Web Cultures and the Technological Unconscious” (2009) |
| ☒ | Belk, Russell W. - “Extended Self in a Digital World” (2013) |
| ☒ | Belk, Russell W. - “Possessions and the Extended Self” (1988) |
| ☒ | Bender, Emily M. et al. - “On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?” (2021) |
| ☐ | Beniger, James R. - “Communication: Embrace the Subject, not the Field” (1993) |
| ☐ | Beniger, James R. - “Information and Communication: The New Convergence” (1988) |
| ☐ | Benzon, William & David G. Hays - “Computational Linguistics and the Humanist” (1976) |
| ☒ | Benzon, William L. - “GPT-3: Waterloo or Rubicon? Here Be Dragons” (2020) |
| ☐ | Biggs, Simon - “The Hyperstitial Poetics of Net-Work Media” (2012) |
| ☒ | Blakeman, Karen - “The Future of Google Is Not About Search” (2018) |
| ☐ | Blinn, James F. - “What Is a Pixel?” (2005) |
| ☐ | Boden, Margaret A. - “Computer Models of Creativity” (2009) |
| ☒ | Boden, Margaret A. - “Creativity and Artificial Intelligence” (1998) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David - “Beyond Word Processing: The Computer as a New Writing Space” (1989) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David - “Remediation and the Language of New Media” (2007) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David - “The Computer, Hypertext, and Classical Studies” (1991) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David & Maria Engberg - “The Aesthetics of Reality Media” (2020) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David & Michael Joyce - “Hypertext and Creative Writing” (1987) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David & Yvonne Spielmann - “Hybridity: Arts, Sciences and Cultural Effects” (2006) |
| ☐ | Bolter, Jay David et al. - “Media Studies, Mobile Augmented Reality, and Interaction Design” (2013) |
| ☒ | Bonini, Tiziano & Alessandro Gandini - “‘First Week Is Editorial, Second Week Is Algorithmic’: Platform Gatekeepers and the Platformization of Music Curation” (2019) |
| ☒ | Boorstin, Daniel J. - “Gresham’s Law: Knowledge or Information” (1979) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Borgman, Christine L. - “The Digital Future is Now: A Call to Action for the Humanities” (2010) |
| ☐ | Boyle, Casey - “The Rhetorical Question Concerning Glitch” (2015) |
| ☐ | Boyle, Casey, James J. Brown Jr. & Steph Ceraso - “The Digital: Rhetoric Behind and Beyond the Screen” (2018) |
| ☐ | Bronowski, Jacob - “Technology and Culture in Evolution” (1972) |
| ☐ | Brooks, Jr., Frederick P. - “The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith II” (1996) |
| ☐ | Brown, Dan - “Eight Principles of Information Architecture” (2010) |
| ☒ | Bucher, Taina - “A Technicity of Attention: How Software ‘Makes Sense’” (2012) |
| ☐ | Buckland, Michael K. - “Information as Thing” (1991) |
| ☒ | Bush, Vannevar - 'As We May Think” (1945) |
| ☐ | Cafaro, Aaron - “The Evolution of Singing in the Age of Audio Technology” (2021) |
| ☐ | Carlson, Matt - “The Robotic Reporter” (2015) |
| ☒ | Carr, Nicholas - “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (2008) |
| ☐ | Checkland, P. B. - “Information Systems and Systems Thinking: Time to Unite” (1988) |
| ☐ | Christiaanse, Ellen - “1.5 Million Years of Information Systems: From Hunters-Gathers to the Domestication of the Networked Computer” (2006) |
| ☐ | Church, Kenneth & Mark Liberman - “The Future of Computational Linguistics: On Beyond Alchemy” (2021) |
| ☐ | Conti, Gregory - “Googling Considered Harmful” (2006) |
| ☐ | Costa, Cristina - “The Habitus of Digital Scholars” (2013) |
| ☐ | Couldry, Nick - “Mediatization or Mediation: Alternative Understandings of the Emergent Space of Digital Storytelling” (2008) |
| ☐ | Couldry, Nick & Andreas Hepp - “Conceptualizing Mediatization: Contexts, Traditions, Arguments” (2013) |
| ☒ | Crawford, Matthew B. - “The Cost of Paying Attention” (2015) |
| ☒ | Cubitt, Sean - “Spreadsheets, Sitemaps and Search Engines” (2002) |
| ☒ | Dale, Robert - “GPT-3: What's It Good For?” (2021) |
| ☐ | Davenport, Thomas H. & Rajeev Ronanki - “Artificial Intelligence for the Real World” (2018) |
| ☒ | Davis, Ernest & Gary Marcus - “Commonsense Reasoning and Commonsense Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence” (2015) |
| ☒ | Dennett, Daniel C. - “Cognitive Wheels: The Frame Problem of AI” (1984) |
| ☐ | Dennett, Daniel C. - “Why You Can’t Make a Computer That Feels Pain” (1978) |
| ☐ | DeVito, Michael A. - “From Editors to Algorithms” (2016) |
| ☐ | Dorr, Konstantin Nicholas - “Mapping the Field of Algorithmic Journalism” (2016) |
| ☐ | Dorsen, Annie - “The Sublime and the Digital Landscape” (2018) |
| ☐ | Dourish, Paul - “Seeing Like an Interface” (2007) |
| ☐ | Dreyfus, Hubert L. - “From Micro-Worlds to Knowledge Representation: AI at an Impasse” (1981) |
| ☐ | Dreyfus, Hubert L. - “Why Computers Must Have Bodies in Order to Be Intelligent” (1967) |
| ☐ | Dreyfus, Hubert L. - “Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing It Would Require Making It More Heideggerian” (2007) |
| ☐ | Duskaeva, Liliya R. - “Media Stylistics: The New Concept or New Phenomenon” (2011) |
| ☐ | Elgammal, Ahmed, Bingchen Liu, Diana Kim, Mohamed Elhoseiny & Marian Mazzone - “The Shape of Art History in the Eyes of the Machine” (2018) |
| ☒ | Elkins, Katherine & Jon Chun - “Can GPT-3 Pass a Writer's Turing Test?” (2020) |
| ☐ | Ellul, Jacques - “Symbolic Function, Technology and Society” (1978) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus - “Why Computer AI Will Never Do What We Imagine It Can Do” (2022) |
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| ☒ | Floridi, Luciano & Massimo Chiriatti - “GPT-3: Its Nature, Scope, Limits, and Consequences” (2020) |
| ☐ | Flusser, Vilém - “On Memory (Electronic or Otherwise)” (1990) |
| ☐ | Folsom, Ed - “Database as Genre: The Epic Transformation of Archives” (2007) |
| ☐ | Franklin, Seb - “Humans and/as Machines: Beckett and Cultural Cybernetics” (2013) |
| ☐ | Freedman, Jonathan - “Whitman, Database, Information Culture” (2007) |
| ☐ | Geraci, Robert M. - “Apocalyptic AI: Religion and the Promise of Artificial Intelligence” (2008) |
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| ☒ | Gell, Alfred - “Technology and Magic” (1988) |
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| ☐ | Gervás, Pablo - “Computational Approaches to Storytelling and Creativity” (2009) |
| ☒ | Gillespie, Tarleton - “The Stories Digital Tools Tell” (2003) |
| ☐ | Gillings, Michael R. et al. - “Information in the Biosphere: Biological and Digital Worlds” (2016) |
| ☐ | Gopnik, Alison - “Making AI More Human” (2017) |
| ☐ | Grundell, Vendela - “Flow and Friction: On the Tactical Potential of Interfacing with Glitch Art” (2016) |
| ☒ | Harris, Tristan - “How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds: From a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist” (2016) |
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| ☐ | Hofstadter, Douglas R. et al. - “High-Level Perception, Representation, and Analogy: A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Methodology” (1992) |
| ☐ | Hoskins, Andrew - “Media, Memory, Metaphor: Remembering and the Connective Turn” (2011) |
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| ☒ | Iansiti, Marco & Karim R. Lakhani - “Competing in the Age of AI” (2020) |
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| ☐ | Knuth, Donald E. - “Computer Programming as an Art” (1974) |
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| ☒ | Mazzone, Marian & Ahmed Elgammal - “Art, Creativity, and the Potential of Artificial Intelligence” (2019) |
| ☐ | McGuinness, Phillipa - “The People Formerly Known as the Audience: Power Shifts in the Digital Age” (2016) |
| ☐ | McLuhan, Marshall - “At the Moment of Sputnik the Planet Became a Global Theater in which There Are No Spectators but Only Actors” (1974) |
| ☐ | McLuhan, Marshall - “McLuhan’s Laws of the Media” (1975) |
| ☐ | McLuhan, Marshall - “Myth and Mass Media” (1959) |
| ☐ | Minsky, Marvin - “Commonsense-Based Interfaces” (2000) |
| ☐ | Minsky, Marvin - “Form and Content in Computer Science” (1969) |
| ☒ | Mishra, Punya & Danah Henriksen -”'Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century: On Being In-Disciplined” (2012) |
| ☐ | Mitchell, Melanie - “Artificial Intelligence Hits the Barrier of Meaning” (2019) |
| ☐ | Mitchell, Melanie - “Is the Universe a Universal Computer?” (2002) |
| ☐ | Mitchell, Melanie - “Why AI Is Harder Than We Think” (2021) |
| ☐ | Montal, Tal & Zvi Reich - “I, Robot. You, Journalist. Who Is the Author?” (2017) |
| ☒ | Mori, Masahiro - “The Uncanny Valley” (1970) |
| ☐ | Moulthrop, Stuart - “Hypertext and ‘the Hyperreal’” (1989) |
| ☐ | Mumford, Lewis - “The Drama of the Machines” (1930) |
| ☐ | Natale, Simone & Andrea Ballatore - “Imagining the Thinking Machine: Technological Myths and the Rise of Artificial Intelligence” (2020) |
| ☒ | Newport, Cal - “When Technology Goes Awry” (2020) |
| ☒ | Nicholas, David et al. - “The Google Generation: The Information Behaviour of the Researcher of the Future” (2008) |
| ☐ | Nichols, Bill - “The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems” (1988) |
| ☐ | Omohundro, Stephen M. - “The Basic AI Drives” (2008) |
| ☐ | Paglen, Trevor - “Invisible Images: Your Pictures Are Looking at You” (2004) |
| ☐ | Paglia, Camille - “The Magic of Images: Word and Picture in a Media Age” (2004) |
| ☐ | Partington, Gill - “Friedrich Kittler’s Aufschreibsystem” (2006) |
| ☒ | Pask, Gordon - 'The Meaning of Cybernetics in the Behavioural Sciences (The Cybernetics of Behaviour and Cognition; Extending the Meaning of ‘Goal’)” (1969) |
| ☐ | Pechenick, Eitan Adam, Christopher M. Danforth & Peter Sheridan Dodds - “Characterizing the Google Books Corpus: Strong Limits to Inferences of Socio-Cultural and Linguistic Evolution” (2015) |
| ☐ | Peters, John Durham - “Broadcasting and Schizophrenia” (2010) |
| ☐ | Peters, John Durham - “Information: Notes Toward a Critical History” (1988) |
| ☐ | Peters, John Durham - “Seeing Bifocally: Media, Place, Culture” (1997) |
| ☐ | Peters, John Durham - “The Gaps of Which Communication Is Made” (1994) |
| ☐ | Peters, Michael A. - “A Map of Technopolitics: Deep Convergence, Platform Ontologies, and Cognitive Efficiency” (2020) |
| ☐ | Peters, Michael A. - “Deep Learning, Education and the Final Stage of Automation” (2017) |
| ☐ | Picciano, Anthony G. - “Artificial Intelligence and the Academy’s Loss of Purpose” (2019) |
| ☐ | Porter, James E. - “Recovering Delivery for Digital Rhetoric” (2009) |
| ☐ | Porter, Jim - “Why Technology Matters to Writing: A Cyberwriter’s Tale” (2002) |
| ☐ | Porush, David - “Cybernetic Fiction and Postmodern Science” (1989) |
| ☐ | Porush, David - “‘Unforrowing the Mind’s Plowshare’: Fiction in a Cybernetic Age” (1992) |
| ☐ | Possati, Luca M. - “Algorithmic Unconscious: Why Psychoanalysis Helps in Understanding AI” (2020) |
| ☐ | Postman, Neil - “Media Ecology Education” (1973) |
| ☐ | Reichardt, Jasia - “Machines and Art” (1987) |
| ☐ | Restak, Richard - “Machine Dreams” (1984) |
| ☐ | Rice, Jenny - “The Rhetorical Aesthetics of More: On Archival Magnitude” (2017) |
| ☐ | Richard, Dominique M. - “Computer Music and the Post-Modern: A Case of Schizophrenia” (1994) |
| ☐ | Richards, Whitman, Patrick Henry Winston & Mark Alan Finlayson - “Advancing Computational Models of Narrative” (2009) |
| ☐ | Ritchie, Graeme - “Can Computers Create Humour?” (2011) |
| ☐ | Rogers, Zac - “Slowing Down: Keeping Up” (2020) |
| ☐ | Rona-Tas, Akos - “Predicting the Future: Art and Algorithms” (2020) |
| ☐ | Rubin, Charles T. - “Artificial Intelligence and Human Nature” (2003) |
| ☒ | Rushkoff, Douglas - “Renaissance Now! A Gamer’s Perspective” (2002) |
| ☐ | Schmidt, Albrecht - “The End of Serendipity: Will Artificial Intelligence Remove Chance and Choice in Everyday Life?” (2021) |
| ☐ | Scholes, Robert & Clifford Wulfman - “Humanities Computing and Digital Humanities” (2008) |
| ☐ | Segel, Edward & Jeffrey Heer - “Narrative Visualization: Telling Stories with Data” (2010) |
| ☐ | Shannon, Claude - “Prediction and Entropy of Printed English” (1951) |
| ☐ | Shannon, Claude - “The Mathematical Theory of Communication” (1948) |
| ☐ | Simbirski, Brian - “Cybernetic Muse: Hannah Arendt on Automation, 1951-1958” (2016) |
| ☐ | Smith, Alvy Ray - “A Pixel Is Not a Little Square” (1995) |
| ☐ | Smith, Alvy Ray - “Alpha and the History of Digital Compositing” (1995) |
| ☐ | Smith, Glenn W. & Frederic Fol Leymarie - “The Machine as Artist: An Introduction” (2017) |
| ☒ | Sparrow, Betsy, Jenny Liu & Daniel M. Wegner.- “Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips” (2011) |
| ☐ | Stanley, Kenneth O. - “Why Open-Endedness Matters” (2019) |
| ☐ | Steyerl, Hito - “A Sea of Data: Apophenia and Pattern (Misrecognition)” (2016) |
| ☐ | Striphas, Ted - “Algorithmic Imaginations: Rethinking ‘Algorithmic’ as a Heuristic for Understanding Computationally-Structured Culture” (2021) |
| ☒ | Striphas, Ted - “The Abuses of Literacy: Amazon Kindle and the Right to Read” (2010) |
| ☐ | Takanashi, Kyoko - ‘Sherlock's ‘Brain-Attic’: Information Culture and the Liberal Professional Dilemma” (2017) |
| ☐ | Theall, Donald & Joan Theall - “Marshall McLuhan and James Joyce: Beyond Media” (1989) |
| ☐ | Travis, Molly Abel - “Cybernetic Esthetics, Hypertext and the Future of Literature” (1996) |
| ☐ | Tsoukas, Haridimos - “The Tyranny of Light: The Temptations and the Paradoxes of the Information Society” (1997) |
| ☐ | Turkle, Sherry - “Ghosts in the Machine” (1995) |
| ☐ | Turkle, Sherry - “There Will Never Be an Age of Artificial Intimacy” (2018) |
| ☐ | Turkle, Sherry - “Whither Psychoanalysis in Computer Culture” (2004) |
| ☐ | Turner, Fred, Sarah Cohen & James T. Hamilton- “Computational Journalism” (2011) |
| ☐ | Umpleby, Stuart A. - “A History of the Cybernetics Movement in the United States” (2005) |
| ☒ | van Bree, Tanne - 'Digital Hyperthymesia: On the Consequences of Living with Perfect Memory” (2016) |
| ☒ | van Dijck, José - “Search Engines and the Production of Academic Knowledge” (2010) |
| ☐ | Vasudevan, Lalitha, Katherine Schultz & Jennifer Bateman - “Rethinking Composing in a Digital Age: Authoring Liberate Identities through Multimodal Storytelling” (2010) |
| ☐ | Veel, Kristin - “Make Data Sing: The Automation of Storytelling” (2018) |
| ☐ | Vignola, Paolo - “Nietzsche in the Amazon: For a Nomadology Beyond Algorithmic Governmentality” (2016) |
| ☐ | Waldrop, M. Mitchell - “The Origins of Personal Computing” (2001) |
| ☐ | Walther, Joseph B. & Monica T. Whitty - “Language, Psychology and New New New Media: The Hyperpersonal Model of Mediated Communication at Twenty-Five Years” (2021) |
| ☐ | Wenimont, Jacqueline - “Knowing Why Revolution Must Come: Digital Humanities as Poetry and Prayer” (2018) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Shaun - “On Digital Otherness: Being ‘of Art’ in the Age of the Internet” (2018) |
| ☒ | Winner, Langdon - “Technologies as Forms of Life” (2014) |
| ☐ | Wu, Angela Xiao, Harsh Taneja & James G. Webster- “Going with the Flow: Nudging Attention Online” (2021) |
| ☐ | Wu, Tim - “Machine Speech” (2012) |
| ☐ | Yampolskiy, Roman V. - “Predicting Future AI Failures from Historic Examples” (2019) |
| ☐ | Zadeh, Lotfi A. - “Making Computers Think Like People” (1984) |
| ☐ | Ziff, Paul - “The Feeling of Robots” (1959) |
| ☐ | Zimmermann, Ana Cristina & W. John Morgan - “E. M. Forster’s ‘The Machine Stops’: Humans, Technology and Dialogue” (2019) |
| XI. Nonfiction & Text |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Carl H. Klaus & Ned Stuckey-French eds. - Essayists on the Essay: Montaigne to Our Time (2012) |
| No. 2 | Roland Barthes - The Pleasure of the Text (1973) |
| No. 3 | Eric Alfred Havelock - The Muse Learns to Write: Reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity to the Present (1986) |
| No. 4 | Jack Hart - Storycraft: The Complete Guide to Writing Narrative Nonfiction (2011) |
| No. 5 | Schwartz, Eugene - Breakthrough Advertising: How to Write Ads that Shatter Traditions and Sales Records (1966) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Alter, Nora M. & Timothy Corrigan eds. - Essays on the Essay Film (2017) |
| ☐ | Bacharach, Robert E. - Legal Writing: A Judge's Perspective on the Science and Rhetoric of the Written Word (2020) |
| ☐ | Bartels, Robert - The Development of Marketing Thought (1962) |
| ☒ | Barthes, Roland - The Pleasure of the Text (1973) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bazerman, Charles & Paul Prior eds. - What Writing Does and How It Does It: An Introduction to Analyzing Texts and Textual Practices (2003) |
| ☐ | Bazerman, Charles ed. - Handbook of Research on Writing: History, Society, School, Individual, Text (2009) |
| ☐ | Blundell, William E. - The Art and Craft of Feature Writing: Based On the Wall Street Journal Guide (1988) |
| ☒ | Bly, Robert W. - The Copywriter’s Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Copy That Sells (1985) |
| ☐ | Chartier, Roger - Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer (1995) |
| ☐ | Curtis, Stephen & Martin Manser - The Penguin Writer’s Manual (2001) \
| ☐ | Derrida, Jacques - Paper Machine (2001) |
| ☐ | Derrida, Jacques - Writing and Difference (1967) |
| ☐ | Dillon, Brian - Essayism: On Form, Feeling, and Nonfiction (2017) |
| ☐ | Edwards, Jim - Copywriting Secrets: How Everyone Can Use The Power Of Words To Get More Clicks, Sales and Profits… No Matter What You Sell Or Who You Sell It To! (2019) |
| ☐ | Einsohn, Amy & Marilyn Schwartz - The Copyeditor’s Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications (2000) |
| ☐ | Enge, Eric, Stephan Spencer & Jessie Stricchiola eds. - The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization (2009) |
| ☐ | Eschholz, Paul & Alfred Rosa - Subject & Strategy: A Writer’s Reader (2007) |
| ☐ | Flusser, Vilem - Does Writing Have a Future? (1987) |
| ☒ | Flusser, Vilém - Writings (1961) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Franklin, Jon - Writing for Story: Craft Secrets of Dramatic Nonfiction By a Two-Time Pulitzer Prize Winner (1986)
| ☐ | Geary, James - The World in a Phrase: A Brief History of the Aphorisms (2005) |
| ☐ | Gelb, I. J. - A Study of Writing (1952) |
| ☐ | Goldsmith, Kenneth - Uncreative Writing Managing Language in the Digital Age (2011) |
| ☐ | Gornick, Vivian - The Situation and the Story: The Art of Personal Narrative (2001) |
| ☒ | Hart, Jack - Storycraft: The Complete Guide to Writing Narrative Nonfiction (2011) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Havelock, Eric Alfred - The Muse Learns to Write: Reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity to the Present (1986) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hirsch, Jr., E. D. - The Philosophy of Composition (1977) |
| ☐ | Holiday, Ryan - Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts (2017) |
| ☐ | Holiday, Ryan - Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator (2012) |
| ☐ | Hopkins, Claude C. - My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising (1927) |
| ☒ | Klaus, Carl H. & Ned Stuckey-French eds. - Essayists on the Essay: Montaigne to Our Time (2012) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Kovach, Bill & Tom Rosenstiel - The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect (2001) |
| ☐ | LaPlante, Alice - The Making of a Story: A Norton Guide to Creative Writing (2007) |
| ☐ | Lopate, Phillip - The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present (1994) |
| ☐ | Malcolm, Janet - The Journalist and the Murderer (1989) |
| ☐ | Marsh, Charles - Strategic Writing: Multimedia Writing for Public Relations, Advertising and More (2005) |
| ☐ | Martinich, Aloysius P. - Philosophical Writing: An Introduction (1989) |
| ☐ | Nelken, Dan - A Self-Help Guide for Copywriters: A Resource for Writing Headlines and Building Creative Confidence (2022) |
| ☐ | Ogilvy, David - Ogilvy on Advertising (1983) |
| ☐ | Oliu, Walter E., Charles T. Brusaw & Gerald J. Alred - Writing That Works: Communicating Effectively on the Job (1992) |
| ☐ | Quindlen, Anna - Write for Your Life (2022) |
| ☐ | Rand, Ayn - The Art of Nonfiction: A Guide for Writers and Readers (2001) |
| ☐ | Schwab, Victor O. - How to Write a Good Advertisement (1942) |
| ☒ | Schwartz, Eugene - Breakthrough Advertising: How to Write Ads that Shatter Traditions and Sales Records (1966) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Shaw, Mark - Copywriting: Successful Writing for Design, Advertising and Marketing (2009) |
| ☐ | Starkey, David - Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief (2008) |
| ☐ | Stockwell, Peter & Sara Whiteley - The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics (2014) |
| ☐ | Sullivan, Jay - Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond (2016) |
| ☐ | Sutherland, Rory - Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don’t Make Sense (2019) |
| ☐ | Walker, Nicole & Margot Singer - Bending Genre: Essays on Creative Nonfiction (2013) |
| ☐ | Wolfe, Tom - The New journalism (1973) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | John McPhee & Peter Hessler - “John McPhee, The Art of Nonfiction No. 3” (2010) |
| No. 2 | O. B. Hardison , Jr. - “Binding Proteus: An Essay on the Essay” (1988) |
| No. 3 | Gary Saul Morson - “The Aphorism: Fragments from the Breakdown of Reason” (2003) |
| No. 4 | G. K. Chesterton - “The Essay” (1932) |
| No. 5 | Feasley, Florence G. - “Copywriting and the Prose of Hemingway” (1985) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Aitchison, Jean - “Headlines and Deadlines: Changing Newspaper Language” (2006) |
| ☐ | Andrews, Richard - “The End of the Essay?” (2003) |
| ☐ | Ariely, Dan & Gregory S. Berns - “Neuromarketing: The Hope and Hype of Neuroimaging in Business” (2010) |
| ☐ | Atwan, Robert - “Essayism” (1995) |
| ☐ | Bakhtin, Mikhail - “The Problem of the Text (An Essay in Philosophical Analysis)” (1977) |
| ☐ | Bakhtin, Mikhail - “Toward the Aesthetics of the Word” (1979) |
| ☐ | Binkley, Harold C. - “Essays and Letter-Writing” (1926) |
| ☐ | Braddock, Richard - “The Frequency and Placement of Topic Sentences in Expository Prose” (2020) |
| ☐ | Brannon, Lil et al. - “EJ Extra: The Five-Paragraph Essay and the Deficit Model of Education” (2008) |
| ☒ | Buccellati, Giorgio - “The Origin of Writing and the Beginning of History” (1981) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Carter, Allan L. - “Nietzsche on the Art of Writing” (1924) |
| ☐ | Chadbourne, Richard M. - “A Puzzling Literary Genre: Comparative Views of the Essay” (1983) |
| ☒ | Chesterton, G. K. - “The Essay” (1932) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Clarke, David J. et al. - “Probing the Structure of Mathematical Writing” (1993) |
| ☐ | Darlington, Joseph - “Catchphrases: A Semiotic, Genealogical and Cultural Materialist Study of the Form” (2014) |
| ☐ | Darnton, Robert - “Writing News and Telling Stories” (1975) |
| ☐ | Davis-Undiano, Robert Con - “Back to the Essay: World Literature Today in the Twenty-First Century” (2000) |
| ☐ | Deuze, Mark & Tamara Witschge - “Beyond Journalism: Theorizing the Transformation of Journalism” (2018) |
| ☐ | DuPlessis, Rachel Blau - “f-Words: An Essay on the Essay” (1996) |
| ☒ | Feasley, Florence G. - “Copywriting and the Prose of Hemingway” (1985) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Ferrell, Jason - “Isaiah Berlin as Essayist” (2012) |
| ☒ | Flusser, Vilém - “On Forms and Formulas” (1995) |
| ☐ | Gerbner, George & George Marvanyi - “The Many Worlds of the World’s Press” (1977) |
| ☐ | Gow, Gordon A. - “Spatial Metaphor in the Work of Marshall McLuhan” (2001) |
| ☒ | Graham, Paul - “The Age of the Essay” (2004) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Greenburg, Bradley - “T. S. Eliot’s Impudence: Hamlet, Objective Correlative, and Formulation” (2007) |
| ☐ | Gualtieri, Elena - “The Essay as Form: Virginia Woolf and the Literary Tradition” (1998) |
| ☐ | Henson, Leigh - “A Preliminary Rhetoric of Technical Copywriting” (1994) |
| ☐ | Hernández, Eleazar - “The Art of Copywriting” (2017) |
| ☐ | Hicks, Deborah - “Self and Other in Bakhtin's Early Philosophical Essays: Prelude to a Theory of Prose Consciousness” (2000) |
| ☐ | Kermode, Frank - “Palaces of Memory” (2001) |
| ☐ | Le Masurier, Megan - “What Is Slow Journalism?” (2015) |
| ☐ | López-García, Xosé, Alba Silva-Rodríguez, Sabela Direito-Rebollal & Jorge Vázquez-Herrero - “From Meta-Journalism and Post-Journalism to Total Journalism” (2020) |
| ☐ | Markham Shaw, Charla L. - “Personal Narrative: Revealing Self and Reflecting Other” (1997) |
| ☐ | McDonagh, Josephine - “Writings on the Mind: Thomas de Quincey and the Importance of Palimpsest in Nineteenth Century Thought” (1987) |
| ☒ | McPhee, John & Peter Hessler - “John McPhee, The Art of Nonfiction No. 3” (2010) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Mencken, H. L. - “Reflections on Journalism” (1925) |
| ☒ | Morson, Gary Saul - “The Aphorism: Fragments from the Breakdown of Reason” (2003) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Nicholson, Bob - “Counting Culture: or, How to Read Victorian Newspapers from a Distance” (2012) |
| ☐ | Ophir, Adi - “A Place of Knowledge Re-Created: The Library of Michel de Montaigne” (1991) |
| ☐ | Paul, Richard & Linda Elder - “How to Write a Paragraph” (2003) |
| ☐ | Petrosky, Anthony R. - “From Story to Essay: Reading and Writing” (1982) |
| ☐ | Ricoeur, Paul - “The Model of the Text: Meaningful Action Considered as a Text” (1973) |
| ☐ | Schmandt-Besserat, Denise & Michael Erard - “Origins and Forms of Writing” (2008) |
| ☐ | Scholes, Robert - “Textuality: Power and Pleasure” (1987) |
| ☐ | Smith, Alexander - “On the Writing of Essays” (1863) |
| ☐ | Smith, Kerri - “Speaking My Mind: In Defense of the Five-Paragraph Essay” (2006) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - “The Retreat from the Word” (1961) |
| ☐ | Stevenson, David L. - “An Objective Correlative for T. S. Eliot’s Hamlet” (1954) |
| ☐ | Ursell, Gillian D. M. - “Dumbing Down or Shaping Up: New Technologies, New Media, New Journalism” (2001) |
| ☐ | van Dijk, Teun A. & Walter Kintsch - “Toward a Model of Text Comprehension and Production” (1978) |
| ☐ | Walsh, Kelly A. - “The Nonfiction of Joan Didion: A Study of Content and Form” (2005) |
| ☐ | Whitmore, Charles - “The Field of the Essay” (1921) |
| ☐ | Williams, Raymond - “Advertising: The Magic System” (1980) |
| XII. Philosophy & Miscellanea |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Douglas Hofstadter - Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (1979) |
| No. 2 | Iain McGilchrist - The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World (2021) |
| No. 3 | Ludwig Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921) |
| No. 4 | Friedrich Nietzsche - The Gay Science (1882) |
| No. 5 | Charles P. Curtis, Jr. & Ferris Greenslet eds. - The Practical Cogitator: The Thinker’s Anthology (1945) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Adorno, Theodor W. - Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life (1951) |
| ☐ | Agamben, Giorgio - Language and Death: The Place of Negativity (1982) |
| ☐ | Agamben, Giorgio - The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath (2008)
| ☒ | Allen, James - As a Man Thinketh (1903) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Arendt, Hannah - The Life of the Mind: Vol I. Thinking (1977) |
| ☐ | Arendt, Hannah - The Life of the Mind: Vol II. Willing (1978) |
| ☐ | Auerbach, Erich - Time, History, and Literature: Selected Essays (2013) |
| ☐ | Bacon, Francis - The Essays (1597) |
| ☐ | Bacon, Francis - The Great Instauration (1620) |
| ☐ | Bateson, Gregory - Angels Fear: Towards an Epistemology of the Sacred (1987) |
| ☐ | Becker, Ernest - The Birth and Death of Meaning: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Problem of Man (1962) |
| ☐ | Beerbohm, Max - The Prince of Minor Writers: Selected Essays (2015) |
| ☐ | Bergman, Ingmar - The Magic Lantern: An Autobiography (1987) |
| ☒ | Bly, Robert - Iron John: A Book About Man (1990) |
| ☐ | Borges, Jorge Luis - Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings (1962) |
| ☐ | Borges, Jorge Luis - Selected Non-Fictions (1999) |
| ☐ | Boym, Svetlana - The Future of Nostalgia (2001) |
| ☐ | Buckminster Fuller, R. - No More Secondhand God and Other Writings (1963) |
| ☐ | Burgin, Richard - Conversations with Jorge Luis Borges (1969) |
| ☒ | Campbell, Joseph - The Inner Reaches of Outer Space: Metaphor as Myth and as Religion (1986)
| ☐ | Camus, Albert - Resistance, Rebellion and Death: Essays (1944) |
| ☐ | Camus, Albert - Youthful Writings (1967) |
| ☐ | Cassirer, Ernst - An Essay on Man: An Introduction (1944) |
| ☐ | Cassirer, Ernst - Language and Myth (1925) |
| ☐ | Cassirer, Ernst - The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Vol. I (1923) |
| ☐ | Cassirer, Ernst - The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Vol. II (1925) |
| ☐ | Cassirer, Ernst - The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Vol. III (1929) |
| ☐ | Cassirer, Ernst - The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy (1927) |
| ☒ | Chesterton, G. K. - The Spice of Life and Other Essays (1964) |
| ☐ | Cixous, Helene - Coming to Writing and Other Essays (1991) |
| ☐ | Cohen, Morton N. - The Selected Letters of Lewis Carroll (1982) |
| ☐ | Conrad, Joseph - Last Essays (1926) |
| ☒ | Camus, Albert - The Myth of Sisyphus (1942) |
| ☐ | Curtis, Jr., Charles P. & Ferris Greenslet eds. - The Practical Cogitator: The Thinker’s Anthology (1945) |
| ☐ | da Vinci, Leonardo - Notebooks (1939) |
| ☒ | de Botton, Alain - The Consolations of Philosophy (2000) |
| ☒ | de La Rochefoucauld, François - Maxims (1665) |
| ☐ | Didion, Joan - We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live (2006) |
| ☐ | Donne, John - Selected Prose (1967) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - How to Travel with a Salmon and Other Essays (1994) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - Travels in Hyper Reality: Essays (1985)
| ☐ | Eilenberger, Wolfram - Time of the Magicians: Wittgenstein, Benjamin, Cassirer, Heidegger, and the Decade That Reinvented Philosophy (2020) |
| ☐ | Einstein, Albert - Ideas and Opinions (1954) |
| ☒ | Eliade, Mircea - Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History (1949) |
| ☒ | Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Essays: First Series (1841)
| ☒ | Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Essays: Second Series (1844)
| ☐ | Faulkner, William - Essays, Speeches and Public Letters (1965) |
| ☐ | Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Crack-Up (1945) |
| ☒ | Fromm, Erich - The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to the Understanding of Dreams, Fairy Tales, and Myths (1951) |
| ☒ | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Maxims and Reflections (1833) |
| ☒ | Goffman, Erving - Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience (1972) |
| ☐ | Goodman, Nelson - The Structure of Appearance (1970) |
| ☐ | Gracián, Baltasar - The Art of Worldly Wisdom (1647) |
| ☒ | Grayling, A. C. - The History of Philosophy (2019) |
| ☐ | Guénon, René - Fundamental Symbols: The Universal Language of Sacred Science (1995)
| ☐ | Haven, Cynthia L. ed. - Conversations with René Girard: Prophet of Envy (2020) |
| ☐ | Heaney, Seamus - The Government of the Tongue (1989) |
| ☐ | Heidegger, Martin - Basic Writings (1976) |
| ☐ | Herzog, Werner - A Guide for the Perplexed: Conversations with Paul Cronin (2002) |
| ☐ | Hesse, Hermann - My Belief: Essays on Life and Art (1974) |
| ☒ | Hillman, James - A Blue Fire: Selected Writings (1989) |
| ☒ | Hofstadter, Douglas - Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (1979) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Hofstadter, Douglas - Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern (1985) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Hofstadter, Douglas R. - Le Ton Beau De Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language (1997) |
| ☐ | Hopkins, Gerard Manley - Selected Prose (1980) |
| ☐ | Howe, Irving - Selected Writings (1990) |
| ☐ | Huizinga, Johan - Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture (1938) |
| ☐ | Hulme, T. E. - Speculations: Essays on Humanism and the Philosophy of Art (1936) |
| ☐ | Hulme, T. E. - Further Speculations (1955) |
| ☐ | Hulme, T. E. - The Collected Writings of T. E. Hulme (1996) |
| ☐ | Hume, David - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748) |
| ☐ | Hume, David - Essays: Moral, Political, Literary (1758) |
| ☐ | Huxley, Aldous - Music at Night and Other Essays (1948) |
| ☐ | Huxley, Aldous - Texts and Pretexts (1932) |
| ☒ | Huxley, Aldous - The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell (1956) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hyde, Lewis - The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property (1983) |
| ☐ | Hyde, Lewis - Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art (1998) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugène - Fragments of a Journal (1967) |
| ☐ | Johnson, Samuel - Selected Writings (1968) |
| ☐ | Johnson, William S. ed. - Selections from the Prose Work of Matthew Arnold (1913) |
| ☒ | Jung, Carl G. - Man and His Symbols (1964) |
| ☒ | Jung, Carl G. - Modern Man in Search of a Soul (1933) |
| ☐ | Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Judgment (1790) |
| ☐ | Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason (1781) |
| ☐ | Kaplan, Matt - Science of the Magical: From the Holy Grail to Love Potions to Superpowers (2015) |
| ☐ | Karlinsky, Simon ed. - Anton Chekhov’s Life and Thought: Selected Letters and Commentaries (1973) |
| ☐ | Karlinsky, Simon ed. - Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, 1940-1971 (2001) |
| ☐ | Klee, Paul - Pedagogical Sketchbook (1953) |
| ☐ | Koestler, Arthur - Bricks to Babel (1980) |
| ☐ | Koestler, Arthur - Janus: A Summing Up (1978) |
| ☒ | Koestler, Arthur - The Ghost in the Machine (1967) |
| ☐ | Koestler, Arthur - The Heel of Achilles: Essays 1968-1973 (1974) |
| ☐ | Koestler, Arthur - The Trail of the Dinosaur and Other Essays (1955) |
| ☐ | Koestler, Arthur - The Yogi and the Commissar and Other Essays (1945) |
| ☐ | Land, Nick - Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings 1987-2007 (2011) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the Symbolism of Reason (1942) |
| ☐ | Latour, Bruno - Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time (1995) |
| ☐ | Latour, Bruno - On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods (1996) |
| ☐ | Lévi-Strauss, Claude - Myth and Meaning: Cracking the Code of Culture (1978) |
| ☐ | Lévi-Strauss, Claude - Structural Anthropology (1958) |
| ☐ | Lévi-Strauss, Claude - Tristes Tropiques (1955) |
| ☐ | Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph - Philosophical Writings (1799) |
| ☐ | Lysaker, John T. - Philosophy, Writing, and the Character of Thought (2018) |
| ☐ | Mandelstam, Osip - Selected Essays (1977) |
| ☒ | MacGregor, Neil - Living with the Gods: On Beliefs and Peoples (2018) |
| ☒ | May, Rollo - The Cry for Myth (1991) |
| ☒ | McGilchrist, Iain - The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World (2021) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Melzer, Arthur M - Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing (2014) |
| ☐ | Miller, Arthur - Collected Essays (2016) |
| ☐ | Miller, E. H. - Selected Letters of Walt Whitman (1990) |
| ☐ | Milton, John - The Essential Prose of John Milton (2013) |
| ☐ | Minsky, Marvin - The Society of Mind (1986) |
| ☒ | Montaigne, Michel de - Essays (1580) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Moore, Robert L. & Douglas Gillette - King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine (1990) |
| ☐ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Selected Letters, 1940-1977 (1989) |
| ☐ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Strong Opinions (1966) |
| ☐ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Think, Write, Speak: Uncollected Essays, Reviews, Interviews and Letters to the Editor (2019) |
| ☐ | Neruda, Pablo - Memoirs (1974) |
| ☐ | Nietzsche, Friedrich - Selected Letters (1969) |
| ☒ | Nietzsche, Friedrich - The Gay Science (1882) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Oakeshott, Michael - Experience and Its Modes (1933) |
| ☐ | Oakeshott, Michael - On History and Other Essays (1983) |
| ☐ | O'Connor, Flannery - Mystery and Manners: Occasional Prose (1969) |
| ☐ | Ortega y Gasset, José - The Modern Theme (1931) |
| ☐ | Orwell, George - Collected Essays: Vol. I (1968) |
| ☐ | Orwell, George - Collected Essays: Vol. II (1968) |
| ☐ | Orwell, George - Collected Essays: Vol. III (1968) |
| ☐ | Orwell, George - Collected Essays: Vol. IV (19680 |
| ☐ | Orwell, George - Diaries (2009) |
| ☐ | Orwell, George - Lost Writings (1985) |
| ☐ | Papineau, David - Philosophical Devices: Proofs, Probabilities, Possibilities, and Sets (2012) |
| ☐ | Pascal, Blaise - Pensées (1688) |
| ☐ | Pasternak, Boris - The Marsh of Gold: Pasternak’s Writings on Inspiration and Creation (2008) |
| ☐ | Pater, Walter - Essays from 'The Guardian' (1928) |
| ☐ | Paz, Octavio - The Labyrinth of Solitude and Other Writings (1985) |
| ☐ | Peirce, Charles Sanders - Philosophical Writings of Peirce (1955) |
| ☐ | Percy, Walker - Signposts in a Strange Land (1991) |
| ☒ | Peterson, Jordan B. - Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999) |
| ☐ | Pope, Alexander - The Major Works (1993) |
| ☐ | Popper, Karl - The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1959) |
| ☐ | Pound, Ezra - Selected Letters (1950) |
| ☐ | Proctor, Robert N. & Londa Schiebinger eds. - Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance (2008) |
| ☐ | Reid, Christopher ed. - Letters of Ted Hughes (2007) |
| ☒ | Rilke, Rainer Maria - Where Silence Reigns: Selected Prose (1977) |
| ☐ | Robbins, Jeffrey ed. - The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman (1999) |
| ☐ | Rogers, Everett M. - Diffusion of Innovations (1962) |
| ☐ | Russell, Bertrand - Portraits From Memory And Other Essays (1956) |
| ☐ | Sagan, Carl - The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (1995) |
| ☐ | Sayers, Dorothy L. - The Mind of the Maker (1941) |
| ☐ | Schopenhauer, Arthur - Essays and Aphorisms (1851) |
| ☐ | Schopenhauer, Arthur - The Art of Controversy (1831) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - Against the Tide: The Best of Roger Scruton’s Columns, Commentaries and Criticism (2022) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - Confessions of a Heretic (2016) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - Conversations with Roger Scruton (2016) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - The Soul of the World (2014) |
| ☐ | Searle, John R. - Mind, Language And Society: Philosophy In The Real World (1998) |
| ☐ | Sontag, Susan - Under the Sign of Saturn (1980) |
| ☐ | Sorensen, Roy - A Brief History of the Paradox: Philosophy and the Labyrinths of the Mind (2003) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - Errata: An Examined Life (1997) |
| ☐ | Sutton-Smith, Brian - The Ambiguity of Play (1997) |
| ☐ | Symons, Julian ed. - The Essential Wyndham Lewis (1991) |
| ☐ | Tolkien, J. R. R. - The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien (1981) |
| ☐ | Turner, Victor - Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors (1974) |
| ☐ | Turner, Victor - From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play (1982) |
| ☐ | Unamuno, Miguel de - The Tragic Sense of Life (1912) |
| ☐ | Vidal, Gore - Selected Essays (2007) |
| ☒ | von Foerster, Heinz - Understanding Understanding: Essays on Cybernetics and Cognition (2002) |
| ☐ | Wallace, David Foster - A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments (1997) |
| ☐ | Wallace, David Foster - Both Flesh and Not: Essays (2012) |
| ☐ | Wallace, David Foster - Consider the Lobster and Other Essays (2005) |
| ☐ | Waugh, Evelyn - The Essays, Articles, and Reviews (2018) |
| ☐ | Weil, Simone - An Anthology (1986) |
| ☐ | White, E. B. - Essays of E. B. White (1977) |
| ☐ | White, E. B. - Letters of E. B. White (1976) |
| ☒ | White, E. B. - The Second Tree from the Corner (1954) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Whitehead, Alfred North - Modes of Thought (1938) |
| ☐ | Whitman, Walt - Specimen Days and Collect (1882) |
| ☐ | Wilde, Oscar - Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (1948) |
| ☐ | Wilde, Oscar - Epigrams and Aphorisms (1905) |
| ☐ | Wilde, Oscar - Essays and Lectures (1908) |
| ☐ | Williams, Tennessee - Where I Live: Selected Essays (1978) |
| ☐ | Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Philosophical Investigations (1953) |
| ☐ | Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921) |
| ☐ | Wood, James - The Fun Stuff and Other Essays (2012) |
| ☐ | Woolf, Virginia - Selected Essays (2009) |
| ☐ | Yeats, W. B. - Essays and Introductions (1961) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Karl Popper - “Evolutionary Epistemology” (1985) |
| No. 2 | Walter Benjamin - “The Flâneur” (1969) |
| No. 3 | Russell L. Ackoff - “From Data to Wisdom” (1988) |
| No. 4 | Iain McGilchrist & Jonathan Rowson - “Divided Brain, Divided World: Why the Best Part of Us Struggles to Be Heard” (2013) |
| No. 5 | Isaiah Berlin - “The Hedgehog and the Fox” (1954) |
◼ Articles
| ☒ | Ackoff, Russel L. - “From Data to Wisdom” (1988) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Angell, James Rowland - “Imageless Thought” (1911) |
| ☐ | Anomaly, Jonny - “Nietzsche’s Critique of Utilitarianism” (2005) |
| ☒ | Benjamin, Walter - “The Flâneur” (1969) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Benzon, William L. - “What Economic Growth and Statistical Semantics Tell Us About the Structure of the World” (2020) |
| ☒ | Berlin, Isaiah - “The Hedgehog and the Fox” (1954) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bradie, Michael & William Harms - “Evolutionary Epistemology” (2001) |
| ☐ | Campbell, Donald T. - “Evolutionary Epistemology” (1987) |
| ☐ | Chan, Wing-Tsit - “The Evolution of the Confucian Concept Jên” (1955) |
| ☐ | Cooper, Paul - “Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom” (2014) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus - “Ethics of Scale” (2015) |
| ☐ | Franke, William - “A Philosophy of the Unsayable: Apophasis and the Experience of Truth and Totality” (2004) |
| ☐ | Grossman, Igor, Nic M. Weststrate, Monika Ardelt, Justin P. Brienza, Mengxi Dong, Michel Ferrari, Marc A. Fournier, Chao S. Hu, Howard C. Nusbaum, and John Vervaeke - “The Science of Wisdom in a Polarized World: Knowns and Unknowns” (2020) |
| ☐ | Hawhee, Debra - “Burke and Nietzsche” (1999) |
| ☒ | Heidegger, Martin - “The Question Concerning Technology” (1954) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hui, Yuk - “What Begins After the End of the Enlightenment?” (2019) |
| ☒ | Huxley, Aldous - “Education on the Nonverbal Level” (1962) |
| ☒ | Huxley, Aldous - “History of Tension” (1957) |
| ☐ | Jarvie, Ian Charles & Joseph Agassi - “The Problem of the Rationality of Magic” (1967) |
| ☐ | Johnston, James Scott - “Nietzsche as Educator: A Reexamination” (1998) |
| ☐ | Kuhn, Gustav & Michael F. Land - “There's More to Magic Than Meets the Eye” (2006) |
| ☐ | Latour, Bruno - “The Berlin Key or How to Do Words with Things” (1993) |
| ☐ | Lewes, George Henry - “Kant's View of Space” (1870) |
| ☐ | Lewis, Paul - “In Defence of Aristotle on Character: Toward a Synthesis of Recent Psychology, Neuroscience and the Thought of Michael Polanyi” (2012) |
| ☐ | Lloyd-Jones, Hugh - “Nietzsche and the Study of the Ancient World” (1975) |
| ☒ | McGilchrist, Iain & Jonathan Rowson - “Divided Brain, Divided World: Why the Best Part of Us Struggles to Be Heard” (2013) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Meacham, John A. - “The Loss of Wisdom” (1990) |
| ☐ | Perry, Petra - “Deleuze’s Nietzsche” (1993) |
| ☒ | Popper, Karl - “Evolutionary Epistemology” (1985) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Rappaport, Roy A. - “Ritual, Time, and Eternity” (1992) |
| ☐ | Rorty, Richard - “Philosophy as a Kind of Writing: An Essay on Derrida” (1978) |
| ☐ | Rowley, Jennifer - “Where Is the Wisdom that We Have Lost in Knowledge?” (2006) |
| ☐ | Ryle, Gilbert - “Knowing How and Knowing That: The Presidential Address” (1945) |
| ☒ | Turner, Victor - “Frame, Flow and Reflection: Ritual and Drama as Public Liminality” (1979) |
| ☒ | Turner, Victor - “Liminality, Kabbalah, and the Media” (1985) |
| ☒ | Turner, Victor - “Process, System, and Symbol: A New Anthropological Synthesis” (1977) |
| ☐ | Valéry, Paul - “Philosophy of the Dance” (1976) |
| ☐ | West, Cornel - “Nietzsche’s Prefiguration of Postmodern American Philosophy” (1981) |
| XIII. Poetry & Lyric |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Rainer Maria Rilke - Letters to a Young Poet (1929) |
| No. 2 | Cleanth Brooks - The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry (1947) |
| No. 3 | T. S. Eliot - On Poetry and Poets (1957) |
| No. 4 | Mary Ruefle - Madness, Rack, and Honey: Collected Lectures (2012) |
| No. 5 | Lewis Turco - The New Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics (1968) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - The Fourth Dimension of a Poem and Other Essays (2012) |
| ☐ | Agamben, Giorgio - Stanzas: Word and Phantasm in Western Culture (1977) |
| ☐ | Agamben, Giorgio - The End of the Poem: Studies in Poetics (1999) |
| ☐ | Barfield, Owen - Poetic Diction: A Study in Meaning (1928) |
| ☐ | Bergson, Henri - The Philosophy of Poetry: The Genius of Lucretius (1959) |
| ☐ | Boyd, Brian - Why Lyrics Last: Evolution, Cognition, and Shakespeare’s Sonnets (2012) |
| ☐ | Bradley, A. C. - Poetry for Poetry’s Sake: An Inaugural Lecture (1901) |
| ☒ | Brooks, Cleanth - The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry (1947) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Brooks, Cleanth & Robert Penn Warren - Understanding Poetry (1938) |
| ☐ | Cheyne, Peter, Andy Hamilton & Max Paddison eds. - The Philosophy of Rhythm: Aesthetics, Music, Poetics (2019) |
| ☐ | Ciardi, John - How Does a Poem Mean? (1959) |
| ☐ | Cook, Albert S. ed. - The Art of Poetry (1926) |
| ☐ | Corn, Alfred - The Poem's Heartbeat: A Manual of Prosody (1997) |
| ☐ | Culler, Jonathan D. - Theory of the Lyric (2015) |
| ☒ | Dylan, Bob - The Nobel Lecture (2017) |
| ☐ | Eastman, Max - Enjoyment of Poetry (1913) |
| ☐ | Edwards, Paul - How to Rap: The Art & Science of the Hip-Hop MC (2009) |
| ☒ | Eliot, T. S. - On Poetry and Poets (1957) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Friedberg, Nila - English Rhythms in Russian Verse: On the Experiment of Joseph Brodsky (2011) |
| ☐ | Fry, Stephen - The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within (2005) |
| ☐ | Fussell, Paul - Poetic Meter and Poetic Form (1965) |
| ☐ | Goldberg, Natalie - Three Simple Lines: A Writer’s Pilgrimage Into the Heart and Homeland of Haiku (2020) |
| ☐ | Graves, Robert - On English Poetry: Being an Irregular Approach to the Psychology of This Art from Evidence Mainly Subjective (1922) |
| ☐ | Graves, Robert - The Crowning Privilege: Collected Essays on Poetry (1955) |
| ☐ | Heaney, Seamus - The Redress of Poetry (1990) |
| ☐ | Hetherington, Paul & Cassandra Atherton - Prose Poetry: An Introduction (2020) |
| ☐ | Hirshfield, Jane - Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry (1997) |
| ☐ | Hugh Kenner - The Art of Poetry (1959) |
| ☐ | Hugo, Richard - Triggering Town: Lectures and Essays on Poetry and Writing (1979) |
| ☐ | James, Clive - Poetry Notebook: Reflections on the Intensity of Language (2014) |
| ☐ | Kinzie, Mary - A Poet’s Guide to Poetry (1999) |
| ☐ | Leighton, Angela - On Form: Poetry, Aestheticism, and the Legacy of a Word (2007) |
| ☐ | Leithauser, Brad - Rhyme’s Rooms: The Architecture of Poetry (2022) |
| ☐ | Longenbach, James - The Art of the Poetic Line (2007) |
| ☐ | Maritain, Jacques - Art and Scholasticism and Frontiers of Poetry (1920) |
| ☐ | Nabokov, Vladimir - Notes on Prosody (1964) |
| ☐ | Oliver, Mary - A Poetry Handbook: A Prose Guide to Understanding and Writing Prosody (1994) |
| ☐ | Oliver, Mary - Rules for the Dance: A Handbook for Writing and Reading Metrical Verse (1998) |
| ☐ | Pattison, Pat - Writing Better Lyrics (1995) |
| ☐ | Pedler, Dominic - The Songwriting Secrets of The Beatles (2003) |
| ☐ | Perloff, Marjorie - Poetics in a New Key: Interviews and Essays (2013) |
| ☐ | Perloff, Marjorie - The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage (1981) |
| ☐ | Perloff, Marjorie - Wittgenstein’s Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary (1996) |
| ☐ | Perrine, Laurence & Thomas R. Arp - Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry (1956) |
| ☐ | Pinsky, Robert - The Sounds of Poetry: A Brief Guide (1998) |
| ☒ | Pound, Ezra - Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony (1927) |
| ☐ | Ricks, Christopher - The Force of Poetry (1984) |
| ☒ | Rilke, Rainer Maria - Letters to a Young Poet (1929) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Roethke, Theodore - On Poetry and Craft (1965) |
| ☒ | Ruefle, Mary - Madness, Rack, and Honey: Collected Lectures (2012) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Santayana, George - Interpretations of Poetry and Religion (1900) |
| ☐ | Shelley, Percy Bysshe - A Defence of Poetry (1840)
| ☐ | Tate, Allen - On The Limits Of Poetry, Selected Essays: 1928 1948 (1970) |
| ☒ | Thomas, Richard F. - Why Bob Dylan Matters (2017) |
| ☐ | Thompson, Derek - Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction (2017) |
| ☒ | Turco, Lewis - The New Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics (1968) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Valéry, Paul - The Art of Poetry (1958) |
| ☐ | Vendler, Helen - Poets Thinking: Pope, Whitman, Dickinson, Yeats (2004) |
| ☐ | Vendler, Helen - Wallace Stevens: Words Chosen Out of Desire (1984) |
| ☒ | Wales, Katie - A Dictionary of Stylistics (1989) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Edward O. & Robert Hass - The Poetic Species: A Conversation with Edward O. Wilson and Robert Hass (2014) |
| ☐ | Zollo, Paul ed. - Songwriters on Songwriting (1991) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Frederick Turner & Ernst Pöppel - “The Neural Lyre: Poetic Meter, the Brain, and Time” (1983) |
| No. 2 | Octavio Paz & Alfred Mac Adam - “Octavio Paz, The Art of Poetry No. 42” (1991) |
| No. 3 | Viktor Shklovsky - “On Poetry and Trans-Sense Language” (1985) |
| No. 4 | RobertGraves, Peter Buckman & William Fifield, “Robert Graves, The Art of Poetry No. 11” (1969) |
| No. 5 | Pound, Ezra - “A Few Don’ts By an Imagiste” (1913) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Abrams, M. H. - “Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric” (1965) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “Avant-Garde or Arriere-Garde in Recent American Poetry” (1999) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “From Symbolist Thought to Immanence: The Ground of Postmodern American Poetics” (1973) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “Lyrical Ethics and Literary Experience” (1998) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “Objective Image and Act of Mind in Modern Poetry” (1976) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “Some Problems About Agency in the Theories of Radical Poetics” (1996) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “Taking Lyrics Literally: Teaching Poetry in a Prose Culture” (2001) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “The Objectivist Tradition” (1979) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “The Poem as Act: A Way to Reconcile Presentational and Mimetic Theories” (1975) |
| ☐ | Altieri, Charles - “The Significance of Frank O'Hara” (1973) |
| ☐ | Arnold, Matthew - “The Study of Poetry” (1888) |
| ☐ | Baudrillard, Jean - “Beyond the Unconscious: The Symbolic” (1981) |
| ☐ | Beaver, Joseph C. - “A Grammar of Prosody” (1968) |
| ☐ | Beloof, Robert - “Prosody and Tone: The ‘Mathematics’ of Marianne Moore” (1958) |
| ☐ | Benzon, WIlliam - “Articulate Vision: A Structuralist Reading of ‘Kubla Khan’” (1985) |
| ☐ | Benzon, William - “‘Kubla Khan’ and the Embodied Mind” (2003) |
| ☒ | Benzon, William - “Metaphoric and Metonymic Invariance: Two Examples from Coleridge” (1981) |
| ☐ | Benzon, William - “Roads Not Taken: A Study in Poetic Mechanism” (2015) |
| ☐ | Bradley, Sculley - “The Fundamental Metrical Principle in Whitman’s Poetry” (1939) |
| ☐ | Brodsky, Joseph - “Poetry as a Form of Resistance to Reality” (1992) |
| ☐ | Brodsky, Joseph & Derek Walcott - “Form in Poetry” (2001) |
| ☐ | Burke, Kenneth - “Post-Poesque Derivation of a Terministic Cluster” (1977) |
| ☐ | Caplan, David - “Prosody after the Poetry Wars” (2004) |
| ☐ | Carminati, Maria Nella, Jane Stabler, Andrew Michael Roberts & Martin H. Fischer - “Readers' Responses to Sub-genre and Rhyme Scheme in Poetry” (2006) |
| ☐ | Carruthers, Mary - “The Poet as Master Builder: Composition and Locational Memory in the Middle Ages” (1993) |
| ☐ | Coogan, Marjorie D. - “Inscape and Instress: Further Analogies with Scotus” (1950) |
| ☐ | Culler, Jonathan - “Lyric, History, and Genre” (2009) |
| ☐ | Culler, Jonathan - “Why Lyric?” (2008) |
| ☐ | Donoghue, Denis - “Technique in Hopkins” (2011) |
| ☐ | Dowhower, Sarah L. - “Speaking of Prosody: Fluency’s Unattended Bedfellow” (1991) |
| ☐ | Dubois, Sébastien - “The Price of Rhymes: The Evolution of Poets’ Status throughout History” (2018) |
| ☐ | Eastman, Max - “The Poet’s Mind” (1908) |
| ☐ | Edwards, Barry S. - “‘The Subtler Music’: Ezra Pound’s Prosody” (1998) |
| ☐ | Evans, David - “Paul Valéry and the Search for Poetic Rhythm” (2010) |
| ☐ | Fabb, Nigel - “Poetic Form as Meaning in Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass” (2012) |
| ☒ | Fenollosa, Ernest - “The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry” (1919) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Flesch, William - “Quoting Poetry” (1991) |
| ☐ | Fodor, Janet Dean - “Psycholinguistics Cannot Escape Prosody” (2002) |
| ☐ | Frye, Northrop - “The Realistic Oriole: A Study of Wallace Stevens” (1957) |
| ☐ | Gardels, Nathan - “The Haiku and the Double Helix” (2004) |
| ☐ | Gardner, W. H. - “Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Poetry of Inscape” (1969) |
| ☐ | Gerber, Natalie - “Stevens’ Prosody: Meaningful Rhythms” (2005) |
| ☐ | Gioia, Dana - “Notes on the New Formalism” (1987) |
| ☐ | Grahn, Jessica A. & Mathew Brett - “Rhythm and Beat Perception in Motor Areas of the Brain” (2007) |
| ☐ | Grassi, Ernesto - “The Originary Quality of the Poetic and Rhetoric Word: Heidegger, Ungaretti, and Neruda” (1987) |
| ☒ | Graves, Robert, Peter Buckman & William Fifield, “Robert Graves, The Art of Poetry No. 11” (1969) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Gross, Harvey - “The Aesthetic Function of Prosody” (1963) |
| ☐ | Habermas, Jurgen - “On the Distinction Between Poetic and Communicative Uses of Language” (1985) |
| ☒ | Hagberg, Garry L. - “On Rhythm” (2010) |
| ☐ | Halle, Morris & Samuel Jay Keyser - “Chaucer and the Study of Prosody” (1966) |
| ☐ | Hass, Robert Bernard - “(Re)Reading Bergson: Frost, Pound and the Legacy of Modern Poetry” (2005) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - “The Time of Digital Poetry: From Object to Event” (2002) |
| ☐ | Hendren, Joseph W., W. K. Wimsatt & Monroe C. Beardsley - “A Word for Rhythm and a Word for Meter” (1961) |
| ☐ | Holden, Jonathan - “Poetry and Mathematics” (1985) |
| ☐ | Hopsch, Lena & Eva Lilja - “Embodied Rhythm in Space and Time: A Poem and a Sculpture” (2017) |
| ☐ | Housman, A. E. - “The Name and Nature of Poetry” (1933) |
| ☐ | Hurley, Michael D. - “The Pragmatics of Prosody” (2007) |
| ☐ | Jackendoff, Ray & Fred Lerdahl - “The Capacity for Music: What Is It, and What’s Special About It” (2006) |
| ☒ | Jakobson, Roman - “Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry” (1968) |
| ☐ | Jarvis, Simon - “Musical Thinking: Hegel and the Phenomenology of Prosody” (2005) |
| ☐ | Jarvis, Simon - “Prosody as Cognition” (1998) |
| ☐ | Jarvis, Simon - “Why Rhyme Pleases” (2011) |
| ☐ | Keil, Charles M. H. - “Motion and Feeling through Music” (1966) |
| ☐ | Kinzie, Mary - “The Rhapsodic Fallacy” (1984) |
| ☐ | Lamarque, Peter - “Poetry and Abstract Thought” (2009) |
| ☒ | Lawn, Christopher - “Gadamer on Poetic and Everyday Language” (2001) |
| ☐ | Lerdahl, Fred - “The Sounds of Poetry Viewed as Music” (2001) |
| ☐ | MacArthur, Marit J. - “Monotony, the Churches of Poetry Reading, and Sound Studies” (2016) |
| ☐ | Marshall, Ian - “Stalking the Gaps: The Biopoetics of Haiku” (2013) |
| ☐ | Martin, Meredith - “Hopkins’s Prosody” (2011) |
| ☐ | Martindale, Colin - “The Evolution of English Poetry” (1978) |
| ☐ | Matthiessen, F. O. - “Eliot’s Quartets” (1943) |
| ☐ | Matthiessen, F. O. - “The Problem of the Private Poet” (1945) |
| ☐ | Miller, J. Hillis - “The Still Heart: Poetic Form in Wordsworth” (1971) |
| ☐ | Miller, J. Hillis - “Wallace Stevens’ Poetry of Being” (1964) |
| ☐ | Miller, Peter - “Prosody, Media, and the Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe” (2020) |
| ☐ | Mlinko, Ange & Iain McGilchrist - “This Is Your Brain on Poetry” (2010) |
| ☐ | Moldenhauer, Joseph J. - “Murder as a Fine Art: Basic Connections Between Poe’s Aesthetics, Psychology, and Moral Vision” (1968) |
| ☐ | Moses, Omri - “Poetry and the Environmentally Extended Mind” (2018) |
| ☐ | Mukařovský, Jan - “Standard Language and Poetic Language” (1983) |
| ☐ | Newton, Nancy A. - “Structures of Cognition: Machado and the Via Negativa” (1975) |
| ☐ | Novak, Estelle Gershgoren - “The ‘Dynamo’ School of Poets” (1970) |
| ☒ | Paz, Octavio & Alfred Mac Adam - “Octavio Paz, The Art of Poetry No. 42” (1991) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Pérez-Gómez, Alberto - “Questions of Representation: The Poetic Origin of Architecture” (2005) |
| ☐ | Perloff, Marjorie - “Charles Olson and the ‘Inferior Predecessors’: ‘Projective Verse’ Revisited” (1973) |
| ☐ | Perloff, Marjorie - 'Pound/Stevens: Whose Era?” (1982) |
| ☐ | Petrie, Keith J. & James W. Pennebaker - “Things We Said Today: A Linguistic Analysis of The Beatles” (2008) |
| ☐ | Pinsky, Robert - “Responsibilities of the Poet” (1987) |
| ☐ | Pollack, Alexia E. & Donna L. Korol - “The Use of Haiku to Convey Complex Concepts in Neuroscience” (2013) |
| ☒ | Pound, Ezra - “A Few Don’ts By an Imagiste” (1913) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Prince, Gerald - “Gérard Genette and the Pleasures of Poetics” (2010) |
| ☐ | Rogers, Wanda C. - “Teaching for Poetic Thought” (1985) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “The Poem as Event” (1964) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “What Facts Does This Poem Teach You?” (1980) |
| ☐ | Ross, Haj - “Structural Prosody” (2008) |
| ☐ | Rudy, Jason R. - “Manifest Prosody” (2011) |
| ☐ | Ruefle, Mary & Carol Ann Davis - “Could We Invent a Question for This Answer? An Interview with Mary Ruefle” (2002) |
| ☐ | Samet, Elizabeth D. - “Teaching Poetry to Soldiers in a Post-Heroic Age” (2002) |
| ☐ | Scher, Steven Paul - “Notes Toward a Theory of Verbal Music” (1970) |
| ☐ | Schwartz, Elias, W. K. Wimsatt & Monroe C. Beardsley - “Rhythm and ‘Exercises in Abstraction’” (1962) |
| ☐ | Shapiro, Karl - “English Prosody and Modern Poetry” (1947) |
| ☐ | Shapiro, Karl - “Prosody as the Meaning” (1949) |
| ☒ | Shklovsky, Viktor - “Diversity of Forms: Or One’s Own Other” (1968) |
| ☒ | Shklovsky, Viktor - “On Poetry and Trans-Sense Language” (1985) |
| ☐ | Simpson, David - “Destiny Made Manifest: The Styles of Whitman’s Poetry” (2013) |
| ☐ | Simpson, James - “From Reason to Affective Knowledge: Modes of Thought and Poetic Form in ‘Piers Plowman’” (1986) |
| ☐ | Singer, Ben - “Connoisseurs of Chaos: Whitman, Vertov and the ‘Poetic Survey’” (1987) |
| ☐ | Stoljar, Margaret - “Mirror and Self in Symbolist and Post-Symbolist Poetry” (1990) |
| ☐ | Sutherland, Ronald - “Structural Linguistics and English Prosody” (1958) |
| ☐ | Tillmann, Barbara & W. Jay Dowling - “Memory Decreases for Prose, but Not for Poetry” (2007) |
| ☐ | Tsur, Reuven - “Metaphor and Figure-Ground Relationship: Comparisons from Poetry, Music, and the Visual Arts” (2009) |
| ☐ | Tsur, Reuven, Joseph Glicksohn & Chanita Goodblatt - “Gestalt Qualities in Poetry and the Reader's Absorption Style” (1991) |
| ☐ | Turner, Frederick & Ernst Pöppel - “Metered Poetry, the Brain, and Time” (1988) |
| ☒ | Turner, Frederick & Ernst Pöppel - “The Neural Lyre: Poetic Meter, the Brain, and Time” (1983) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Valéry, Paul - “Poetry and Abstract Thought” (1954) |
| ☐ | van Dijk, Yra - “Reading the Form: The Function of Typographic Blanks in Modern Poetry” (2011) |
| ☐ | Warren, Austin - “Instress of Inscape” (1989) |
| ☐ | Warren, Robert Penn - “Melville the Poet” (1946) |
| ☐ | Warren, Robert Penn - “Pure and Impure Poetry” (1943) |
| ☐ | Wimsatt Jr., W. K. & M. C. Beardsley - “The Concept of Meter: An Exercise in Abstraction” (1959) |
| ☐ | Wimsatt, Jr., W. K. - “What to Say About a Poem” (1963) |
| ☐ | Zukofsky, Louis - “Program: ‘Objectivists’” (1931) |
| ☐ | Zukofsky, Louis - “Sincerity and Objectification: With Special Reference to the Work of Charles Reznikoff” (1931) |
| XIV. Publishing & Print |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Roberto Calasso - The Art of the Publisher (2013) |
| No. 2 | Umberto Eco & Jean-Claude Carrière - This Is Not the End of the Book (2009) |
| No. 3 | Peter Ginna ed. - What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing (2017) |
| No. 4 | Irene Vallejo - Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World (2022) |
| No. 5 | Mark McGurl - Everything and Less: The Novel in the Age of Amazon (2021) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Bell, Emily & Taylor Owen - The Platform Press: How Silicon Valley Reengineered Journalism (2017) |
| ☐ | Borsuk, Amaranth - The Book (2018) |
| ☒ | Calasso, Roberto - The Art of the Publisher (2015) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto & Jean-Claude Carrière - This Is Not the End of the Book (2009) |
| ☐ | Eliot, Simon & Jonathan Rose eds. - A Companion to the History of the Book (2007) |
| ☒ | Ginna, Peter ed. - What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing (2017) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - Postprint: Books and Becoming Computational (2021) |
| ☐ | Heyenga, Laura ed. - Art Made from Books: Altered, Sculpted, Carved, Transformed (2013) |
| ☐ | Johnson, Miriam J. - Books and Social Media: How the Digital Age is Shaping the Printed Word (2021) |
| ☐ | Kilgour, Frederick G. - The Evolution of the Book (1998) |
| ☐ | King, Ross - The Bookseller of Florence: Vespasiano Da Bisticci and the Manuscripts that Illuminated the Renaissance (2021) |
| ☒ | McGurl, Mark - Everything and Less: The Novel in the Age of Amazon (2021) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Nunberg, Geoffrey ed. - The Future of the Book (1996) |
| ☐ | Puchner, Martin - The Written World: How Literature Shaped Civilization (2014) |
| ☐ | Raven, James - The Oxford Illustrated History Of The Book (2020) |
| ☐ | Sutherland, John - Bestsellers: A Very Short Introduction (2007) |
| ☐ | Thompson, John B. - Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing (2021) |
| ☐ | Thompson, John B. - Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century (2010) |
| ☒ | Vallejo, Irene - Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World (2022) | ∞ |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Robert Darnton - “What Is the History of Books?” (1982) |
| No. 2 | Sven Birkerts - “The Fate of the Book” (1996) |
| No. 3 | N. Katherine Hayles - “The Future of Literature: Complex Surfaces of Electronic Texts and Print Books” (2007) |
| No. 4 | Robert Darnton - “The New Age of the Book” (2009) |
| No. 5 | Nassim Nicholas Taleb - “The Roots of Unfairness: The Black Swan in Arts and Literature” (2004) |
◼ Articles
| ☒ | Birkerts, Sven - “The Fate of the Book” (1996) |
| ☐ | Calhoun, Joshua - “The Word Made Flax: Cheap Bibles, Textual Corruption, and the Poetics of Paper” (2011) |
| ☐ | Colbjørnsen, Terje - “The Construction of a Bestseller: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to the Case of the Fifty Shades Trilogy as an eBook Bestseller” (2014) |
| ☒ | Darnton, Robert - “The New Age of the Book” (2009) |
| ☒ | Darnton, Robert - “What Is the History of Books?” (1982) |
| ☐ | Darnton, Robert - “‘What Is the History of Books?’ Revisited” (2007) |
| ☒ | Hayles, N. Katherine - “The Future of Literature: Complex Surfaces of Electronic Texts and Print Books” (2007) |
| ☐ | Kittler, Friedrich - “Perspective and the Book” (2001) |
| ☐ | Micciche, Laura R. - “Writing Material” (2014) |
| ☐ | Pouly, Marie-Pierre - “Playing Both Sides of the Field: The Anatomy of a ‘Quality’ Bestseller” (2016) |
| ☒ | Taleb, Nassim Nicholas - “The Roots of Unfairness: The Black Swan in Arts and Literature” (2004) |
| XV. Reading & Design |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Maryanne Wolf - Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain (2007) |
| No. 2 | Edward R. Tufte - The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (1983) |
| No. 3 | Ellen Lupton - Thinking with Type (2004) |
| No. 4 | Alberto Manguel - A History of Reading (1996) |
| No. 5 | Ezra Pound - ABC of Reading (1934) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Adler, Mortimer J. & Charles Van Doren - How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading (1940) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bayard, Pierre - How to Talk about Books You Haven’t Read (2007) |
| ☐ | Birkerts, Sven - The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age (1994) |
| ☒ | Bringherst, Robert - The Elements of Typographic Style (1992) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Burns, Aaron - Typography (1961) |
| ☐ | Caldwell, Cath & Yolanda Zappaterra - Editorial Design: Digital and Print (2002) |
| ☐ | Cheng, Karen - Designing Type (2006) |
| ☐ | Cody, Sherwin - How to Read and What to Read (1905) |
| ☐ | Dehaene, Stanislas - Reading in the Brain: The New Science of How We Read (2009) |
| ☐ | Douglas, Yellowlees - The Reader’s Brain: How Neuroscience Can Make You a Better Writer (2015) |
| ☐ | Drucker, Johanna - Visualization and Interpretation: Humanistic Approaches to Display (2020) |
| ☐ | Drucker, Johanna & Emily McVarish - Graphic Design History: A Critical Guide (2012) |
| ☐ | Eagleton, Terry - How to Read Literature (2013) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - The Limits of Interpretation (1990) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts (1979) |
| ☐ | Emerson, Lori - Reading Writing Interfaces: From the Digital to the Bookbound (2014) |
| ☐ | Foster, Thomas C. - How to Read Literature Like a Professor (2003) |
| ☐ | Freeman, John - How to Read a Novelist (2012) |
| ☐ | Garrett, Jesse James - The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web (2002) |
| ☐ | Gill, Eric - An Essay on Typography (1931) |
| ☐ | Hayford, Harrison & Howard P. Vincent eds. - Reader and Writer (1954) |
| ☐ | Hochuli, Jost - Detail in Typography (1987) |
| ☐ | Hyndman, Sarah - Why Fonts Matter (2016) |
| ☐ | Jacobs, Alan - The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction (2011) |
| ☐ | Johnson, Jeff - Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules (2010) |
| ☐ | Kinross, Robin - Modern Typography: An Essay in Critical History (1992) |
| ☐ | Kirk, Andy - Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (2016) |
| ☐ | Krauss, Rosalind E. - Grids: Format and Image in Twentieth Century Art (1980) |
| ☐ | Kress, Gunther - Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design (1996) |
| ☐ | Krug, Steve - Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (2000) |
| ☐ | Kuang, Cliff & Robert Fabricant - User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design Are Changing the Way We Live, Work, and Play (2019) |
| ☐ | Lemov, Doug - Reading Reconsidered: A Practical Guide to Rigorous Literacy Instruction (2016) |
| ☒ | Lidwell, William, Jill Butler & Kritina Holden - Universal Principles of Design: 100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach Through Design (2003) |
| ☐ | Lupton, Ellen & Andrea Lipps eds. - The Senses: Design Beyond Vision (2018) |
| ☒ | Lupton, Ellen - Thinking with Type (2004) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Lupton, Ellen ed. - Type on Screen: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Developers, and Students (2014) |
| ☐ | Maeda, John - The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business, Life (2006) |
| ☒ | Manguel, Alberto - A History of Reading (1996) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Manguel, Alberto - The Library at Night (2006) |
| ☐ | Maria, Jason Santa - On Web Typography (2014) |
| ☐ | Martineau, John ed. - Designa: Technical Secrets of the Traditional Visual Arts (2013) |
| ☐ | McGann, Jerome J. - The Textual Condition (1991) |
| ☐ | Mendelsund, Peter - What We See When We Read (2014) |
| ☐ | Millman, Debbie - How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer (2007) |
| ☐ | Muller-Brockmann, Josef - Grid Systems in Graphic Design (1996) |
| ☐ | Munari, Brunon - Design as Art (1966) |
| ☐ | Myers, B. R. - A Reader’s Manifesto: An Attack on the Growing Pretentiousness in American Literary Prose (2002) |
| ☐ | Norman, Donald A. - Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things (2003) |
| ☐ | Porter, Noah - Books and Reading: Or, What Books Shall I Read and how Shall I Read Them? (1871) |
| ☒ | Pound, Ezra - ABC of Reading (1934) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Pound, Ezra - How to Read (1931) |
| ☐ | Prior, Karen Swallow Prior - On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life Through Great Books (2018) |
| ☐ | Prose, Francine - Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them (2006) |
| ☐ | Quiller-Couch, Arthur - On the Art of Reading (1920) |
| ☐ | Rand, Paul - Thoughts on Design (1970) |
| ☐ | Richards, I. A. - How to Read a Page: A Course in Effective Reading (1942) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - The Reader, the Text, the Poem: The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work (1978) |
| ☐ | Ruder, Emil - Typographie: A Manual on Design (1981) |
| ☐ | Saffer, Dan - Microinteractions: Designing with Details (2013) |
| ☐ | Samara, Timothy - Making and Breaking the Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop (2003) |
| ☐ | Scholes, Robert - The Crafty Reader (2001) |
| ☐ | Seidenberg, Mark S. - Language at the Speed of Sight: How We Read, Why So Many Can’t, and What Can Be Done About It (2017) |
| ☐ | Shaughnessy, Adrian - How to Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul (2005) |
| ☐ | Tabbi, Joseph & Michael Wutz eds. - Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology (1997) |
| ☐ | Tharp, Bruce M. & Stephanie M. Tharp - Discursive Design: Critical, Speculative, and Alternative Things (2018) |
| ☐ | Tufte, Edward R. - Beautiful Evidence (2006) |
| ☒ | Tufte, Edward R. - Envisioning Information (1990) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Tufte, Edward R. - The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Within (20030 |
| ☒ | Tufte, Edward R. - The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (1983) |
| ☐ | Vignelli, Massimo - The Vignelli Canon (2010) |
| ☐ | Weinschenk, Susan M. - Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click? (2008) |
| ☐ | Willingham, Daniel T. - The Reading Mind: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding How the Mind Reads (2017) |
| ☒ | Wolf, Maryanne - Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain (2007) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Wolf, Maryanne - Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World (2018) |
| ☐ | Woolf, Virginia - The Common Reader (1925) |
| ☐ | Woolf, Virginia - The Second Common Reader (1932) |
| ☐ | Zambra, Alejandro - Not to Read (2010) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | José Ortega y Gasset - “The Difficulty of Reading” (1959) |
| No. 2 | Jacques Barzun - “The Future of Reading Books” (1978) |
| No. 3 | Renate Brosch - “What We ‘See’ When We Read: Visualization and Vividness in Reading Fictional Narratives” (2018) |
| No. 4 | Joseph Brodsky - “How to Read a Book” (1988) |
| No. 5 | Georges Poulet - “Phenomenology of Reading” (1969) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “A Plea for Visual Thinking” (1980) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “The Perception of Maps” (1976) |
| ☐ | Badley, K. Jo-Ann & Ken Badley - “Slow Reading: Reading Along Lectio Lines” (2010) |
| ☒ | Barzun, Jacques - “The Future of Reading Books” (1978) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bialostosky, Don - “Should College English Be Close Reading?” (2006) |
| ☒ | Bigman, Alex - “History of the Design Grid” (2013)| ∞ |
| ☒ | Bigman, Alex - “History of the Design Grid II” (2013)| ∞ |
| ☐ | Birkerts, Sven - “The Ideal Reader” (2005) |
| ☐ | Birkerts, Sven - “Writing from Reading” (1989) |
| ☐ | Brandt, Deborah - “Remembering Writing, Remembering Reading” (1994) |
| ☐ | Bringhurst, Robert - “Why There Are Pages and Why They Must Turn” (2008) |
| ☒ | Brodsky, Joseph - “How to Read a Book” (1988) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Brosch, Renate - “What We ‘See’ When We Read: Visualization and Vividness in Reading Fictional Narratives” (2018) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Brumberger, Eva R. - “The Rhetoric of Typography: The Persona of Typeface and Text” (2003) |
| ☐ | Buchanan, Richard - “Design and the New Rhetoric: Productive Arts in the Philosophy of Culture” (2001) |
| ☐ | Calhoun, Joshua - “Reading Habits and Reading Habitats: or, Toward an Ecobibliography of Marginalia” (2018) |
| ☐ | Calinescu, Matei - “Orality in Literacy: Some Historical Paradoxes of Reading” (1993) |
| ☐ | Card, Stuart - “Information Visualization” (1999) |
| ☐ | Culler, Jonathan - “The Closeness of Close Reading” (2010) |
| ☐ | Danto, Arthur C. - “Deep Interpretation” (1981) |
| ☐ | Darnton, Robert - “First Steps Toward a History of Reading” (1986) |
| ☐ | Dehaene, Stanislas, Lionel Naccache, Laurent Cohen, Denis Le Bihan, Jean-François Mangin, Jean-Baptiste Poline & Denis Rivière - “Cerebral Mechanisms of Word Masking and Unconscious Repetition Priming” (2001) |
| ☐ | Dehaene, Stanislas, Felipe Pegado, Lucia W. Braga, Paulo Ventura, Gilberto Nunes Filho, Antoinette Jobert, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, Régine Kolinsky, José Morais & Laurent Cohen - “How Learning to Read Changes the Cortical Networks for Vision and Language” (2010) |
| ☐ | Dehaene, Stanislas, Laurent Cohen, Mariano Sigman, & Fabien Vinckier - “The Neural Code for Written Words: A Proposal” (2005) |
| ☐ | Dehaene, Stanislas & Laurent Cohen - “The Unique Role of the Visual Word Form Area in Reading” (2011) |
| ☐ | Douglas, Yellowlees & Andrew Hargadon - “The Pleasure Principle: Immersion, Engagement, Flow” (2000) |
| ☐ | Douglass, Jeremy, William Huber & Lev Manovich- “Understanding Scanlation: How to Read One Million Fan-Translated Manga Pages” (2011) |
| ☐ | Dyson, Mary C. & Mark Haselgrove - “The Influence of Reading Speed and Line Length on the Effectiveness of Reading from Screen” (2011) |
| ☐ | Eagleton, Terry - “The Revolt of the Reader” (1982) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Overinterpreting Texts” (1992) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Reading My Readers” (1992) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “The Theory of Signs and the Role of the Reader” (1981) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Two Problems in Textual Interpretation” (1980) |
| ☒ | Favret, Mary A. - “The Pathos of Reading” (2015) |
| ☒ | Felski, Rita - “Remember the Reader” (2008) |
| ☐ | Ferguson, Lorraine & Douglass Scott - “A Time Line of American Typography” (1990) |
| ☐ | Fink, G. R., Peter W. Halligan, John C. Marshall, Chris D. Frith, R. S. J. Frackowiak & Raymond J. Dolan- “Where in the Brain Does Visual Attention Select the Forest and the Trees” (1996) |
| ☐ | Flusser, Vilém - “On the Word Design: An Etymological Essay” (1995) |
| ☐ | Foss, Sonja K. - “Theory of Visual Rhetoric” (2004) |
| ☐ | Galef, David - “Observations on Rereading” (1998) |
| ☐ | Gibson, James J. - “Pictures, Perspective, and Perception” (1960) |
| ☐ | Gibson, James J. - “The Ecological Approach to the Visual Perception of Pictures” (1978) |
| ☐ | Gibson, James J. - “The Information Available in Pictures” (1971) |
| ☐ | Gibson, James J. - “The Perception of Visual Surfaces” (1950) |
| ☐ | Gibson, James J., Eleanor P. Gibson, Anne D. Pick & Harry Osser - “A Developmental Study of the Discrimination of Letter-Like Forms” (1962) |
| ☐ | Gilbert, Daniel T., Romin W. Tafarodi & Patrick S. Malone - “You Can't Not Believe Everything You Read” (1993) |
| ☐ | Goodman, William B. - “Thinking About Readers” (1983) |
| ☐ | Goodwin, Charles - “Professional Vision” (1994) |
| ☐ | Goodwin, Charles - “Seeing in Depth” (1995) |
| ☐ | Grainger, Jonathan, Arnaud Rey & Stéphane Dufau- “Letter Perception: From Pixels to Pandemonium” (2008) |
| ☐ | Green, Christopher D. - “All That Glitters: A Review of Psychological Research on the Aesthetics of the Golden Section” (1995) |
| ☐ | Gurri, Martin, Craig Denny & Aaron Harms - “Our Visual Persuasion Gap” (2010) |
| ☐ | Hans, James S. - “Gaston Bachelard and the Phenomenology of the Reading Consciousness” (1977) |
| ☐ | Hartnett, Stephen - “Michel de Certeau’s Critical Historiography and the Rhetoric of Maps” (1998) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - “Combining Close and Distant Reading: Jonathan Safran Foer’s Tree of Codes and the Aesthetic of Bookishness” (2013) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - “How We Read: Close, Hyper, Machine” (2010) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - “Human and Machine Cultures of Reading: A Cognitive-Assemblage Approach” (2018) |
| ☐ | Hayles, N. Katherine - “Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes” (2007) |
| ☐ | Hillesund, Terje - “Digital Reading Spaces: How Expert Readers Handle Books, the Web and Electronic Paper” (2010) |
| ☐ | Hulme, Charles, Valerie Muter, Margaret J. Snowling & Jim Stevenson- “Phonemes, Rimes, Vocabulary, and Grammatical Skills as Foundations of Early Reading Development” (2004) |
| ☐ | Hulme, Charles, Anne Biggerstaff, Georgina Moran & Ian McKinlay - “Visual Kinaesthetic and Cross-Modal Judgements of Length by Clumsy Children” (1982) |
| ☐ | Iser, Wolfgang - “The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach” (1972) |
| ☒ | Jager, Eric - “The Book of the Heart: Reading and Writing the Medieval Subject” (1996) |
| ☐ | Jay, Martin - “The Rise of Hermeneutics and the Crisis of Ocularcentrism” (1988) |
| ☐ | Jones, Mari Riess & Marilyn Boltz - “Dynamic Attending and Responses to Time” (1989) |
| ☐ | Just, Marcel Adam & Patricia A. Carpenter - “A Theory of Reading: From Eye Fixations to Comprehension” (1980) |
| ☐ | Kermode, Frank - “The Common Reader” (1983) |
| ☐ | Keshav, Srinivasan - “How to Read a Paper” (2007) |
| ☐ | Keyes, Elizabeth - “Typography, Color, and Information Structure” (1993) |
| ☐ | Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. - “The Remaking of Reading: Data Mining and the Digital Humanities” (2009) |
| ☐ | Knuth, Donald E. - “Mathematical Typography” (1979) |
| ☐ | Kuzmičová, Anežka - “Presence in the Reading of Literary Narrative: A Case for Motor Enactment” (2012) |
| ☐ | Kuzmičová, Anezka, Theresa Schilhab & Michael Burke.- “m-Reading: Fiction Reading from Mobile Phones” (2020) |
| ☐ | Lamb, Charles - “Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading” (1822) |
| ☐ | Latour, Bruno - “A Cautious Prometheus: A Few Steps Toward a Philosophy of Design (With Special Attention to Peter Sloterdijk)” (2008) |
| ☐ | Lewis, C. S. - “On the Reading of Old Books” (1970) |
| ☐ | Light, Ann, Alison Powell & Irina Shklovski - “Design for Existential Crisis in the Anthropocene Age” (2017) |
| ☐ | Liu, Siming - “Reading Behavior in the Digital Environment: Changes in Reading Behavior Over the Past Ten Years” (2005) |
| ☐ | Lizunova, Irina V., Adriaan van der Weel, Loida Garcia-Febo & Evgeniya V. Pshenichnaya - “Reading on Paper and Screens: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Digital Divide” (2022) |
| ☐ | Lupton, Ellen - “Reading Isotype” (1986) |
| ☐ | Lupton, Ellen - “The Designer as Producer” (1987) |
| ☐ | Manguel, Alberto - “Reading Pictures” (1999) |
| ☐ | Martin, Leslie - “The Grid as Generator” (1972) |
| ☐ | McGann, Jerome - “Marking Texts of Many Dimensions” (2004) |
| ☒ | McKenzie, Jamie - “Deep Thinking and Deep Reading in an Age of Info-Glut, Info-Garbage Info-Glitz and Info-Glimmer” (1999) |
| ☐ | Merleau-Ponty, Maurice - “Eye and Mind” (1961) |
| ☐ | Michl, Jan - “On Seeing Design as Redesign: An Exploration of a Neglected Problem in Design Education” (2002) |
| ☐ | Mitchell, W. J. T. - “Visual Literacy or Literary Visualcy” (2009) |
| ☐ | Moneo, Rafael - “On Typology” (1978) |
| ☐ | Navon, David - “Forest Before Trees: The Precedence of Global Features in Visual Perception” (1977) |
| ☐ | Nell, Victor - “The Psychology of Reading for Pleasure: Needs and Gratifications” (1988) |
| ☐ | Nguyen, Khanh-Vy, Katherine S. Binder, Carolyn Nemier & Scott P. Ardoin - “Gotcha! Catching Kids During Mindless Reading” (2014) |
| ☐ | Norman, Donald A. - “Toward a Theory of Memory and Attention” (1968) |
| ☐ | Norman, Donald A. & Daniel G. Borrow - “Descriptions: An Intermediate Stage in Memory Retrieval” (1979) |
| ☐ | Norman, Donald A. & Daniel G. Borrow - “Some Principles of Memory Schemata” (1975) |
| ☒ | Ortega y Gasset, José - “The Difficulty of Reading” (1959) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Peterson, Steven E. & Michael I. Posner - “The Attention System of the Human Brain: 20 Years After” (2012) |
| ☐ | Pieters, Rik & Michel Wedel - “Attention Capture and Transfer in Advertising: Brand, Pictorial, and Text-Size Effects” (2004) |
| ☐ | Pomerantz, James R. & Edward A. Pristach - “Emergent Features, Attention, and Perceptual Glue in Visual Form Perception” (1989) |
| ☐ | Porush, David - “Reading in the Servo-Mechanical Loop” (1987) |
| ☐ | Posner, Michael I. - “Orienting of Attention” (1980) |
| ☐ | Posner, Michael I. - “Orienting of Attention: Then and Now” (2016) |
| ☐ | Posner, Michael I. & Mary K. Rothbart - “Attention, Self-Regulation and Consciousness” (1998) |
| ☐ | Posner, Michael I. & Stanislas Dehaene - “Attentional Networks” (1994) |
| ☒ | Poulet, Georges - “Phenomenology of Reading” (1969) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Rayner, Keith - “Eye Movements in Reading and Information Processing” (1978) |
| ☐ | Rayner, Keith - “Eye Movements in Reading and Information Processing: 20 Years of Research” (1998) |
| ☐ | Rettberg, Jill Walker - “Ways of Knowing with Data Visualizations” (2020) |
| ☐ | Risko, Evan F., Nicola Anderson, Amara Sarwal, Megan Engelhardt & Alan Kingstone- “Everyday Attention: Variation in Mind Wandering and Memory in a Lecture” (2012) |
| ☐ | Rogers, Robert - “Amazing Reader in the Labyrinth of Literature” (1982) |
| ☐ | Rosen, Larry D. - “The Distracted Student Mind: Enhancing Its Focus and Attention” (2017) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “Act I, Scene 1: Enter the Reader” (1981) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “Literature: S.O.S.” (1991) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “Literature: The Reader’s Role” (1960) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “Readers, Texts, Authors” (1998) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “The Literary Transaction: Evocation and Response” (1982) |
| ☐ | Rosenblatt, Louise M. - “The Transactional Theory: Against Dualisms” (1993) |
| ☐ | Rowberry, Simon Peter - “The Limits of Big Data for Analyzing Reading” (2019) |
| ☐ | Sherry, John L. - “Flow and Media Enjoyment” (2004) |
| ☐ | Siegert, Bernhard - “(Not) in Place: The Grid, or Cultural Techniques of Ruling Spaces” (2015) |
| ☐ | Simon, Herbert A. & Jill H. Larkin - “Why a Diagram Is (Sometimes) Worth Ten Thousand Words” (1987) |
| ☒ | Singleton, Benedict - “Subtle Empires: On Craft and Being Crafty” (2011) |
| ☐ | Smith, Marquard - “Visual Studies, or the Ossification of Thought” (2005) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - “‘Critic’/‘Reader’” (1979) |
| ☐ | Sword, Helen, Marion Blumenstein, Alistair Kwan, Louisa Shen & Evija Trofimova. - “Seven Ways of Looking at a Data Set” (2018) |
| ☐ | Thissen, Birte A. K., Winfried Menninghaus & Wolff Schlotz - “The Pleasures of Reading Fiction Explained by Flow, Presence, Identification, Suspense, and Cognitive Involvement” (2021) |
| ☐ | Ullman, Shimon - “Visual Routines” (1983) |
| ☐ | van den Hoven, Emiel et al. - “Individual Differences in Sensitivity to Style During Literary Reading: Insights from Eye-Tracking” (2016) |
| ☐ | van Leeuwen, Theo - “Towards a Semiotics of Typography” (2006) |
| ☒ | van Zundert, Joris J. - “Screwmeneutics and Hermenumericals: The Computationality of Hermeneutics” (2015) |
| ☐ | Vorderer, Peter, Christoph Klimmt & Ute Ritterfeld- “Enjoyment: At the Heart of Media Entertainment” (2004) |
| ☐ | Wandell, Brian A., Andreas M. Rauschecker & Jason D. Yeatman- “Learning to See Words” (2012) |
| ☐ | Warminski, Andrzej - “Dreadful Reading: Blanchot on Hegel” (1985) |
| ☒ | Waters, Lindsay - “Time for Reading” (2007) |
| ☒ | Weil, Simone - “Essay on the Notion of Reading” (1990) |
| ☐ | Williamson, Jack H. - “The Grid: History, Use, and Meaning” (1986) |
| ☐ | Wilson, Karen & James H. Korn - “Attention During Lectures: Beyond Ten Minutes” (2007) |
| ☐ | Wolf, Maryanne - “Skim Reading Is the New Normal: The Effect on Society Is Profound” (2018) |
| ☐ | Wolfson, Susan J. - “Reading for Form” (2000) |
| ☐ | Woodward, David - “Medieval Mappaemundi” (1987) |
| ☐ | Woolf, Virginia - “How Should One Read a Book?” (1925) |
| ☐ | Yilmaz, Ebru - “Subjectivity in Design Education: The Perception of the City Through Personal Maps” (2016) |
| XVI. Rhetoric & Speech |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Edward P. J. Corbett - Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student (1965)
| No. 2 | Mark Forsyth - The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase (2013) |
| No. 3 | Sister Miriam Joseph - The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric (1937) |
| No. 4 | Ward Farnsworth - Farnsworth’s Classical English Rhetoric (2010) |
| No. 5 | Rauch, Jonathan - Kindly Inquisitors: The New Attacks on Free Thought (1993) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Almossawi, Ali - An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments (2013) |
| ☒ | Aristotle - The Art of Rhetoric (322 BCE) |
| ☒ | Atchinson, Jarrod - The Art of Debate (2017) |
| ☒ | Berkun, Scott - Confessions of a Public Speaker (2009) |
| ☐ | Bernays, Edward L. - Propaganda (1928) |
| ☐ | Billig, Michael - Arguing and Thinking: A Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology (1987) |
| ☐ | Blair, Hugh - Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (1783) |
| ☒ | Booth, Wayne C. - The Rhetoric of Rhetoric: The Quest for Effective Communication (2004) |
| ☐ | Brooks, Cleanth & Robert Penn Warren - Modern Rhetoric (1949) |
| ☐ | Burke, Kenneth - The Rhetoric of Religion: Studies in Logology (1970) |
| ☐ | Ceccarelli, Leah ed. - Shaping Science with Rhetoric: The Cases of Dobzhansky, Schrödinger, and Wilson (2001) |
| ☐ | Cicero - On the Ideal Orator (46 BCE) |
| ☐ | Cicero - Rhetorica ad Herennium (90 BCE)
| ☒ | Corbett, Edward P. J. - Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student (1965) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Crowley, Sharon - Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students (1994) |
| ☐ | de Mille, James - The Elements of Rhetoric (1878) |
| ☐ | Duro, Paul ed. - The Rhetoric of the Frame (1996) |
| ☐ | Ellul, Jacques - Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes (1962) |
| ☒ | Farnsworth, Ward - Farnsworth’s Classical English Rhetoric (2010) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Farnsworth, Ward - The Legal Analyst: A Toolkit for Thinking about the Law (2007) |
| ☒ | Forsyth, Mark - The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase (2013) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Freedman, Aviva & Peter Medway eds. - Genre and the New Rhetoric (1994) |
| ☐ | Garton Ash, Timothy - Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World (2017) |
| ☐ | Greene, Robert Lane - You Are What You Speak: Grammar Grouches, Language Laws, and the Politics of Identity (2011) |
| ☐ | Harris, Robert Alan - Writing with Clarity and Style: A Guide to Rhetorical Devices for Contemporary Writers (2003) |
| ☒ | Heinrichs, Jay - Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion (2007) |
| ☒ | Joseph, Sister Miriam - The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric (1937) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Jost, Walter & Wendy Olmsted eds. - A Companion to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism (2003) |
| ☒ | Lanham, Richard A. - A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms (1969) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Leith, Sam - You Talkin’ To Me? Rhetoric from Aristotle to Obama (2011) |
| ☐ | Losh, Elizabeth, Jonathan Alexander, Kevin Cannon & Zander Cannon - Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing (2013) |
| ☒ | Luntz, Frank - Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear (2006) |
| ☐ | MacDonald, Michael J. ed. - The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies (2017) |
| ☐ | Martineau, John ed. - Trivium: The Classical Liberal Arts of Grammar, Logic, & Rhetoric (2016) |
| ☐ | Mchangama, Jacob - Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media (2022) |
| ☐ | Packard, Vance - The Hidden Persuaders (1957) |
| ☐ | Perelman, Chaim - The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation (1969) |
| ☐ | Perelman, Chaim - The Realm of Rhetoric (1982) |
| ☒ | Quinn, Arthur - Figures of Speech: 60 Ways to Turn a Phrase (1982) |
| ☒ | Rauch, Jonathan - Kindly Inquisitors: The New Attacks on Free Thought (1993) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Ravitch, Diane - The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (2003) |
| ☐ | Richards, I. A. - Richards on Rhetoric (1990) |
| ☒ | Richards, I. A. - The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1936) |
| ☐ | Rushkoff, Douglas - Coercion: Why We Listen To What ‘They’ Say (1998) |
| ☐ | Smith, Adam - Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres (1763) |
| ☐ | Topping, Ryan - The Elements of Rhetoric: How to Write and Speak Clearly and Persuasively (2016) |
| ☒ | Trachtman, Joel P. - The Tools of Argument: How the Best Lawyers Think, Argue, and Win (2013) |
| ☐ | Turkle, Sherry - Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (2015) |
| ☒ | Weston, Anthony - A Rulebook for Arguments (1986) |
| ☒ | Zarefsky, David - Argumentation: The Study Of Effective Reasoning (2001) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Carole Blaire - “Nietzsche’s ‘Lecture Notes on Rhetoric’: A Translation” (1983) |
| No. 2 | John Poulakos & Steve Whitson - “Rhetoric Denuded and Redressed: Figs and Figures” (1995) |
| No. 3 | Kenneth Burke - “Rhetoric: Old and New” (1951) |
| No. 4 | Edward P. J. Corbett - “The Rhetoric of the Open Hand and the Rhetoric of the Closed Fist” (1969) |
| No. 5 | Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann - “The Spiral of Silence: A Theory of Public Opinion” (1974) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Austin, J. L. - “How to Talk: Some Simple Ways” (1952)|
| ☐ | Berg, David M. - “Rhetoric, Reality, and Mass Media” (1972) |
| ☐ | Bergman, Mats - “The Secret of Rendering Signs Effective: The Import of C. S. Peirce’s Semiotic Rhetoric” (2007) |
| ☐ | Biesecker, Barbara A. - “Rethinking the Rhetorical Situation from Within the Thematic of Différance” (1989) |
| ☐ | Bingham, Charles - “The Goals of Language, the Language of Goals: Nietzsche’s Concern with Rhetoric and Its Educational Implications” (1998) |
| ☐ | Bitzer, Lloyd F. - “The Rhetorical Situation” (1968) |
| ☒ | Blaire, Carole - “Nietzsche’s ‘Lecture Notes on Rhetoric’: A Translation” (1983) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Blanchot, Maurice - “Everyday Speech” (1987) |
| ☐ | Bloom, Lynn Z. - “Consuming Prose: The Delectable Rhetoric of Food Writing” (2008)|
| ☐ | Bloomfeld, Leonard - “Literate and Illiterate Speech” (1927) |
| ☐ | Booth, Wayne C. - “Metaphor as Rhetoric: The Problem of Evaluation” (1978) |
| ☐ | Booth, Wayne C. - “The Rhetorical Stance” (1963) |
| ☐ | Bormann, Ernest G. - “Fantasy and Rhetorical Vision: The Rhetorical Criticism of Social Reality” (1972) |
| ☐ | Braun, John E. - “The ‘Speculative Rhetoric’ of Charles Sanders Peirce” (1981) |
| ☒ | Bruntz, George C. - “Propaganda as an Instrument of War” (1930) |
| ☐ | Buell, Lawrence - “Transcendentalist Catalogue Rhetoric: Vision Versus Form” (1968) |
| ☐ | Burke, Kenneth - “Dramatism and Logology” (1985) |
| ☒ | Burke, Kenneth - “Rhetoric: Old and New” (1951) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Burke, Michael - “Rhetoric and Poetics: The Classical Heritage of Stylistics” (2017) |
| ☒ | Carr, Steven Alan - “On the Edge of Tastelessness: CBS, the Smothers Brothers and the Struggle for Control” (1992) |
| ☐ | Chen, Yuyu & David Y Yang - “The Impact of Media Censorship: 1984 or Brave New World” (2019) |
| ☐ | Christensen, Francis - “Notes Toward a New Rhetoric” (1963) |
| ☐ | Consigny, Scott - “Nietzsche’s Reading of the Sophists” (1994) |
| ☐ | Consigny, Scott - “Rhetoric and Its Situations” (1974) |
| ☒ | Corbett, Edward P. J. - “Public Doublespeak: If I Speak with Forked Tongue...” (1976) |
| ☒ | Corbett, Edward P. J. - “The Rhetoric of the Open Hand and the Rhetoric of the Closed Fist” (1969) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Crowley, Sharon - “A Plea for the Revival Sophistry” (1989) |
| ☐ | Crowley, Sharon - “Modern Rhetoric and Memory” (2013) |
| ☐ | Crowley, Sharon - “Of Gorgias and Grammatology” (1979) |
| ☐ | Davis, Murray S. - “‘That's Classic’: The Phenomenology of Rhetoric of Successful Social Theories” (1986) |
| ☐ | de Man, Paul - “Semiology and Rhetoric” (1973) |
| ☐ | Del Caro, Adrian - “Nietzsche’s Rhetoric on the Grounds of Philology and Hermeneutics” (2004) |
| ☐ | Druckman, James N. & Justin W. Holmes - “Does Presidential Rhetoric Matter? Priming and Presidential Approval” (2004) |
| ☐ | Eagleton, Terry - “Brecht and Rhetoric” (1985) |
| ☐ | Edbauer, Jenny - “Unframing Models of Public Distribution: From Rhetorical Situation to Rhetorical Ecologies” (2004) |
| ☐ | Ehninger, Douglas - “On Systems of Rhetoric” (1968) |
| ☐ | Fellows, Erwin W. - “‘Propaganda’: History of a Word” (1959) |
| ☒ | Fredal, James - “Rhetoric and Bullshit” (2011) |
| ☐ | Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar - “The Idea of Rhetoric in the Rhetoric of Science” (1993) |
| ☐ | Goodwin, Charles & John Heritage - “Conversation Analysis” (1990) |
| ☐ | Grassi, Ernesto - “Rhetoric and Philosophy” (1976) |
| ☐ | Grassi, Ernesto - “Why Rhetoric Is Philosophy” (1987) |
| ☐ | Gray, Hanna H. - “Renaissance Humanism: The Pursuit of Eloquence” (1963) |
| ☐ | Greene, William Chase - “The Spoken and the Written Word” (1951) |
| ☐ | Grice, H. P. - “Logic and Conversation” (1975) |
| ☐ | Herr, Orna - “Don’t Show and Tell: In a Bid to Avoid Offence, TV Shows Are Disappearing from the Airwaves. Are We Poorer for It?” (2020) |
| ☐ | Jack, Jordynn - “What Are Neurorhetorics?” (2010) |
| ☐ | Jack, Jordynn & L. Gregory Appelbaum - “‘This Is Your Brain on Rhetoric’: Research Directions for Neurorhetorics” (2010) |
| ☐ | Jarratt, Susan C. - “Walter Pater and the Sophistication of Rhetoric” (1989) |
| ☐ | Kennedy, George A. - “A Hoot in the Dark: The Evolution of General Rhetoric” (1992) |
| ☐ | Kennedy, George A. - “The Earliest Rhetorical Handbooks” (1959) |
| ☐ | Liberman, Alvin M. - “The Relation of Speech to Reading and Writing” (1992) |
| ☐ | Mazzeo, Joseph A. - “St. Augustine's Rhetoric of Silence” (1962) |
| ☐ | McCloskey, Deirdre - “Big Rhetoric, Little Rhetoric: Gaonkar on the Rhetoric of Science” (1997) |
| ☐ | McCloskey, Deirdre - “The Rhetoric of Economics” (1983) |
| ☐ | McGee, Michael Calvin - “Text, Context, and the Fragmentation of Contemporary Culture” (1990) |
| ☐ | McKeon, Richard - “Poetry and Philosophy in the Twelfth Century: The Renaissance of Rhetoric” (1946) |
| ☐ | McKerrow, Raymie E. - “Critical Rhetoric: Theory and Praxis” (1989) |
| ☒ | McQuarrie, Edward F. & David Glen Mick - “Figures of Rhetoric in Advertising Language” (1996) |
| ☐ | Mendelson, Michael - “The Rhetoric of Embodiment” (1998) |
| ☒ | Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth - “The Spiral of Silence a Theory of Public Opinion” (1974) |
| ☐ | Nussbaum, Martha C. - “Poets as Judges: Judicial Rhetoric and the Literary Imagination” (1995) |
| ☐ | O'Rourke, Sean Patrick, Don Paul Abbott, Marc Cogan, Rene Dube, Thomas O. Sloane, & James P. Zappen - “The Most Significant Passage on Rhetoric in the Works of Francis Bacon” (1996) |
| ☐ | Pennycook, Gordon, James Allan Cheyne, Nathaniel Barr, Derek J. Koehler & Jonathan A. Fugelsang - “On the Reception and Detection of Pseudo-Profound Bullshit” (2015) |
| ☒ | Postman, Neil - “Bullshit and the Art of Crap-Detection” (1969) |
| ☒ | Poulakos, John & Steve Whitson - “Nietzsche and the Aesthetics of Rhetoric” (1993) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Poulakos, John & Steve Whitson - “Rhetoric Denuded and Redressed: Figs and Figures” (1995) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Poulakos, John - “The Components of Dialogue” (1974) |
| ☐ | Poulakos, John - “Toward a Sophistic Definition of Rhetoric” (1983) |
| ☒ | Pullman, Philip - “The War on Words” (2004) |
| ☐ | Rabinowitz, Peter J. - “The Rhetoric of Reference: Or, Shostakovich’s Ghost Quartet” (2007) |
| ☒ | Schank, Roger C., Gregg C. Collins, Ernest Davis, Peter N. Johnson, Steve Lytinen & Brian J. Reiser - “What's the Point?” (1982) |
| ☐ | Schegloff, Emanuel A. & Harvey Sacks - “Opening Up Closings” (1973) |
| ☐ | Schiappa, Edward - “Second Thoughts on the Critiques of Big Rhetoric” (2001) |
| ☐ | Schopenhauer, Arthur - “On Rhetoric” (1818) |
| ☐ | Scruton, Roger - “The Threat of Free Speech in the University” (2017) |
| ☐ | Shapiro, Gary - “The Rhetoric of Nietzsche’s Zarathustra” (1980) |
| ☐ | Silverstein, Brett - “Toward a Science of Propaganda” (1987) |
| ☐ | Simrell, V. E. - “H. L. Mencken the Rhetorician” (1927) |
| ☐ | Sloane, Thomas O. - “Reinventing Inventio” (1989) |
| ☐ | Sloane, Thomas O. - “The Rhetoric in the Poetry of John Donne” (1963) |
| ☐ | Swayne, Mattie - “Whitman’s Catalogue Rhetoric” (1941) |
| ☐ | Tom, Gail & Anmarie Eves - “The Use of Rhetorical Devices in Advertising” (1999) |
| ☐ | Tucker, Robert E. - “Figure, Ground and Presence: A Phenomenology of Meaning in Rhetoric” (2001) |
| ☐ | Tufte, Virginia - “The Christensen Rhetoric Program” (1969) |
| ☐ | Varnum, Robin - “The History of Composition: Reclaiming Our Lost Generations” (1992) |
| ☐ | Vatz, Richard E. - “The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation” (1973) |
| ☐ | Warnick, Barbara - “Two Systems of Invention: The Topics in the Rhetoric and The New Rhetoric” (2000) |
| ☒ | White, James Boyd - “Law as Rhetoric, Rhetoric as Law: The Arts of Cultural and Communal Life” (1985) |
| ☐ | White-Farnham, Jamie - “‘Revising the Menu to Fit the Budget’: Grocery Lists and Other Rhetorical Heirlooms” (2014) |
| ☐ | Zappen, James P. - “Digital Rhetoric: Toward an Integrated Theory” (2005) |
| XVII. Screenwriting & Drama |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Robert McKee - Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting (1997) |
| No. 2 | David Edgar - How Plays Work (1998) |
| No. 3 | Alexander Mackendrick - On Film-Making: On Film-making: An Introduction to the Craft of the Director (2004) |
| No. 4 | George Varotsis - Screenplay and Narrative Theory: The Screenplectics Model of Complex Narrative Systems (2015) |
| No. 5 | Francois Truffaut & Alfred Hitchcock - Hitchcock/Truffaut (1966) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Alessandra, Pilar - The Coffee Break Screenwriter: Writing Your Script Ten Minutes at a Time (2010) |
| ☒ | Archer, William - Play-Making: A Manual of Craftsmanship (1912) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Aristotle - Poetics (330 BCE) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - Film as Art (1932) |
| ☒ | Aronson, Linda - The 21st Century Screenplay: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Tomorrow’s Films (2010) |
| ☐ | Ball, David - Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays (1983) |
| ☐ | Bazin, André - What is Cinema? Vol. 1 (1967) |
| ☐ | Bazin, André - What is Cinema? Vol. 2 (1971) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David - Figures Traced in Light: On Cinematic Staging (2005) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David - Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema (1989) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David - Poetics of Cinema (2008) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David & Kristin Thompson - Film Art: An Introduction (1979) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David & Kristin Thompson - Film History: An Introduction (1994) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David & Noël Carroll eds. - Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies (1996) |
| ☐ | Brecht, Bertolt - Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic (1964) |
| ☐ | Bresson, Robert - Notes on Cinematography (1975) |
| ☐ | Brook, Peter - The Empty Space: A Book About the Theatre: Deadly, Holy, Rough, Immediate (1968) |
| ☒ | Brooks, Cleanth & Robert B. Heilman - Understanding Drama: Twelve Plays (1948) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Carlson, Marvin A. - Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey (1984) |
| ☐ | Cole, Toby ed. - Playwrights on Playwriting (1960) |
| ☐ | Costello, John - Writing a Screenplay (2001) |
| ☐ | Craig, Edward Gordon - On the Art of the Theatre (1966) |
| ☐ | Daly, Timothy - 21st Century Playwriting: A Manual of Contemporary Techniques (2019)
| ☐ | De Vega, Lope - The New Art of Writing Plays (1609) |
| ☒ | Edgar, David - How Plays Work (1998) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Egri, Lajos - The Art of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives (1942) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Eisenstein, Sergei - Film Form: Essays In Film Theory (1949) |
| ☐ | Eisenstein, Sergei - The Film Sense (1942) |
| ☒ | Evenson, J. M. - Shakespeare for Screenwriters: Timeless Writing Tips from the Master of Drama (2013) |
| ☒ | Fancher, Hampton - The Wall Will Tell You: The Forensics of Screenwriting (2019) |
| ☐ | Ferguson, Francis - The Idea of a Theater: A Study of Ten Plays, the Art of Drama in Changing Perspective (1949) |
| ☒ | Field, Syd - Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting (1979) |
| ☒ | Film Crit Hulk - Screenwriting 101 (2013) |
| ☐ | Frayn, Michael - Stage Directions: Writing on Theatre (2008) |
| ☐ | Harrison, Louis Reeves - Screencraft: or, The Making of a Photoplay (1916) |
| ☐ | Hull, Raymond - How to Write a Play (1983) |
| ☐ | Jeffreys, Stephen - Playwriting: Structure, Character, How and What to Write (2019) |
| ☐ | Kael, Pauline - The Age of Movies: Selected Writings (2011) |
| ☒ | Lawson, John Howard - Theory and Technique of Playwriting and Screenwriting (1949) |
| ☐ | Lucas, Duncan A. - Affect Theory, Genre, and the Example of Tragedy: Dreams We Learn (2008) |
| ☒ | Mackendrick, Alexander - On Film-Making: On Film-making: An Introduction to the Craft of the Director (2004) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Mamet, David - On Directing Film (1991) |
| ☐ | Mamet, David - Theatre (2010) |
| ☒ | Mamet, David - Three Uses of the Knife: On the Nature and Purpose of Drama (1991) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Mamet, David - Writing in Restaurants: Essays and Prose (1986) |
| ☒ | McConachie, Bruce - Engaging Audiences: A Cognitive Approach to Spectating in the Theatre (2008) |
| ☒ | McKee, Robert - Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting (1997) |
| ☐ | McKee, Robert - Dialogue: The Art of Verbal Action for Page, Stage, and Screen (2016) |
| ☐ | Monaco, James - How to Read a Film: Movies, Media, Multimedia (1977) |
| ☒ | Moreno, Mario O. & Anthony Grieco - The Pocket Screenwriting Guidebook: 120 Tips for Getting to Fade Out (2009) |
| ☒ | Murphy, Terence Patrick - From Fairy Tale to Film Screenplay: Working with Plot Genotypes (2015) |
| ☐ | Nietzsche, Friedrich - The Birth of Tragedy (1871) |
| ☐ | Perry, Chris & Eric Henry Sanders - SceneWriting: The Missing Manual for Screenwriters (2022) |
| ☐ | Plimpton, George ed. - Playwrights at Work: The Paris Review Interviews (2000) |
| ☐ | Polti, Georges - The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations (1921) |
| ☒ | Pope, Tom - Good Scripts, Bad Scripts: Learning the Craft of Screenwriting Through the 25 Best and Worst Films in History (1998) |
| ☐ | Schatz, Thomas - Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking, and the Studio System (1981) |
| ☐ | Schatz, Thomas - The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era (1988) |
| ☐ | Shimamura, Arthur P. ed. - Psychocinematics: Exploring Cognition at the Movies (2013) |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - The Death of Tragedy (1961) |
| ☐ | Tarkovsky, Andrey - Sculpting in Time (1984) |
| ☒ | Thompson, Alan Reynolds - The Anatomy of Drama (1942) |
| ☒ | Trottier, David - The Screenwriter’s Bible (1994) |
| ☒ | Truffaut, Francois & Alfred Hitchcock - Hitchcock/Truffaut (1966) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Vale, Eugene - The Technique Of Screenplay Writing: An Analysis Of The Dramatic Structure Of Motion Pictures (1944) |
| ☒ | van Sijll, Jennifer - Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful Film Conventions Every Filmmaker Must Know (2005) |
| ☒ | Varotsis, George - Screenplay and Narrative Theory: The Screenplectics Model of Complex Narrative Systems (2015) |
| ☒ | Velikovsky, J. T. - A Guide to Feature Film Writing: A Screenwriter’s Workbook (2003) |
| ☒ | Velikovsky, J. T. - StoryAlity: Screenwriting Manual (2013) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Bert O. States - “The Anatomy of Dramatic Character” (1985) |
| No. 2 | Michael Haneke & Luisa Zielinski - “Michael Haneke, The Art of Screenwriting No. 5” (2014) |
| No. 3 | Moritz Lehne & Stefan Koelsch - “Toward a General Psychological Model of Tension and Suspense” (2015) |
| No. 4 | Emma Coats - “Pixar’s 22 Rules Of Storytelling” (2011) |
| No. 5 | Susan L. Feagin - “The Pleasures of Tragedy” (1983) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Altman, Rick - “A Semantic-Syntactic Approach to Film Genre” () |
| ☒ | Ambrose, Cohen - “Transferring Belief: The Stage Presence of the Spiritual Meme” (2013) |
| ☐ | Bartlett, Frederick C. - “Some Experiments on the Reproduction of Folk-Stories” (1920) |
| ☒ | Bartsch, Anne - “Emotional Gratification in Entertainment Experience. Why Viewers of Movies and Television Series Find it Rewarding to Experience Emotions” (2012) |
| ☒ | Beecher, Donald - “Mind, Theaters, and the Anatomy of Consciousness” (2006) |
| ☐ | Bentley, Eric - “The Play of the Century” (1998) |
| ☐ | Berne, Eric and Arthur Wagner - “Notes on Games and Theatre” (1967) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David - “Historical Poetics of Cinema” (1989) |
| ☐ | Bordwell, David - “The Art Cinema as a Mode of Film Practice” (1979) |
| ☐ | Bost, Xavier, Vincent Labatut, Serigne Gueye & Georges Linares - “Narrative Smoothing: Dynamic Conversational Network for the Analysis of TV Series Plots” (2016) |
| ☐ | Brecht, Bertolt - “A Short Organum for the Theatre” (1949) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “A Note on Film Metaphor” (1996) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “On the Necessity of Theater” (2009) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “The Paradox of Suspense” (2013) |
| ☐ | Carroll, Noel - “The Power of Movies” (2004) |
| ☒ | Chang, Huang-Ming, Leonid Ivonin, Marta Díaz, Andreu Català, Wei Chen & Matthias Rauterberg - “From Mythology to Psychology: Identifying Archetypal Symbols in Movies” (2013) |
| ☒ | Coats, Emma - “Pixar’s 22 Rules Of Storytelling” (2011) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Cutting, James E., Jordan E. DeLong & Christine E. Nothelfer - “Attention and the Evolution of Hollywood Film” (2010) |
| ☐ | Cutting, James E., Kaitlin L. Brunick, Jordan E. DeLong, Catalina Iricinschi & Ayse Candan - “Quicker, Faster, Darker: Changes in Hollywood Film Over 75 Years” (2011) |
| ☐ | Debjani, Roy - “Cinema in the Age of Digital Revolution” (2014) |
| ☐ | Druckman, James N. - “The Power of Television Images: The First Kennedy-Nixon Debate Revisited” (2003)|
| ☒ | Eco, Umberto - “Casablanca: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage” (1985) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - “Semiotics of Theatrical Performance” (1977) |
| ☐ | Eisenstein, Sergei - “The Birth of a Film” (1951) |
| ☒ | Fairfax, Daniel - “‘The Beauty of Moving Wind in the Trees’: Cinematic Presence and the Films of D. W. Griffith” (2917) |
| ☒ | Feagin, Susan L. - “The Pleasures of Tragedy” (1983) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Fiedler, Leslie A. - “Mythicizing the Unspeakable” (1990) |
| ☒ | Foley, Helene P. & Jean E. Howard - “The Urgency of Tragedy Now” (2014) |
| ☒ | French, Alex - “How to Make a Movie Out of Anything: Even a Mindless Phone Game” (2017) |
| ☐ | Frentz, Thomas & Janice Hocker Rushing - “‘Mother isn’t quite herself today’: Myth and Spectacle in The Matrix” (2002) |
| ☒ | Frentz, Thomas & Janice Hocker Rushing - “The Rhetoric of Rocky: A Social Value Model of Criticism” (1978) |
| ☒ | Frentz, Thomas & Janice Hocker Rushing - 'The Rhetoric of Rocky: Part Two” (1978) |
| ☒ | Grodal, Torben - “Love and Desire in the Cinema” (2004) |
| ☐ | Gunning, Tom - “‘Now You See It, Now You Don’t’: The Temporality of the Cinema of Attractions” (1993) |
| ☐ | Haidegger, Ingrid - “What’s In a Name? The Art of Movie Titling” (2015) |
| ☒ | Haneke, Michael & Luisa Zielinski - “Michael Haneke, The Art of Screenwriting No. 5” (2014) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Hannich, Julian, Valentin Wagner, Mira Shah, Thomas Jacobsen & Winfried Menninghaus - “Why We Like to Watch Sad Films: The Pleasure of Being Moved in Aesthetic Experiences” (2014) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugene - “Discovering the Theatre” (1959) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugene - “Notes on My Theatre” (1963) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugene - “Scene” (1984) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugene - “The Avant-Garde Theatre” (1960) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugene - “The Tragedy of Language: How an English Primer Became My First Play” (1960) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugene - “The World of Ionesco” (1958) |
| ☐ | Ionesco, Eugene - “Towards a Dream Theatre” (1976) |
| ☐ | Jacquart, Emmanuel & Eugene Ionesco - “Interview: Eugene Ionesco” (1973) |
| ☐ | Jarvie, Ian Charles - “Seeing Through Movies” (1978) |
| ☐ | Kael, Pauline - “Circles and Squares” (1963) |
| ☐ | Kael, Pauline - “It's Only a Movie” (1966) |
| ☐ | Katz, Elihu & Tamar Liebes - “Patterns of Involvement in Television Fiction: A Comparative Analysis” (1986) |
| ☐ | Kulezie-Wilson, Danijela - “The Music of Film Silence” (2009) |
| ☐ | Lawrence, Kenneth - “Luigi Pirandello: Holding Nature up to the Mirror” (1970) |
| ☒ | Lehne, Moritz & Stefan Koelsch - “Toward a General Psychological Model of Tension and Suspense” (2015) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Lucaites, John L. - “Re-Constructing Narrative Theory: A Functional Perspective” (1985) |
| ☐ | Matbouly, Mustafa Yousry - “Quantifying the Unquantifiable: The Color of Cinematic Lighting and Its Effect on Audience's Impressions Towards the Appearance of Film Characters” (2022) |
| ☐ | Merleau-Ponty, Maurice - “The Film and the New Psychology” (2020) |
| ☐ | Moghaddam, Hooman Mohajeri, Gunes Acar, Ben Burgess, Arunesh Mathur, Danny Yuxing Huang, Nick Feamster, Edward W. Felten, Prateek Mittal & Arvind Narayanan - “Watching You Watch: The Tracking Ecosystem of Over-the-Top TV Streaming Devices” (2019) |
| ☐ | Mulvey, Laura - “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” (1975) |
| ☐ | Nannicelli, Ted - “Why Can’t Screenplays Be Artworks?” (2011) |
| ☒ | O'Sullivan, Sean - “Broken on Purpose: Poetry, Serial Television, and the Season” (2010) |
| ☒ | Pape, Toni - “Preemptive Narratives and Televisual Futures” (2019) |
| ☐ | Prieto-Pablos, Juan A. - “The Paradox of Suspense” (1998) |
| ☐ | Roberts, Ben - “Cinema as Mnemotechnics: Bernard Stiegler and the ‘Industrialization of Memory’” (2006) |
| ☐ | Rod, David K. - “Kenneth Burke and Susanne K. Langer on Drama and Its Audience” (1986)
| ☐ | Rothman, Stephen - “‘Isn't It Ironic?’ The Films of the Coen Brothers” (2011) |
| ☐ | Rushing, Janice Hocker - “E.T. as Rhetorical Transcendence” (1985) |
| ☐ | Rushing, Janice Hocker - “The Rhetoric of the American Western Myth” (1983) |
| ☐ | Sarkhosh, Keyvan & Winfried Menninghaus - “Enjoying Trash Films: Underlying Features, Viewing Stances, and Experiential Response Dimensions” (2016) |
| ☐ | Schier, Flint - “The Claims of Tragedy: An Essay in Moral Psychology and Aesthetic Theory” (1989) |
| ☒ | Shusterman, Richard - “Art as Dramatization” (2001) |
| ☐ | Smuts, Aaron - “Film as Philosophy: In Defense of a Bold Thesis” (2009) |
| ☒ | Smuts, Aaron - “The Desire-Frustration Theory of Suspense” (2008) |
| ☐ | Sontag, Susan - “The Decay of Cinema” (1996) |
| ☒ | States, Bert O. - “The Anatomy of Dramatic Character” (1985) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Steiner, George - ‘“Tragedy,’ Reconsidered” (2004) |
| ☐ | Stiller, James, Daniel Nettle & Robin Dunbar- “The Small World of Shakespeare’s Plays” (2003) |
| ☒ | Storm, William - “On the Science of Dramatic Character” (2011) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Strindberg, August - “On Modern Drama and Modern Theatre” (1889) |
| ☒ | Tan, Eduard Sioe-Hao & Valentijn Visch - “Co-Imagination of Fictional Worlds in Film Viewing” (2018) |
| ☐ | Todorov, Tzvetan - “The Typology of Detective Fiction” (1966) |
| ☐ | Turner, Victor - “Social Dramas and Stories about Them” 1980() |
| ☐ | VanArendonk, Kathryn - “Theorizing the Television Episode” (2019) |
| ☒ | Varotsis, George - “Complex Narrative Systems and the Minimisation of Logical Inconsistencies in Narrative and Dramatic Writing” (2019) |
| ☒ | Varotsis, George - “The Plot-Algorithm for Problem-Solving in Narrative and Dramatic Writing” (2018) |
| ☒ | Varotsis, George - “The Role of Plotting and Action Schemata in the Consolidation of Narrative Information in Dramatic Writing” (2020) |
| ☐ | von Kleist, Heinrich - “On the Marionette Theatre” (1972) |
| ☐ | Vorderer, Peter - “Toward a Psychological Theory of Suspense” (1996) |
| ☐ | Vorderer, Peter & Silvia Knobloch - “Conflict and Suspense in Drama” (2000) |
| ☒ | Wilson, Timothy D., David B. Centerbar, Deborah A. Kermer & Daniel T. Gilbert - “The Pleasures of Uncertainty: Prolonging Positive Moods in Ways People Do Not Anticipate” (2005) |
| ☒ | Zacks, Jeffrey, Nicole K. Speer, Khena M. Swallow & Corey J. Maley.- “The Brain’s Cutting-Room Floor: Segmentation of Narrative Cinema” (2010) |
| ☒ | Zak, Paul J. - “Why Inspiring Stories Make Us React: The Neuroscience of Narrative” (2015) |
| ☐ | Zamir, Tzachi - “Reading Drama” (2012) |
| ☐ | Zillmann, Dolf - “The Psychology of Suspense in Dramatic Exposition” (1996) |
| XVIII. Story & Fiction |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Jorge Luis Borges - Borges on Writing (1973) |
| No. 2 | Will Storr - The Science of Storytelling: Why Stories Make Us Human and How to Tell Them Better (2019) |
| No. 3 | Mark Turner - The Literary Mind: The Origins of Thought and Language (1996) |
| No. 4 | John Yorke - Into the Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them (2014) |
| No. 5 | Christopher Vogler - The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers (1992) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Alison, Jane - Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative (2019) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Allison, Scott T. & George R. Goethals - Heroes: What They Do and Why We Need Them (2010) |
| ☐ | Attebery, Brian - Strategies of Fantasy (1992) |
| ☐ | Atwood, Margaret - In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination (2011) |
| ☐ | Baxter, Charles - Burning Down the House: Essays on Fiction (1997) |
| ☒ | Baxter, Charles - The Art of Subtext: Beyond Plot (2007) |
| ☐ | Baxter, Charles - Wonderlands: Essays on the Life of Literature (2022) |
| ☐ | Bell, James Scott - Plot and Structure: Techniques and Exercises for Crafting a Plot That Grips Readers from Start to Finish (2004) |
| ☒ | Bell, James Scott - Super Structure: The Key to Unleashing the Power of Story (2015) |
| ☐ | Bell, James Scott - Write Your Novel From The Middle: A New Approach for Plotters, Pantsers and Everyone in Between (2014) |
| ☐ | Bell, Matt - Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts (2022) |
| ☐ | Bendis, Brian Michael - Words for Pictures: The Art and Business of Writing Comics and Graphic Novels (2014) |
| ☐ | Benjamin, Walter - The Storyteller: Tales out of Loneliness (2016) |
| ☐ | Bettelheim, Bruno - The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales (1976) |
| ☐ | Blatt, Ben - Nabokov’s Favorite Word Is Mauve: What the Numbers Reveal About the Classics, Bestsellers, and Our Own Writing (2017) |
| ☐ | Bloch, William Goldbloom - The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges’ Library of Babel (2008) |
| ☐ | Blythe, Will ed. - Why I Write: Thoughts on the Craft of Fiction (1998) |
| ☒ | Bonnet, James - Stealing Fire From the Gods: The Complete Guide to Story for Writers and Filmmakers (1999) |
| ☒ | Booth, Wayne C. - The Rhetoric of Fiction (19610 |
| ☒ | Borges, Jorge Luis - Borges on Writing (1973) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bortolussi, Marisa & Peter Dixon - Psychonarratology: Foundations for the Empirical Study of Literary Response (2002) |
| ☒ | Boyd, Brian - On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction (2009) |
| ☒ | Brooker, Christopher - The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories (2004) |
| ☐ | Brooks, Cleanth & Robert Penn Warren - Understanding Fiction (1943) |
| ☒ | Brooks, Peter - Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative (1984) |
| ☒ | Brunello, Pierlo - How to Write Like Chekhov: Advice and Inspiration, Straight from His Own Letters and Work (2007) |
| ☐ | Bunting, Joe - The Write Structure: The Timeless Storytelling Principles Great Writers Use to Craft Stories Readers Love (2021) |
| ☐ | Burke, Michael & Emily Troscianko eds. - Cognitive Literary Science: Dialogues Between Literature and Cognition (2017) |
| ☐ | Burroway, Janet - Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft (1987) |
| ☒ | Calvino, Italo - Six Memos for the Next Millennium (1988) |
| ☒ | Campbell, Joseph - The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Cane, William - Fiction Writing Master Class: Emulating the Work of Great Novelists to Master the Fundamentals of Craft (2015) |
| ☐ | Cane, William - Write Like the Masters: Emulating the Best of Hemingway, Faulkner, Salinger, and Others (2009) |
| ☐ | Caracciolo, Marco - Strange Narrators in Contemporary Fiction: Explorations in Readers’ Engagement with Characters (2016) |
| ☐ | Caracciolo, Marco, Marlene Karlsson Marcussen & David Rodriguez - Narrating Nonhuman Spaces: Form, Story, and Experience Beyond Anthropocentrism (2021) |
| ☒ | Card, Orson Scott - Characters and Viewpoint (1988) |
| ☒ | Chandler, Raymond - The Simple Art of Murder (1950) |
| ☐ | Chatman, Seymour B. - Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film (1978) |
| ☒ | Chi, Lu - Essay on Literature (300 CE) |
| ☐ | Clune, Michael - Writing Against Time (2013) |
| ☐ | Cohen, Richard - How to Write Like Tolstoy: A Journey Into the Minds of Our Greatest Writers (2016) |
| ☐ | Cohn, Neil - The Visual Language of Comics: Introduction to the Structure and Cognition of Sequential Images (2013) |
| ☒ | Cook, William Wallace - Plotto: The Master Book of All Plots (1928) |
| ☒ | Coyne, Shawn - The Story Grid: What Good Editors Know (2015) |
| ☐ | Csicsery-Ronay Jr., Istvan - The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction (2008) |
| ☒ | Cron, Lisa - Wired for Story: The Writer’s Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence (2012) |
| ☐ | Dibell, Ansen - Plot (1988) |
| ☐ | Dick, Philip K. - The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick (1995) |
| ☐ | Dirda, Michael - On Conan Doyle: or, The Whole Art of Storytelling (2011) |
| ☐ | Drucker, Johanna - Against Fiction (1983) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - Confessions of a Young Novelist (2011) |
| ☐ | Eco, Umberto - Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (1994) |
| ☒ | Edson, Eric - The Story Solution: 23 Actions All Great Heroes Must Take (2011) |
| ☐ | Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur ed. - Of Worlds Beyond (1947) |
| ☐ | Faris, Wendy B. - Ordinary Enchantments: Magical Realism and the Remystification of Narrative (2004) |
| ☐ | Felski, Rita - Uses of Literature (2008) |
| ☒ | Fireman, Gary D. Ted E. McVay, Jr. & Owen J. Flanagan eds. - Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain (2003) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus - Fletcher, Angus - The Topological Imagination (2016) |
| ☐ | Fletcher, Angus - Wonderworks: The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature (2021) |
| ☒ | Forster, E. M. - Aspects of the Novel (1927) |
| ☐ | Frank, Joseph - The Idea of Spatial Form (1991) |
| ☐ | Frey, James N. - How to Write a Damn Good Mystery: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide from Inspiration to Finished Manuscript (2004) |
| ☒ | Frey, James N. - How to Write a Damn Good Novel, Vol. I: A Step-by-Step No Nonsense Guide to Dramatic Storytelling (1987) |
| ☒ | Frey, James N. - How to Write a Damn Good Novel, Vol. II: Advanced Techniques for Dramatic Storytelling (1994) |
| ☒ | Frey, James N. - The Key: How To Write Damn Good Fiction Using The Power Of Myth (1994) |
| ☐ | Gardner, John - On Becoming a Novelist (1983) |
| ☐ | Gardner, John - On Moral Fiction (1983) |
| ☐ | Gardner, John - On Writers and Writing (1994) |
| ☒ | Gardner, John - The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers (1984) |
| ☐ | Gass, William - Fiction and the Figures of Life (1979) |
| ☐ | Gass, William - Finding a Form (1996) |
| ☐ | Gavins, Joanna & Ernestine Lahey eds. - World-Building: Discourse in the Mind (2016) |
| ☐ | George, Elizabeth - Write Away: One Novelist’s Approach to Fiction and the Writing Life (2004) |
| ☐ | Gerrig, Richard J. - Experiencing Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological Activities of Reading (1993) |
| ☐ | Girard, René - Deceit, Desire and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure (1961) |
| ☐ | Goodman, Nelson - Fact, Fiction, and Forecast (1954) |
| ☐ | Goodman, Nelson - Ways of Worldmaking (1978) |
| ☐ | Gottschall, Jonathan - The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human (2012) |
| ☐ | Gottschall, Jonathan & David Sloan Wilson eds. - The Literary Animal: Evolution and the Nature of Narrative (2005) |
| ☐ | Gottschall, Jonathan - The Story Paradox: How Our Love of Storytelling Builds Societies and Tears them Down (2021) |
| ☐ | Groensteen, Thierry & Bart Beaty, Nick Nguyen - The System of Comics (1999) |
| ☐ | Gunn, James E. - The Science of Science Fiction Writing (2000) |
| ☒ | Haycraft, Howard ed. - The Art of the Mystery Story (1946) |
| ☒ | Herman, David ed. - The Cambridge Companion to Narrative (2007) |
| ☐ | Hickson, Timothy - On Writing and Worldbuilding: Vol. I (2019) |
| ☐ | Hickson, Timothy - On Writing and Worldbuilding: Vol. II (2021) |
| ☐ | Highsmith, Patricia - Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction (1966) |
| ☒ | Hogan, Patrick Colm - Affective Narratology: The Emotional Structure of Stories (2011) |
| ☐ | Hogan, Patrick Colm - Beauty and Sublimity: A Cognitive Aesthetics of Literature and the Arts (2015) |
| ☒ | Hogan, Patrick Colm - The Mind and Its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion (2003) |
| ☒ | Holland, Norman N. - Literature and the Brain (2009) |
| ☐ | Iser Wolfgang - The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett (1978) |
| ☐ | Jackson, Bruce - The Story Is True: The Art and Meaning of Telling Stories (2007) |
| ☐ | James, P. D. - Talking About Detective Fiction (2009) |
| ☐ | Janecek, Gerald - The Look of Russian Literature (1984) |
| ☒ | Jauss, David - On Writing Fiction: Rethinking Conventional Wisdom About the Craft (2011) |
| ☐ | Jockers, Matthew L. - Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History (2013) |
| ☐ | Keen, Suzanne - Empathy and the Novel (2007) |
| ☒ | Koch, Stephen - The Modern Library Writer’s Workbook: A Guide to the Craft of Fiction (2003) |
| ☐ | Kermode, Frank - The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction (1967) |
| ☐ | Kundera, Milan - The Art of the Novel (1986) |
| ☐ | Lamarque, Peter & Stein Haugom Olsen - Truth, Fiction, and Literature: A Philosophical Perspective (1994) |
| ☐ | Lamb, Robert Paul - Art Matters: Hemingway, Craft, and the Creation of the Modern Short Story (2010) |
| ☒ | László, János - The Science of Stories: An Introduction to Narrative Psychology (2008) |
| ☒ | Le Guin, Ursula K. - Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navigator or the Mutinous Crew (1998) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction (1979) |
| ☐ | Leech, Geoffrey N. & Mick Short - Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose (1981) |
| ☐ | Lem, Stanislaw - Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy (1984) |
| ☐ | Levine, Caroline - Forms: Whole, Rhythm, Hierarchy, Network (2015) |
| ☐ | Lewes, George Henry - The Principles of Success in Literature (1894) |
| ☐ | Llosa, Mario Vargas - Letters to a Young Novelist (1997) |
| ☒ | Lodge, David - The Art of Fiction (1992) |
| ☐ | Lodge, David - The Practice of Writing (1996) |
| ☐ | Lukács, György - Soul and Form (1910) |
| ☐ | Lukács, György - The Theory of the Novel (1916) |
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| No. 2 | José Ortega y Gasset - “The Nature of the Novel” (1957) |
| No. 3 | Frederick Luis Aldama - “The Science of Storytelling: Perspectives from Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and the Humanities” (2015) |
| No. 4 | Lisa Zunshine - “Theory of Mind and Experimental Representations of Fictional Consciousness” (2003) |
| No. 5 | Hoel, Erik - “Enter the Supersensorium: The Neuroscientific Case for Art in the Age of Netflix” (2019) |
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| XIX. Style & Prose |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Robert Graves & Alan Hodge - The Reader Over Your Shoulder: A Handbook for Writers of English Prose (1914) |
| No. 2 | Francis-Noël Thomas & Mark Turner - Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose (1994) |
| No. 3 | Ward Farnsworth - Farnsworth's Classical English Style (2020) |
| No. 4 | Cleanth Brooks & Robert Penn Warren - Fundamentals of Good Writing: Handbook of Modern Rhetoric (1950) |
| No. 5 | Moran, Joe - First You Write a Sentence.: The Elements of Reading, Writing… and Life (2018) |
◼ Books
| ☒ | Barzun, Jacques - Simple and Direct: A Rhetoric for Writers (1975) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bierce, Ambrose - Write It Right (1909) |
| ☐ | Brohaugh, William - Write Tight: Say Exactly What You Mean with Precision and Power (2007) |
| ☒ | Brooks, Cleanth & Robert Penn Warren - Fundamentals of Good Writing: Handbook of Modern Rhetoric (1950) |
| ☒ | Cheney, Theodore A. Rees - Getting the Words Right (1983) |
| ☐ | Clark, Roy Peter - How to Write Short (2013) |
| ☒ | Clark, Roy Peter - Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer (2006) |
| ☒ | Cook, Claire Kehrwald - Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own Writing (1985) |
| ☒ | Curran, Michael - Sentences (2013) |
| ☐ | Dante - De Vulgaria Eloquentia (1303-1305) |
| ☒ | Doty, Mark - The Art of Description: World into Word (2010) |
| ☒ | Dreyer, Benjamin - Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style (2019) |
| ☒ | Elbow, Peter - Writing with Power: Techniques for Mastering the Writing Process (1981) |
| ☒ | Farnsworth, Ward - Farnsworth's Classical English Style (2020) |
| ☐ | Flesch, Rudolf - The Art of Readable Writing (1949) |
| ☐ | Flesch, Rudolf & A. H. Lass - The Classic Guide to Better Writing: Step-by-Step Techniques and Exercises to Write Simply, Clearly and Correctly (1996) |
| ☐ | Freeman, Jan - Ambrose Bierce’s Write It Right: The Celebrated Cynic’s Language Peeves Deciphered, Appraised, and Annotated for 21st-Century Readers (1909) |
| ☒ | Gowers, Ernest A. - Plain Words (19480 |
| ☒ | Graves, Robert & Alan Hodge - The Reader Over Your Shoulder: A Handbook for Writers of English Prose (1914) |
| ☒ | Hale, William Bayard - The Story of a Style (1920) |
| ☒ | Hart, Jack - A Writer’s Coach: An Editor’s Guide to Words That Work (2006) |
| ☐ | Hart, Jack - Wordcraft: The Complete Guide to Clear, Powerful Writing (20210 |
| ☒ | Johnson, Edward D. - The Handbook of Good English: A Comprehensive, Easy-to-Use Guide to Modern Grammar, Punctuation, Usage, and Style (1983) |
| ☒ | Kidder, Tracy & Richard Todd - Good Prose: The Art of Nonfiction (2013) |
| ☐ | Lanham, Richard A. - Analysing Prose (1983) |
| ☐ | Lasch, Christopher - Plain Style: A Guide to Written English (2002) |
| ☒ | Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination (2004) |
| ☐ | Leonard, Elmore - 10 Rules of Writing (2006) |
| ☒ | Lopate, Phillip - To Show and to Tell: The Craft of Literary Nonfiction (2013) |
| ☐ | Maggio, Rosalie - How to Say It: Choice Words, Phrases, Sentences and Paragraphs for Every Situations (1990) |
| ☒ | McCloskey, Donald - Economical Writing (1999) |
| ☐ | Miles, Robert, Marc Bertonasco & William Karns- Prose Style: A Contemporary Guide (1990) |
| ☒ | Moran, Joe - First You Write a Sentence.: The Elements of Reading, Writing… and Life (2018) |
| ☒ | Morley, David ed. - The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing (2007) |
| ☒ | Orwell, George - Why I Write (1946) |
| ☒ | Pinker, Steven - The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (2014) |
| ☒ | Plotnik, Arthur - Spunk & Bite: A Writer’s Guide to Bold, Contemporary Style (2005) |
| ☒ | Pyne, Stephen J. - Voice and Vision: A Guide to Writing History and Other Serious Nonfiction (2009) |
| ☐ | Quiller-Couch, Arthur - On the Art of Writing (1916) |
| ☒ | Read, Herbert - English Prose Style (1931) |
| ☒ | Spencer, Herbert - The Philosophy of Style (1852) |
| ☒ | Stein, Gertrude - Narration: Four Lectures (1935) |
| ☐ | Stevenson, Robert Louis - Essays in the Art of Writing (19050 |
| ☒ | Strunk Jr., William & E. B. White - The Elements of Style (1918) |
| ☒ | Sword, Helen - The Writer’s Diet (2007) |
| ☒ | Thomas, Francis-Noël & Mark Turner - Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose (1994) |
| ☒ | Trimble, John R. - Writing with Style: Conversations on the Art of Writing (1975) |
| ☐ | Twain, Mark - Mark My Words: Mark Twain on Writing (1996) |
| ☒ | Wilbers, Stephen - Keys to Great Writing (2000) |
| ☒ | Williams, Joseph M. - Style: Toward Clarity and Grace (1981) |
| ☒ | Yagoda, Ben - How to Not Write Bad: The Most Common Writing Problems and the Best Ways to Avoid Them (2013) |
| ☒ | Yagoda, Ben - The Sound on the Page: Great Writers Talk about Style and Voice in Writing (2004) |
| ☒ | Yagoda, Ben - When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It: The Parts of Speech, for Better And/Or Worse (2007) |
| ☒ | Zinsser, William - On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction (1976) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Walt Whitman - “Advice to the State Scholars” (1888) |
| No. 2 | Nelson Goodman - “The Status of Style” (1975) |
| No. 3 | Charles Altieri - “Style as the Man: What Wittgenstein Offers for Speculating on Expressive Activity” (1987) |
| No. 4 | Joseph M. Williams & Rosemary L. Hake - “Style and Its Consequences: Do as I Do, Not as I Say” (1981) |
| No. 5 | Janson, H. W. - “The Soul of Wit” (1981) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Ackerman, James S. - “A Theory of Style” (1962) |
| ☐ | Allen, James Sloan - “Nietzsche and Wilde: An Ethics of Style” (2006) |
| ☒ | Altieri, Charles - “Style as the Man: What Wittgenstein Offers for Speculating on Expressive Activity” (1987) |
| ☐ | Anstey, Alexander - “Writing Style: Abstract Thoughts” (2014) |
| ☐ | Arnheim, Rudolf - “Style as a Gestalt Problem” (1981) |
| ☐ | Babbiotti, Paolo - “Compression: Nietzsche, Williams, and the Problem of Style” (2021) |
| ☐ | Burke, Michael - “The Rhetorical Neuroscience of Style: On the Primacy of Style Elements During Literary Discourse Processing” (2022) |
| ☐ | Butler, Paul - “Reconsidering the Teaching of Style” (2011) |
| ☐ | Chen, Kuohsiang & Charles L. Owen - “Form Language and Style Description” (1997) |
| ☐ | D’Amico, John F. - “The Progress of Renaissance Latin Prose: The Case of Apuleianism” (1984) |
| ☐ | Dowhower, Sarah L. - “Speaking of Prosody: Fluency’s Unattended Bedfellow” (1991) |
| ☐ | Elbow, Peter - “Voice in Writing Again: Embracing Contrarieties” (2007) |
| ☐ | Flesch, Rudolf - “Measuring the Level of Abstraction” (1950) |
| ☒ | Goodman, Nelson - “The Status of Style” (1975) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Goodstein, Elizabeth - “Style as Substance: George Simmel’s Phenomenology of Culture” (2002) |
| ☐ | Hayot, Eric & Edward Wesp - “Style: Strategy and Mimesis in Ergodic Literature” (2004) |
| ☐ | Heitsch, Dorothea B. - “Nietzsche and Montaigne: Concepts of Style” (1999) |
| ☒ | Jakobson, Roman - “Grammatical Parallelism and Its Russian Facet” (1966) |
| ☒ | Jakobson, Roman - “Linguistics and Poetics” (1960) |
| ☒ | Janson, H. W. - “The Soul of Wit” (1981) |
| ☐ | Jungmann, Milan - “Kafka and Contemporary Czech Prose” (1970) |
| ☐ | Kingsbury, Paul - “Unearthing Nietzsche’s Bomb: Nuance, Explosiveness, Aesthetics” (2010) |
| ☐ | Levin, Harry - “Reflections on the Style of Ernest Hemingway” (1951) |
| ☐ | Marroquín, Andrés & Julio H. Cole - “Economical Writing (or, ‘Think Hemingway’)” (2015) |
| ☐ | McCormack, Derek P. - “A Paper with an Interest in Rhythm” (2002) |
| ☐ | Meyer, Bonnie J. F. - “Prose Analysis: Purposes, Procedures, and Problems” (2017) |
| ☒ | Ong, Walter J. - “The Writer's Audience Is Always a Fiction” (1975) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Robinson, Jennifer M. - “Style and Personality in the Literary Work” (1985) |
| ☐ | Sauerländer, Willibald - “From Stilus to Style: Reflections on the Fate of a Notion” (1983) |
| ☒ | Whitman, Walt - “Advice to the State Scholars” (1888) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Williams, Joseph M. & Rosemary L. Hake - “Style and Its Consequences: Do as I Do, Not as I Say” (1981) |
| XX. Syntax & Grammar |
◼ Five of the Greatest Books
| No. 1 | Virginia Tufte - Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style (2006) |
| No. 2 | Stanley Fish - How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One (2011) |
| No. 3 | Marie L. Waddell, Robert M. Esch & Roberta R. Walker - The Art of Styling Sentences: 20 Patterns for Success (1972) |
| No. 4 | Brooks Landon - Building Great Sentences: How to Write the Kinds of Sentences You Love to Read (2013) |
| No. 5 | Baig, Barbara - Spellbinding Sentences: A Writer’s Guide to Achieving Excellence and Captivating Readers (2015) |
◼ Books
| ☐ | Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. - The Art of Grammar: A Practical Guide (2014) |
| ☒ | Anderson, Jeff - Mechanically Inclined: Building Grammar, Usage, and Style Into Writer’s Workshop (2005) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Bacon, Nora - The Well-Crafted Sentence: A Writer’s Guide to Style (2008) |
| ☒ | Baig, Barbara - Spellbinding Sentences: A Writer’s Guide to Achieving Excellence and Captivating Readers (2015) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Baker, Mark C. - The Atoms of Language: The Mind’s Hidden Rules of Grammar (2001) |
| ☐ | Bybee, Joan, Revere Perkins & William Pagliuca - The Evolution of Grammar: Tense, Aspect, and Modality in the Languages of the World (1994) |
| ☒ | Casagrande, June - It Was The Best Of Sentences, It Was The Worst Of Sentences: A Writer’s Guide To Crafting Killer Sentences (2010) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Casagrande, June - The Joy of Syntax: A Simple Guide to All the Grammar You Know You Should Know (2018) |
| ☐ | Clark, Roy Peter - The Glamour of Grammar: A Guide to the Magic and Mystery of Practical English (2010) |
| ☐ | DeVere Brody, Jennifer - Punctuation: Art, Politics, and Play (2008) |
| ☒ | Fish, Stanley - How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One (2011) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Gordon, Karen Elizabeth - The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: The Ultimate Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed (1984) |
| ☒ | Gordon, Karen Elizabeth - The New Well-Tempered Sentence: A Punctuation Handbook for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed (1983) |
| ☒ | Hale, Constance - Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose (1999) |
| ☐ | Houston, Keith - Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols and Other Typographical Marks (2013) |
| ☐ | Jespersen, Otto - The Philosophy of Grammar (1924) |
| ☐ | Kantor, J. R. - An Objective Psychology of Grammar (1936) |
| ☒ | Kimes, Joanne - Grammar Sucks: What to Do to Make Your Writing Much More Better (2007) |
| ☒ | Landon, Brooks - Building Great Sentences: How to Write the Kinds of Sentences You Love to Read (2013) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Leith, Sam - Write to the Point How to be Clear, Correct and Persuasive on the Page (2017) |
| ☐ | Shertzer, Margaret D. - The Elements of Grammar (1986) |
| ☒ | Tufte, Virginia - Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style (2006) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Tufte, Virginia - Grammar as Style (1971) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Voigt, Ellen Bryant - The Art of Syntax: Rhythm of Thought, Rhythm of Song (2009) |
| ☒ | Waddell, Marie L., Robert M. Esch & Roberta R. Walker - The Art of Styling Sentences: 20 Patterns for Success (1972) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Watson, Cecelia - Semicolon: The Past, Present, and Future of a Misunderstood Mark (2019) |
◼ Five of the Greatest Articles
| No. 1 | Francis Christensen - “A Generative Rhetoric of the Paragraph” (1965) |
| No. 2 | J. Kathryn Bock - “Toward a Cognitive Psychology of Syntax: Information Processing Contributions to Sentence Formulation” (1982) |
| No. 3 | Wallace Chafe - “Punctuation and the Prosody of Written Language” (1988) |
| No. 4 | Winfried Menninghaus, Valentin Wagner, Eugen Wassiliwizky, Thomas Jacobsen & Christine A. Knoop - “The Emotional and Aesthetic Powers of Parallelistic Diction” (2017) |
| No. 5 | R. W. Short - “The Sentence Structure of Henry James” (1946) |
◼ Articles
| ☐ | Antonopoulou, Eleni, Kiki Nikiforidou & Villy Tsakona- “Construction Grammar and Discoursal Incongruity” (2015) |
| ☒ | Bock, J. Kathryn - “Meaning, Sound, and Syntax: Lexical Priming in Sentence Production” (1986) |
| ☒ | Bock, J. Kathryn - “Toward a Cognitive Psychology of Syntax: Information Processing Contributions to Sentence Formulation” (1982) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Chafe, Wallace - “Punctuation and the Prosody of Written Language” (1988) | ∞ |
| ☒ | Christensen, Francis - “A Generative Rhetoric of the Paragraph” (1965) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Christianson, Kiel, Andrew Hollingworth, John F. Halliwell & Fernanda Ferreira - “Thematic Roles Assigned Along the Garden Path Linger” (2001) |
| ☐ | Deacon, Terrence W. - “Universal Grammar and Semiotic Constraints” (2003) |
| ☒ | Duncan, Mike - “Whatever Happened to the Paragraph?” (2007) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Ferreira, Fernanda - “The Misinterpretation of Noncanonical Sentences” (2003) |
| ☐ | Ferreira, Fernanda, Karl G. D. Bailey & Vittoria Ferraro- “Good-Enough Representations in Language Comprehension” (2002) |
| ☐ | Fodor, Janet Dean - “Comprehending Sentence Structure” (1995) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Guilford, Joy Paul - “The Structure of Intellect” (1956) |
| ☐ | Hunt, H. J. - “Logic and Linguistics. Diderot as 'Grammairien-Philosophe” (1979) |
| ☐ | Jespersen, Otto - “The Teaching of Grammar” (1924) |
| ☐ | Lambek, Joachim - “The Mathematics of Sentence Structure” (1958) |
| ☐ | Langer, Susanne K. - “A Logical Study of Verbs” (1927) |
| ☐ | Liberman, A. M. - “The Grammars of Speech and Language” (1970) |
| ☐ | Maloney, Karen Blase & B. L. Hopkins - “The Modification of Sentence Structure and Its Relationship to Subjective Judgements of Creativity in Writing” (1973) |
| ☐ | Mandler, Jean M. & George Mandler - “Serial Position Effects in Sentences” (1964) |
| ☒ | Menninghaus, Winfried, Valentin Wagner, Eugen Wassiliwizky, Thomas Jacobsen & Christine A. Knoop - “The Emotional and Aesthetic Powers of Parallelistic Diction” (2017) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Miller, George A. - “Some Psychological Studies of Grammar” (1962) |
| ☐ | Pritchett, Bradley L. - “Garden Path Phenomena and the Grammatical Basis of Language Processing” (1988) |
| ☐ | Schoenfeld, W. N. - “J. R. Kantor’s Objective Psychology of Grammar and Psychology and Logic: A Retrospective Appreciation” (1969) |
| ☐ | Short, R. W. - “The Sentence Structure of Henry James” (1946) | ∞ |
| ☐ | Stich, Stephen P. - “Grammar, Psychology, and Indeterminacy” (1972) |
| ☒ | Vigliocco, Gabriella & Robert J. Hartsuiker - “The Interplay of Meaning, Sound and Syntax in Sentence Production” (2002) |
| ☐ | Weaver, Constance et al. - “Grammar Intertwined Throughout the Writing Process: An ‘Inch Wide and a Mile Deep’” (2006) |
| ☐ | Williams, Joseph M. - “Synaesthetic Adjectives: A Possible Law of Semantic Change” (1976)
This is awesome, Dylan. Some suggestions:
"The Reader over Your Shoulder: A Handbook for Writers of English Prose" by Robert Graves and Alan Hodge. Makes a moral case for clarity of expression. Wish I'd read it decades ago.
"Frank Sinatra Has a Cold," by Gay Talese. Gorgeous piece of nonfiction writing.
Anything by Mencken. That guy knew how to write a goddamn sentence.
Someday this will be a tremendously large and useful list, or maybe even a community. And I want to get in early with the first participatory comment and say: The Craft of Research by Booth is an excellent book. Super useful, written in a clear style that isn't too conversational. It is written in a way that an advanced high schooler could understand it, but I'm a decade into my academic career and still use/reference it regularly. I use it to teach an undergraduate research course. Beyond all this, it makes perhaps the best argument for "pure research" I've ever heard--in I think, chapter 3? Of the fifth edition? It outlines the difference between applied and pure research and gives a much needed full-chested celebration of how pure research is the one of the most intellectually rewarding activities any of us can engage in. I talk about it in issue nine of my newsletter: